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Astrology Wakes You Up!

Apr 7, 2021
Reading time less than 1 minute

Astrology can be useful on many levels and at different times of life, but it is a great asset when you are beginning to ‘WAKE UP. By this I mean when you are beginning to reflect on your life, becoming curious, and looking for deeper meaning. It could be the problems and changes you’re going through or inner restlessness and dissatisfaction can be the nudge that begins the process of inner inquiry.

The birth chart shows the energy patterns from which you operate. Before we Wake Up we use these sub-consciously. These inner programs are learned behavior patterns. Our early conditioning forms a Self-Image, which controls our behavior and creates our life.

Astrology helps by making you aware of your inner patterns, and this is the first step toward change and control. The challenges and difficulties in your life can force you to move out of your comfort zone. Transits come along and can cause radical change, which is always necessary for your growth and development. Although you often do not see or appreciate it at the time, understanding their intent helps in working with the energy in creating the best possible outcome.

Waking up is really becoming aware of who you are at a more profound level. It’s tapping into and aligning yourself with your true source and power. This is a process we all go through when we are ready. We all meet this in our own unique way. Astrology highlights this, helping you to understand and work through it.

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Natal Astrology
Linda Tinsley
May 25, 2024, 11:00
A Nodal Reading

The Nodes and their axis are a very important part of any Birth Chart, therefore understanding this will be very useful to you. The Nodes give a vital clue to the core message of the chart and a person’s purpose. They represent your past, in ways of your innate abilities, strengths, and challenges; and your future growth and potential.

In a Nodal reading, we will be looking into your South Node, exploring your innate characteristic, how you may be stuck in your comfort zone, and how this may be holding you back. Your North Node points to the future, in what you need to develop and what will bring greater balance to your life.

From this reading, you will gain an understanding of your growth potential and purpose. It will help in guiding you to the right path toward success and fulfillment.

For a reading, I will contact you for your Birth details: date, place, and time of your birth.

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Natal Astrology
Linda Tinsley
May 25, 2024, 11:00
Thinking Of Having A Birth Chart Reading?

My approach to astrology, which is combined with psychology This combination is great for self-development, personal growth, and the fulfillment of potential. Although this is the foundation I work from with chart readings, I also recognize the importance of practical information that is useful to you.
Although my aim is to help you understand your Birth Chart, so that you can realize your purpose and fulfill your potential, it is equally important, if not more so, to focus on where you are now!
What troubles and concerns you Now! A reading sheds more light on the circumstances, giving you more insight into what is going on for you. Understanding this will help in making any decisions or changes to your life.

If you would like a reading, I will contact you for your birth details; date, place, and time of birth.

By registered users: 6