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How do we know that our thought are not being manipulated?

Feb 2, 2022

Are our thoughts really free? So many manipulations have been put over us. In reality, we are divine beings without thoughts and negative feelings. Our mind often tends to occupy us with useless, misleading, negative thoughts. How often are we stuck in the past because our mind tells us a deceitful story. How much misery do we endure because of all our negative thoughts?

Now is the time to break free from all those negativity. And be truly free. Through the Blueprint, an energetic protective cover is placed over you and it becomes calmer in your mind. You are protected from low vibrating foreign influences. And you can finally start to live your own life, because a part of your own Soul Book is opened up.

The blueprint is also an accelerator in one's own life. Everything that is in one's own Akashic Chronicle happens much faster! Through the blueprint one is protected from cellphone radiation, atomic rays, WLAN and mind-control. Through the blueprint divine order comes into one's own life! A cleansing happens in one's life. Everything that no longer serves one may now go. So space is made for the new.

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Distance Healing
Ruth Svakataly Daugherty
May 23, 2024, 09:00
Perfect Soul DNA Code for humanity

This code brings the human cell back to perfection and helps our body to become strong and healthy again so that you can live your life to the fullest. Positive results are possible in the case of diabetes or heart problems. The code is also helpful for eye and ear problems. For this, the activated code is written on the insulin pack, heart medication, glasses or hearing aids. The soul DNA code supports the body to remember how it is to be healthy again.

Please have a pen ready if you wish to write the code on your medications, supplements, insulin pack, heart medication, glasses or hearing aids. Then I will activate the code and this will support the healing of your body.

I look forward to working with you and see you blossom on all levels!

By registered users: 12
Distance Healing
Ruth Svakataly Daugherty
May 23, 2024, 09:00
Anchoring of the war-free DNA

By having the war-free DNA activated it will become much easier for you to live a war-free life.This is the victory over war on all levels. It will bring happiness and lightness into your life. A lot of oppression is released that was anchored through all past wars in our DNA. Through this you will experience so much peace and stillness in your life. The violence around you will become less and less. The healing of war experiences can be supported by this activation in an energetic way. All the wars have frozen us and made us cold. This will be released. You will become alive again! And it will become easier for you to live your life to the fullest.

You can hang this code also in your closets, so that all the suffering, oppression from the fashion industry is released from your clothes. Please have as many pieces of papers as you have closets and a pen ready and I will activate the code for your closets.

I look forward to woking with you and seeing you blossom!

By registered users: 17
Distance Healing
Ruth Svakataly Daugherty
May 23, 2024, 09:00
Soul DNA code for the Oronos® soul group

This code is especially for the Oronos® soul group, which brings a very great protection to you. The Oronos® soul group consits of 333.333.333 people who are spread out all over the world. They are healers, helpers, teachers and builders of the new world. This code was activated in 2000 for the Oronos® soul group by the 1000 ascended masters. The ascended masters are here to assists us during these challenging times so we can enter the golden age together. When I activate this code for you vitality and infinite friends will enter your life.

By registered users: 14
Distance Healing
Ruth Svakataly Daugherty
May 23, 2024, 09:00
Activation of the neurotransmitter free DNA

Some messenger substances distract us in life, they make us remember certain things again and again, e.g. situations from childhood where one had the scent of a fabric softener and felt it with fresh, soft laundry. Then a neurotransmitter is released when this scent is smelled again in other situations and at other times, because that is how we were programmed in our childhood. With that, you can also reactivate and program many things. And there are also negative experiences and things where the messenger substances are released again. For example, if you were abandoned and you hear a certain music again that had connected you, then emotions of sadness, of pain, of hatred, of anger can be released that were related to the situation from before. These low vibrational emotions have often been programmed throughout our lives to keep us low, to distract us. However, we came to earth as pure beings, without this programming. Most messengers have already been programmed in childhood.

For example if we were once in love and got dumped, and then you think back decades on how beautiful that was. But in reality it is again just a distraction or a blinding. This activation supports the independence of the messenger substances. Messenger substances are childhood memories, war, birth experiences and other negative memories. That you can live your life from his freedom, liveliness, truthfulness. You will be free from this messenger energy. Through this code the brain is supported in producing only new messenger substances, which are important for the hormones. This code makes you very calm in your brain. It brings back so much vastness and dignity into your life.

I look forward to working with you and see you blossom!

By registered users: 11