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Protein Overnight Oats

Jun 6, 2021
Reading time 3 min.

Protein Overnight Oats

We all know that oats are really good for you and are a slow releasing carbohydrate. We also know that protein is great food muscle repair. This is a great summer recipe, really tasty and good for you.

Carbohydrates are the energy blocks from your food. They contain good sugars which help to fuel your body for everyday activities. They help with brain function and the main central nervous system (sending nerves throughout your body). Carbohydrates can also help protect against diseases such as cancer.

Not all carbohydrates are good ones. You are aiming to go for non-processed types with no refined sugars, for example, wholemeal bread, whole-wheat pasta, noodles, and rice. These are better than the white varieties as they will not lead to a spike in blood sugar concentration (insulin spike). Whole-wheat foods release this sugar (and, therefore, insulin) slowly, so your body has time to use it in the correct way. Also, aim to eat beans and fibre rich vegetables, including carrots, beets, broccoli, artichokes, and sweet potatoes.

Fibre is a type of carbohydrate that the body can't digest. Though most carbohydrates are broken down into sugar, fibre cannot be broken down into sugar, and instead it passes through the body undigested. Fibre helps regulate the body's use of sugars, helping to keep hunger and blood sugar in check.
Different fruits have high fibre content in them. For example, apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries, and some exotic fruits. All these are a great source of good fibre.

Protein is amazing for muscle repair, not just for gym bunnies but in everyday life. It is part of every cell, every tissue and organ in the body. It also helps to produce hormones. Protein helps with the building of antibodies to help prevent and fight disease.

Proteins come in the form of amino acids and the body needs 20 of them to stay healthy. They are then broken down into essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids. There are nine essential amino acids which are not made in the body so need to be found in the form of food. There are 11 non-essential amino acids which are made by the body.

Each protein is constantly being broken down. The body does not store proteins like it does other nutrients, so this needs to be given to the body in the form of food every day. Therefore, most of your portion control should be based around protein as the body needs it to repair and grow constantly. Most of the protein we need to fuel and repair our bodies comes in the form of high-quality protein. This mostly comes from animal or plant-based sources. It is hard to find the balance of obtaining protein sources that aren’t high in fats and carbs. For example, a handful of nuts contain a high fat content but also are very good for you. Plant based diets are harder to find protein in.

Protein Overnight Oats soaked in yoghurt and almond milk. With cacao nibs, chia seeds, mango, strawberries and blueberries.
1. Put porridge oats in a bowl.
2. Add three spoonful's of natural yoghurt.
3. A scoop of protein powder. I use chocolate protein.
4. Add a teaspoon of cacao nibs, chia seeds and any other seeds you would like.
5. Add a splash of almond milk and mix in well.
6. Put in fridge and leave to soak overnight.
7. Remove from fridge, give it a stir. Add a handful of chopped strawberries, blueberries and mango.
8. Enjoy.

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The last time I offered these single sessions, they sold out in a day! Which, OOF I'm so grateful for… and let's get you are your soul to this place too.

But this also means that if you want IN make sure you sign up right away.

If you want more than one session, send us an email and we can secure more than one call for you.

Questions? Let me know…otherwise, here's your link to grab a single 1:1 coaching session:


I CANNOT WAIT to support you and tap you into the magic of this field.

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