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How do we know that our thought are not being manipulated?

Feb 2, 2022

Are our thoughts really free? So many manipulations have been put over us. In reality, we are divine beings without thoughts and negative feelings. Our mind often tends to occupy us with useless, misleading, negative thoughts. How often are we stuck in the past because our mind tells us a deceitful story. How much misery do we endure because of all our negative thoughts?

Now is the time to break free from all those negativity. And be truly free. Through the Blueprint, an energetic protective cover is placed over you and it becomes calmer in your mind. You are protected from low vibrating foreign influences. And you can finally start to live your own life, because a part of your own Soul Book is opened up.

The blueprint is also an accelerator in one's own life. Everything that is in one's own Akashic Chronicle happens much faster! Through the blueprint one is protected from cellphone radiation, atomic rays, WLAN and mind-control. Through the blueprint divine order comes into one's own life! A cleansing happens in one's life. Everything that no longer serves one may now go. So space is made for the new.

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Distance Healing
Ruth Svakataly Daugherty
May 22, 2024, 09:00
Perfect Soul DNA Code for Animals

This is the special soul code for the animals to protect and support recovery from illness and wound healing. The activated code can also be applied to the feeding places, giving the pet food a healing frequency and thus supporting our dearest pets.

Please have a pen ready if you wish to write the code on your pets food or/and medications. Then I will activate the code and this will support the healing of your animal.

By registered users: 14
Distance Healing
Ruth Svakataly Daugherty
May 22, 2024, 09:00
Anchoring the soul DNA

The soul residences in the brain. When the soul DNA opens, then time stands still, then there is only this moment. Then there is much more freedom. The DNA of origin has always been filled with the accumulations of generations, but the soul DNA is absolute freedom, boundless freedom is this soul DNA. The old DNA always gives you a direction, and because of all this information that these generations have brought, you had always been in a wrong direction until now. But when you experience your own soul DNA more and more, perceive it more and more, then you yourself give the direction in your own life. You no longer walk the path of your ancestors. That is why it is so valuable and important with this soul-DNA, with this consciousness, to experience the realizations of life and one's life. Because there is an individual soul-DNA-language.

By registered users: 15
Distance Healing
Ruth Svakataly Daugherty
May 22, 2024, 09:00
Frequency code for dementia

Dementia and Alzheimer's disease are illnesses that not only place a heavy burden on those affected, but especially on their relatives. With activation of the dementia code, the person can think more clearly again and reorient their direction in life. Depending on the progress of the disease, this can be perceived more or less quickly.

If you want, then I can also activate this code for all your medications/supplements so they that they can support your body even more. You will need a pen so that you can write the code on them and then I will activate the code for your medications/supplements.

By registered users: 19
Distance Healing
Ruth Svakataly Daugherty
May 22, 2024, 09:00
Frequency code for better blood flow

Due to environmental influences, blood donations, radiation, poor nutrition and much more, our blood no longer contains the original information. The blood cells clump together and the natural flow is inhibited. This is how cardiovascular problems and heart attacks can happen, triggered by the lack of oxygen in the body. Constant fatigue then causes many to turn to coffee and stimulants. The frequency of fatigue and flabbiness is also in vaccinations and tap water. With this frequency code I can help you to get your blood flowing better and to regain your strength. As your blood flows better, your life flows better.

If you want, then I can also activate this code for all your medications/supplements so they that they can support your body even more. You will need a pen so that you can write the code on them and then I will activate the code for your medications/supplements.

By registered users: 27