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Shadow12mo ago

Defining our purpose and values in life is important for several reasons

Defining our purpose and values in life is important for several reasons:

Clarity and Direction: Knowing our purpose gives us clarity about what we want to achieve and the direction we want to take in life. It helps us set meaningful goals and make decis… continue


Simon chibole7mo ago


Addiction is not confined solely to substances; there exist silent struggles that often go unnoticed, yet they can profoundly influence one's life. Here, we shed light on four addictions that rarely receive the attention they deserve:

1. Digital Addiction:
In our hyper-connected world, it's alarmingly easy to fall into the clutches of digital addiction. Endless scrolling through social media, compulsive gaming, or binge-watching may seem harmless, but their consequences can be far-reaching. Your productivity, relationships, and mental health can all suffer. The solution lies in regaining control over your screen time, reserving it for essential purposes and being present in the real world.

2. Validation Addiction:

The relentless pursuit of validation from others, especially in the realm of social media, can quietly ensnare individuals. Depending on likes, comments, and external approval for self-worth can pave the way to anxiety and depression. The antidote is a shift toward self-acceptance and personal growth, rather than seeking validation from external sources.
3. Media Addiction**:

Media addiction transcends the bounds of healthy enjoyment. It manifests when you find yourself incapable of disconnecting, constantly searching for the next distraction, and losing track of time. To overcome this addiction, setting boundaries and recognizing the value of real-world experiences is crucial.
4. Pornography Addiction:
A largely unspoken epidemic that predominantly affects men, pornography addiction can have devastating consequences. Frequent consumption can warp one's perception of sex, intimacy, and relationships. It's often considered one of the most detrimental addictions for men. If you find yourself ensnared by this addiction, it is imperative to take steps towards overcoming it.

In acknowledging and addressing these lesser-discussed addictions, individuals can embark on a journey toward a healthier, more fulfilling life.


Munix1y ago

Don’t beat up yourself for having high expectations in relationships
You have (and can give) what it takes to have high expectations

People with high expectations oftentimes are willing to give what they anticipate

People who aren’t willing to live up to your standards are the ones who tell you not to expect anything (maybe from them, which will be fair enough). But as humans, it’s hard not to expect. Expectation comes from a place of hope, the hope that something will pan out the way we want it. And honestly, that’s not a bad thing. Why? Because as long as we’re ready to give equal energy to the kind we expect, there’s nothing selfish about that.
It’s like having standards of whom you want to be engaged with romantically. It’s not self-alluding to name the traits or characteristics you want from a person, as long as you’re keeping up with your part of the bargain. For example, you want a fit person? I hope you are keeping fit, you want an honest person? I hope honesty is your policy. If you expect to be purposeful, I hope you are doing something (at least?) for it. Stuff like that…

Expectations form our standards or codes of conduct in any given situation.

But these days, especially in relationships, we are told not to expect or anticipate anything from anybody. I get how that can certainly lead to disappointment in the long run, but it’s not enough to erase it from the relationship dictionary. Expectations form the standard or code of conduct between two people or more in any situation. Especially if they have to keep meeting one another. Therefore, I’m postulating that it’s not self-deprecating to expect some level of love and respect from your loved ones, care and consideration from your close friends, and good behavior from the general public. People play it safe (and I used to believe) in living by the mantra: hope for the best, but expect the worst. There’s a silver lining greater than the average credit this quote has received. You’re expecting while hoping. Check it.

#advice #purpose #thoughts #personal development

Thanks for taking the time to read.


Charlie Schluting1y ago

New article Anxiety and Spirit; Our Life's Purpose already available! Read it now

Daniel Oketa1y ago

Hi everyone, what do you think is the main purpose of hamans on the earth.

I believe the major purpose of humans on earth is one and the same for everyone but we may ply different trades, engage in different businesses and be trained to become better in anything we choose or have the opportunity; just as no one is born to speak a particular language unless they learn or grow in a particular environment that influences them to understand and speak.

I believe this discovery will transform humanity and the world. This has been a major puzzle for the world.

**What do you think is the main or major purpose of humans on earth?

Let's discuss. Add your voice.


New session Find your Identity & Purpose in Life. Breakthrough program of self-discovery. already available! Book it now

Kate Young2y ago

New session Purpose + Prosperity Sacred Alignment Code already available! Book it now

Lucia Kerr2y ago

💖 Telling the Truth
💖Do you ever find that it sometimes is difficult to figure out the reason you may be seeing patterns and cycles repeat?
💖Do you feel like you are stuck in one are of your life?
💖Do you repeatedly struggle in certain areas of your life?
This Tarot spread will help you see different solutions out of a particular problem or situation that seems to cycle in your life. You will gain clarity and you will be able to see a way forward that will help you create real change related to your situation.
We will dive into the following questions:
***What mistakes am I repeatedly making?
***What lesson do I finally need to learn?
***What truth am I purposefully ignoring?
***What truth am I unintentionally blind to?
***What needs to change in my life?
I did this for myself in a few area's of my life and what a game changer, the information that came back to me was amazing and insightful.
***Are you ready to take control of your life?
***Are you ready to change the patterns and cycles that keep you stuck?
***Are you ready to finally feel like you are making forward progress?
💖 I remember the time when I was struggling with situation seeing and experiencing repeating cycles and patterns. I was always stressed out about everything, and the worst part was that I justified it and made lame excuses. Even when people were willing to help, I refused. I said, “You don’t understand what I’m going through right now.”
The longer you suppress who you really are, the bigger the waves of change will be when the activation begins.
Let me make something perfectly clear.
This is nothing to be scared of. Perhaps the scariest part of what you just read is the fact that you’ve suppressed yourself [from yourself] for so long. Guess what it sounds familiar, I became really good at suppressing myself from myself.
So how can I help you?
💖First we start off by getting a Tarot Read, this read has specific questions and will give me more information on what may be going on.
💖Next we will schedule a 60 min healing session, where I will use the various modalities in combination to start the process of unblocking, healing, balancing and activating your Root Chakra.
💖Next I will offer you a full week of Voxxer support to help you the through anything that comes up the following week.
💖 When I cleared my own blockages, I felt a wave of great relief. I felt more secure and grounded and started doing well in both my personal and professional life.
Some of what you may experience;
💖🕉💖focus and presence.
💖🕉💖feeling stable and secure
💖🕉💖dependability, reliability, and responsibility.
💖🕉💖a sense of belonging.
💖🕉💖the ability to care for yourself.
When you start to see the truth in your stories or your life or lack of, there are so many ways to make the desire changes you want and desire. 💖☯️💖


New session Searching for Life Purpose already available! Book it now

Anna Beale2y ago

New session Life Purpose and Soul Wisdom already available! Book it now

Kayla Stan2y ago

New session Matrix of Destiny – Decode Your Life Purpose already available! Book it now

Charles Adams3y ago

New session Building the foundation of Self-Love to live a meaningful and purposeful life already available! Book it now

New session Discover Your Life Purpose already available! Book it now