<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> A Channeled Message from My Spirit Guides to All | Core Spirit

A Channeled Message from My Spirit Guides to All

Jul 2, 2021

Bring your sorrow and your pain,

There is nothing left to gain

From your silence and your feign

As if everything’s okay.

It is not, and you do know it,

You are hurt, but you don’t show it,

You are keeping it all in,

Deep inside you, deep within.

In a place, which holds so much

Unremembered and untouched,

For if you would look inside,

You’d drop everything and cry.

How can one hold so much sorrow?

How can one neglect so much?

You may ask and we will show you –

You’ve got everything inside.

You’ve got pain and you’ve got sorrow,

But what’s also by their side,

It’s your love and it’s your pleasure.

There’s so much – beyond all measure,

You just need to look within

And you’ll find it

All within.

Everything you need for healing,

Everything you need to live,

Everything you’ve ever wanted,

Everything is there within.

Bring your sorrow and your pain

Out – towards the light again.

Do not keep it stacked and hidden,

Secret, shameful and forbidden.

There is magic in your sight,

In your sight and in your light.

Know yourself, your pain, your sorrow,

What transpired, what had followed,

Know yourself and you will heal,

You can leave the karma wheel.

Know yourself through eyes of truth,

Broken, hurt, undone and nude,

Also know yourself divine,

Compassionate, forgiving, kind.

Forgiving of yourself and others,

Forgiving of the choices made,

Forgiving of the hurt and pain.

Open wide

The heavy lids of your mind’s eye,

Deep in the river of your sorrows,

Your memories, your choices,

Your wishes, dreams and hopes,

Your planned tomorrows,

Your fears, anger, shame,

Your disappointments and blame,

Creative coping mechanisms,

Vows – made in pain,

In vain,

Adopted schisms,

Emotions muted, trapped in detention,

Starved of compassion and attention,

Locked up and shut for ages,

In wondrous golden cages.

Self-punishment behaviors,

Disguised as martyrs and the saviors.

The magic rests between the lines.

The pleasure and the pain – divine,

Was planned by you,

To play and balance, partly blind,

Each one of you –

One of a kind.

Though blindness has its virtues and its gifts,

So does the naked truth and diving deep.

Dive deep then, and see the truth of you,

You are too beautiful to not be seen in full.

You are too precious, to not be treasured at the heart,

You are too talented and kind,

Creative, iridescent and divine.

In our mind’s eye,

You are – divine.

Dive deep,

And you will find –


In waters of delight and sorrow,

Today – and not tomorrow,

You’re lovely now,

The way you are –


Or blind,

Whichever way you chose,

We’re always there by your side.

Whether you laugh or cry,

We watch the world

Through your sweet eyes

And we rejoice

In every choice

You make

For you are always and forever more


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Book service of this author

Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 17, 2024, 06:00
Self-Expression Shamanic Healing

What is blocking you from being able to freely express yourself?

I consult your guides, my guides, your soul, and I ask for guidance and messages and the most relevant and pressing block you are experiencing, that is preventing you from freely expressing yourself.

Perhaps, it is a past life trauma, karma, a limiting belief, agreement, contract, guilt, shame, blame, fear, a false self-perception, habit, learned behaviour, so on and so forth.

We will discuss the most pressing block to your self-expressing during our session, followed by shamanic healing of what we discuss.

The aim is help you freely express yourself and experience joy, bliss and love in your life.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

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Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 17, 2024, 06:00
Shamanic Healing Session

During this session, we will focus on a particular question, problem or request that you may have.

There are many approaches to how this session may go for you, depending on the healing you request and what issues come up as I tune into your energy, your soul, your desires, and what stands in the way of you having a happy and joyful life.

My intention is to peel away the layers, which stand in the way between you and your happiness and joy in life. These may have to do, but may not be limited to the following:

  • Current or past life trauma
  • Limiting social programming
  • Limiting beliefs
  • Fears
  • Emotional blocks
  • Unresolved karma
  • Toxic relationships and habits

My healing includes energy work, shamanic blessings and other shamanic practices.

Please note that all issues cannot be addressed and cleared 100% in a 60 minute session, so I highly recommend to spend some time formulating a specific request/problem at a time. The more precise the issue, the more effective is the healing.

*Please book an appointment at least 2-3 days in advance to ensure the most effective session I can offer.

**Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician/mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

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Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 17, 2024, 06:00
Family & Ancestral Shamanic Healing

A shamanic healing session to clear guilt, shame, blame, fears, karma, trauma, habits, beliefs, hurts, harms, victimization, grudges, assumptions, judgements and/or any issues that present themselves for healing and releasing at this time for you.

Habits, beliefs, grudges, shame, blame, guilt, the above mentioned issues and more can pass on from generation to generation for ages and still affect our daily lives, without us even realizing that we are still playing out the unresolved issues from our ancestral experiences of trauma, social injustices, promises, vows, agreements, contracts, fears, pain, loss, violence, habits, addictions, abuse, so on and so forth.

In this session I will let you know what family/ancestral issues I receive from your Akashic Records, from your guides, your ancestors, and your own soul, that are ready to be addressed, healed and released finally. This will benefit not only you, but your ancestors and your future generations as well.

The goal is to help you release what you do not have to carry and experience any longer, to help you feel more free, more authentic and more aligned with what is right for you and what gives you joy, love and bliss in your life. It is like cleaning your house of things that you've forgotten are even there, but once they're gone, you will benefit from the free space and energy they make available for you to use for your own self.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or a mental health provider. My services and content are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or a mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical and/or mental health advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.

By registered users: 52
Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 17, 2024, 06:00
Evolutionary Astrology Nodal Analysis and Akashic Records Reading & Healing

What is your incarnational history and karmic journey? How did you plan to remedy your karmic wounds and make use of your karmic talents?

I not only give you a nodal analysis from an evolutionary astrology perspective, taught by Steven Forrest, but I also consult your Akashic Records and retrieve the actual incarnational experience that your guides want to bring through to help you see your karmic journey clearer.

We will look at how you can take the advice of your North Node direction in life, what to move towards and what to move away from. I will also perform shamanic healing of your karmic wounds that you came here to heal, that are ripe for the healing, and ready to be let go of and released. This should help you move on your North Node path easier and with less resistance.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

By registered users: 39