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Marzia Caldirola

My passion for nature and the innate intelligence of the body has led me to become a complementary therapy practitioner. Using different techniques allows me to suit your individual needs and address physical and mental issues looking at the body and mind as a whole. I look for emotional, physical and environmental influences in order to address the underlying cause of conditions and symptoms.
Applied kinesiology
Nutritional Therapy
About Marzia Caldirola

My passion for nature and the innate intelligence of the body has led me to become a complementary therapy practitioner.
Using different techniques allows me to suit your individual needs and address physical and mental issues looking at the body and mind as a whole. I look for emotional, physical and environmental influences in order to address the underlying cause of conditions and symptoms.

On Core Spirit since June 2020
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Marzia Caldirola
Lower back pain and kinesoilogy.

Low back pain is a common disorder, affecting around one-third of the UK adult population each year. It is mostly looked at as a structural only problem and treated with bones and muscles manipulation techniques.

What is the root cause of back pain?

Systematic Kinesiology looks at lower back pain in a holistic way, checking for the structural, nutritional, emotional and energetic aspects that are causing the symptom. On this premises, lower back pain is often found to be caused by intestinal imbalances. Less often however still unexpected, it is at times caused by bladder or uterine prolapse.

No wonder many people are unable to get lower back pain fixed on the long term with manipulation of muscles or spine and energetic only techniques.

How is back pain linked to the intestines?

When the digestive tract is stressed things generally start to tense and tighten. This can be caused by mental and emotional stress and/or bad diet and nutrient deficiencies. The ligaments and connective tissue which hold the bowel in place and are connected to other organs like the pelvic wall start to tighten and cause pain. These particular ligaments and connective tissue have a significant effect on the stability of the pelvis and lower lumbar area.

In Systematic Kinesiology we address intestinal imbalances looking for the related muscles weakness and for ICV (Ileocecal Valve) involvement. The Ileocecal valve is on the bottom right quadrant of the abdomen and it separates the small from the large intestine. It is a neurologically controlled valve and when malfunctioning it causes toxicity primarily in the intestines, with the toxins leaking out and causing inflammation in the rest of the body if not treated. The ICV also works together with the Valves of Houston, located in the bottom left quadrant of the abdomen. If one is malfunctioning, the other one is affected too. Both valves are very stress and emotionally sensitive.

In a similar way bladder or uterine prolapse can cause discomfort or a pulling sensation in the lower back and/or lower abdomen area. Sometimes clients suffer with the symptoms and are unaware of the prolapse. With Systematic Kinesiology testing we can check to find where the root cause of the symptoms are.

Marzia Caldirola
Depression as a symptom. Find and address the root cause.

Stress, anxiety and depression are on the increase. In England more and more people report experiencing a common mental health problem (such as anxiety and depression) in any given week.

While most people prefer to resort to conventional medicine for alleviating symptoms of stress and anxiety, there are many who choose to take the less trodden path of availing alternative medicine or therapies that are known to cure a person holistically. Under this umbrella stress, depression and anxiety are looked at as emotional and behavioural symptoms as much as chemical imbalances.

Links between the central nervous system and the trillions of bacteria in the gut — the microbiota — are now a major focus of research, public interest and press coverage. Researchers know that the gut microbiota can produce or stimulate the production of neurotransmitters and neuro-active compounds, such as serotonin (the “happy hormone”), GABA (a calming hormone) and dopamine, and that these compounds can modulate bacterial growth. This connection is called the gut-brain axis and suggests that digestion and hormonal balance can potentially play a key role in how we react to stress and see the world and ourselves.

With my therapies I can help you balance the nervous system and body’s chemistry to reduce stress internally, looking at the endocrine and digestive systems together with the emotional aspects as a possible cause of the imbalance. I will work with you to understand your specific anxiety and where it stems from creating a relationship of cause and effect. Since the body is looked at as a unified whole, adjustments made in the body and its chemistry can equally affect the mind. My goal is to find what your body needs so that you can return to emotional balance using natural therapy, food and supplements instead of drugs. Emotional Stress Release techniques are used to help address negative emotions and reprogram the brain towards a more positive outlook.

Marzia Caldirola
Stomach acid. Too much or too little?

Most people attributes their digestive troubles or hormone imbalances to high stomach acid. Low stomach acid is rarely considered to be an issue and antacids are available to buy off the shelves for any type of digestive related complains. The reality is that symptoms of low stomach acid are often confused with those of high stomach acid, and the consequences of such confusion can be detrimental.

Stomach acid is extremely important for digestion and elimination of the harmful bacteria. Each step of digestion leads to and influences the next. When we neutralise stomach acid, the domino effect is thrown off. Without adequate gastric acid many vitamins, minerals and proteins cannot be absorbed.

Acid suppressant medications remove the heartburn and reflux sensations, relieving the pain. However, the same symptoms are actually caused by too little stomach acid. Until you remove the problem of low stomach acid, acid suppressant drugs are only masking your symptoms and in the long term will make matters worse, removing the already little acid available in your stomach for processing food.

You might think that as long as the antacids relieve the pain, who cares?…

It isn’t that simple. Low stomach acid is the culprit of a large number of symptoms such as gas, bloating, bad breath, cravings and even anxiety.

In fact, most negative symptoms you can think of can actually be traced back to low stomach acid:






Leaky gut


Bad breath


Hormone imbalances

Thyroid dysfunction

Excessive fullness after meals

Acid reflux

Aversion to eating breakfast

Bread and pasta cravings

Bacterial and fungal overgrowth

And more….

Some common causes of low stomach acid can be:


Antacid medication use (current or past)

Chronic overeating

Consumption of refined sugar and refined foods


Constant snacking in between meals

Excess alcohol consumption

Eating disorders (past or present)

Nutrient deficiencies

Chewing your food thoroughly and eat in a relaxed environment can help ease the symptoms. Eating in a stressful situation shuts down digestion and production of stomach acid: your body is busy coping with the fight or flight response!

With my therapies we can find out if you have any stomach acid imbalance and address it with the correct supplementation and treatment.

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New article Lower back pain and kinesoilogy. already available! Read it now

New article Depression as a symptom. Find and address the root cause. already available! Read it now

New article Stomach acid. Too much or too little? already available! Read it now