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Nathalie Sansonetti

Hello! Do you want a truly holistic approach to help you get rid of the root causes of your health issues for good, while helping you to establish some great habits you'll enjoy? If so, I'm YOUR Nutritional Therapist, Health Coach, EFT Practitioner and mentor! Use my 12 years+ experience to heal your gut, regain your love of food, shine and find joy again.
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Emotional Freedom Technique
About Nathalie Sansonetti

Hello! Do you want a truly holistic approach to help you get rid of the root causes of your health issues for good, while helping you to establish some great habits you'll enjoy?
If so, I'm YOUR Nutritional Therapist, Health Coach, EFT Practitioner and mentor!
Use my 12 years+ experience to heal your gut, regain your love of food, shine and find joy again.

15 years of practice
On Core Spirit since June 2021
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Nathalie Sansonetti
Have You Heard Of The Mozart Effect?


Research carried out on children’s cognitive abilities indicated that there were some improvements while they listened to Mozart’s music. It was also found to help epileptic and Alzheimer patients.

This kind of research highlights the impact of our environment on our biology and health.

To be more precise, the ‘absorption’ and ‘digestion’ of our environment have a very powerful – albeit often ignored – effect on our physical wellbeing.

More fascinating research

Similarly, Dr Emoto’s work on water (and food) showed how the power of words, and sounds (‘vibrations’), can literally transform the physical appearance of water particles. In another one of his famous experiment, bowls of rice that were shouted at and abused: rotted, while an identical bowl that received words of praise and love: sprouted.

How is this relevant to healing?

As I grow and learn through the years – helping people to improve their health, I am more and more aware that most if not all diseases are manifestations of our (internal and external) environments, how we perceive it (through our senses – ie music, praise), and what we do with these perceptions (what thoughts and beliefs we form).

I have seen over time how even my most desperately ill clients could turn their health around once they were able (and willing) to release the emotional, mental and often spiritual blocks that kept them stuck.

We’re only at the tip of the iceberg of knowledge about the mind-body connection and I am so excited to learn and put it all into practice with my clients.

Would you like to explore how your mind/beliefs/thoughts may be contributing to your health ‘condition’ and how to release and let go?

Harriet Hall (November 2007). “Masaru Emoto’s Wonderful World of Water”. Skeptical Inquirer.

“Masaru Emoto” (in German). Koha Verlag. Retrieved 20 October 2014.

Hughes JR, Daaboul Y, Fino JJ, et al. The Mozart effect on epileptiform activity. Clin Electroencephalogr 1998;29: 109-19 [PubMed]

Nakamura S, Sadato N, Oohashi T, et al. Analysis of music-brain interaction with simultaneous measurement of regional blood flow and electroencephalogram beta rhythm in human subjects. Neurosci Lett 1999;275: 222-6 [PubMed] [Google Scholar]


Nathalie Sansonetti
The Old Lady and The Sweets

A few years ago, an older lady (let’s call her ‘Mary’) came to me for nutritional help. Mary was very cross with herself and showed me her handbag that was literally overflowing with packets of sweets and chocolates: “I used to carry bottles of vodka and now this!”

She had gone from alcohol addiction to hooked on sugar, which caused her health to rapidly decline.

Have you been experiencing this?

I work with a lot of people with mild to severe alcohol addictions that often turn to sugar addiction when they become sober.

The reason being that it’s not just the alcohol that people are addicted to in the drink, it’s also the sugar.

And if you ate a high sugar or carbohydrate diet in your early years, you’re more likely to then suffer from other addictions, especially alcohol.

So you’d be right in thinking ‘surely sugar is better than alcohol??” – Except that for an ‘addict’, sugar overeating is a trigger to low blood sugar, which will make you more likely to go back to drinking (and even other addictions).

And sugar itself may also lead to many health problems – some, like diabetes and obesity, often life-threatening.

Is sugar really that bad?

Not all sugar! Your brain and most systems in your body need some sugar to function. This sugar will turn to glucose in the blood, keeping your body balanced. But when the glucose balance gets disturbed, being too high (hyperglycaemia) or too low (hypoglycaemia) is when trouble happens. You may get (among many other symptoms): fatigue, irritability, headaches, memory loss, panic attacks and depression.

Where it all goes wrong

Every time you consume sugar/carbs/alcohol, your pancreas produces insulin to lower the levels of glucose in the blood as high blood sugar (hyperglycaemia) will create disease (ie diabetes).

The more you consume these, the more insulin increases. After years of overeating sugar/drinking alcohol, even the slightest rise in blood sugar will trigger an over-production of insulin, which will cause your blood sugar to drop far too low, causing hypoglycaemia, with its associated symptoms.

The reflex when you feel tired/unwell as a result of hypo, is to consume more sugar/alcohol, which will then raise insulin and lower blood sugar again, causing fatigue, irritability, etc. You are officially on the sugar roller-coaster.

How to get off the roller-coaster

Here are some simple essential principles to help you balance your blood sugar and avoid the sugar/alcohol cravings:

  • Eat no sugar (refined, unrefined, brown white – it’s all sugar). No chocolates, cakes, pastries, white bread, white pasta, rice, soft drinks, alcohol etc.
  • Eat some protein within an hour of waking (eggs, nuts and seeds, protein powders, fish, etc)
  • Eat little and often – have 5 to 6 little meals/snacks a day. Every 3 hours at most
  • Have some (varied) protein at each little meal/snack. Do not eat animal protein all day (once a day is more than enough). Include nuts, seeds, nut butters, tofu, eggs, pulses, houmous, quinoa, tempeh etc
  • Eat some good fats with your protein to help absorb and digest it.
  • Sugar ‘allowed’: starchy vegetables (no white potatoes), fruit (not dried), smoothies with whole fruit, wholegrains.

Following these ‘rules’, Mary’s blood sugar quickly stabilised and she lost all sugar/alcohol cravings within a few weeks. She continues to eat this way as she knows she is ‘susceptible’ to relapse.

So if you tend to often find yourself on the roller-coaster, if you battle with cravings and know that they may lead you to go back to drinking, these ‘rules’ should become your go-to. Try for at least 4 weeks and note how you feel.

You may even find that your brain fog lifts, your energy rises and some unwanted weight drops without reducing calories or going on a diet.


‘Low Blood Sugar’, Martin L. Budd

“The diagnosis and treatment of hyperinsulinism’, Ann.Intern.Med., Seale Harris

‘Metabolism’, Vol.4, M. Fabrykant

“Hypoglycaemia – the classic healthcare handbook” Jeraldine Saunders and Dr Harvey M.Ross

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