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"Deja-Vu Experience"

Feb 28, 2023
Core Spirit member since Feb 24, 2023
Reading time 4 min.

We have all had a sense of being in place before, or when meeting someone you have a deep sense or feeling you have known or seen them previously, maybe in another time or era. Conversations, similar thoughts, the same dreams all flow from your soul. This is what science cannot truly define or even understand. Deja-vu is one of those divine senses, just like love is, which is one of many facets we all possess within our soul, if we can remove this cloud of doubt that surrounds so much of our thinking. I believe your soul is a spark of light made of pure love and energy, that continues to live when you leave your physical body, so the word death is a fallacy conceived by many.

In 1963 my gift of art, as I believe with my psychic gift too, was beginning to grow and expand in many ways, although I still knew very little about the bigger meaning. I was approaching 18 yrs of age and my weekends saw me just wanting to paint, as I was then renting unused rooms at an old Conservative club. I can only explain as I do many times, this enlightened energy just appears as though metaphorically like a red mist. I was given to see what I believed were chained naked slaves, where I felt I was one of this group to be auctioned. The details of this story that then filled my mind which I could clearly see was full of certain horrors, which I could have gone far deeper and made an unusual story to read. While drawing this scene I really felt I was entering a world I’d previously lived in. As you will read a silver thread is attached to all we think and do. This deja-vu feeling occurred later in that year of November, but this time as I look back now I can still remember this particular period as though it was only months away. I saw myself in an area of the Middle East seeing a white flat roofed building with a background of blue sky and sunshine, seeing many vases of beautiful red flowers. This scene gave me a truly beautiful feeling with love in the air, as I can still see and feel the many people going about their day. I was given to believe then, this was an area and era that was in the time of Jesus, as I could sense this feeling Jesus was known and loved by many in this vicinity. I could visualise a particular lady, so I began by creating the image of this lady with pastel colours, which I seemed to do with ease. I even felt I had the spiritual presence of Raphael the great Renaissance artist with me, maybe that’s why is it seemed to appear so quickly and looking so beautiful. Memories brought a love feeling with this lady who seemed to need help. With this metaphorical mist and enlightened energy, I was given her name of being LYDIA.

  I do believe, there is a silver metaphorical thread attached to everyone, where unknowingly we have walked a similar path before. Since 2006 I continued with this circle of friends in my own home, where sometimes as many as thirteen would appear, each Wednesday evening. In 2009 two sisters joined the group, where they believed they wanted to know more from what others were saying. I saw them as two very close sisters, both being spiritual people as they fitted comfortably into the same vibration as others in the group. Being spiritual in my book is someone who finds it easy to give, meaning if you can make someone smile, give help to a person struggling, or giving beautiful thoughts to make a better day. All these facets you have in life constitutes to give love, for when you make a fuss to any child or animal that’s called love. I said to one of the sisters one evening after a 15 minute period of meditation, I’ve been given to tell you to try and get hold of a copy of the book 

“The Robe”. I then said when you have read this story, there is a part or a person you will find yourself drawn to. I had not read the book. Three months later she said she had read the book, and I asked that former question, “ Was there a person or a place you was drawn to?” She said yes, the woman LYDIA. I was surprised, for then I remembered this painting
I’d done all those years before where I was given that name. Even today any message I give to anyone, I still get a good feeling of total disbelief. I’m not given to believe that I can just press a button. I’m only given to believe it is to help someone.

  I will now tell the story of the other sister who one night visited me with her private problems. She went onto say that she had always felt in previous lives she had been in service to others. Then she said, these words sounding depressed, I’VE ALWAYS BEING IN CHAINS. Hearing this was like receiving a bolt of lighting, for I was brought to think of this drawing I’d made all those years ago. I still had possession of this drawing which was really a vision, as this picture seemed to travel with me every time I moved home. Now looking at the drawing, and not ever having a thought I’d drawn such a lady. I was staggered to see how the lady here this evening resembled the lady now having a coffee in my kitchen. Her present hair style and features resembled this lady I knew from centuries ago. When I showed her the drawing, and pointed out what she had just said about herself being in chains, she seemed to have seen a ghost. I did later give her a photocopy but she could not bear to look at it. I have to believe that our souls do realign at times for different particular reasons. Maybe she was meant to visit me to find her new direction in life, as she is now happily remarried. I remember the first time she met me in a small spiritual church, as I was giving the clairvoyance that evening. She wanted to buy a Madonna print, then she said, “I knew I had to make my way to this church tonight, although never being here before.” Then standing away from her then partner she said, “It’s strange. I’ve not seen you before, but I felt straight away when hearing your voice, I’ve heard it many times before.”
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