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How to Overcome Procrastination

Jun 3, 2022

Do you know that 95% of us procrastinate from carrying out tasks relevant in the present moment?

Procrastination is the act of unnecessarily delaying tasks until the last minute or past the deadline. Prolonged procrastination can cause guilt/shame and eventually result in depression from being unable to carry out tasks at the right time and can gradually affect our productivity.

Most often, we procrastinate over tasks that are mostly unpleasant and do not provide us immediate rewards. We tend to sometimes over analyze the tasks and let fear control our judgment leading to postponing the task as an easier option rather than executing it. This slowly leads us to a place of stagnation that prevents us from moving forward in our life.

According to Newton’s law if a body is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line, it will remain at rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant speed unless it is acted upon by a force. Similarly, in order to move out of procrastination we need to carry out some steps that help us to perform our activities

The steps are

  1. Acknowledge - In this step, accept that you have a tendency to procrastinate while carrying out certain types of tasks. For example - One of the activities that I always used to procrastinate was while having to carry out a new task that I have very little knowledge or experience about. Recently, I experienced it while preparing for my citizenship. I noticed that I was intentionally postponing the date of my exam to a further date believing that the more time I get to prepare, the more are the chances to succeed.

  2. **Assess the task ** - Assess the nature of the task, priority, reason behind performing it and the possible areas that are lacking inorder to complete it.

  3. **Start small **- Break down your task to the smallest task possible and pick the one that you can complete quickly based on priority.

  4. Set a deadline - Give yourself a deadline to complete each small task related to the work and commit to the deadline by removing all the possible distractions that can prevent you from achieving the goal.

  5. Celebrate - Celebrate the achievement of your goals by rewarding yourself a special gift to recognize the hard work and commitment that you had invested towards fulfilling the task at hand.

By carrying out the 5 steps, you will be able to execute the tasks without leading into procrastination.

Procrastination is just an indication that is alerting us to take necessary action to achieve our goals. Instead of leaving the task in an incomplete state, taking effort to overcome procrastination can improve our mindset and overall well-being towards becoming the best version of ourselves.

You don’t have to see the whole staircase , just take the first step - Martin Luther King, Jr

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Amritha Kailas is a Jay Shetty Certified Life and Success Coach.She specializes in emotional wellness and transformation by following a holistic approach that involves empowering the mind leading to the overall development of a person . Amritha discovered her life’s purpose as Coaching during the year November 2020 . Her journey from emotional pain experienced during her childhood resulted in mental health issues of anxiety and depression in her adult life. However Amritha’s perseverance along with the support from her family and spiritual masters enabled her to come back to life and pursue her passion in Sanskrit and Music through teaching. While teaching children and adults, Amritha noticed her mind expand with compassion which made her deeply reflect on her purpose in life. After many months of deep inquiry and reflection along with the support from her coaches, she embarked on the journey to become a Life Coach.

Amritha helps working women discover their authentic self so that they can lead a mindful life with higher focus,clarity, self esteem, peace and emotional balance.Through her coaching sessions, she guides and enables her clients to break through the mental barriers of negative emotions, self doubt, overthinking and past that has been holding them from leading a peaceful and harmonious family life.

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Coaching is a partnership process that would empower you to tap into your infinite potential and restore your peace and balance back to life.

Amritha Kailas is a Jay Shetty Certified Life and Success Coach.She specializes in emotional wellness and transformation by following a holistic approach that involves empowering the mind leading to the overall development of a person .

Amritha helps working women discover their authentic self so that they can lead a mindful life with higher focus,clarity, self esteem, peace and emotional balance.Through her coaching sessions and her customized coaching program, she guides and enables her clients to break through the mental barriers of negative emotions, self doubt, overthinking and past that has been holding them from leading a peaceful and harmonious family life.

The 35 days coaching program includes stages from Self Discovery, Mindset Development,Habit Mastery to Wellness & Transformation. Throughout the guided process, she offesr 1 on 1 support with checkin, motivations, assessments , powerful tools and workbooks based on ancient wisdom, neurosciences and psychology that ensures rapid progress and development in your life. The coaching process involves designing your goal based on the Discovery session followed by developing a personalized plan together with you based on your timeline, designing and implementing actions and reviewing/evaluating your progress.

Amritha discovered her life’s purpose as Coaching during the year November 2020 . Her journey from emotional pain experienced during her childhood resulted in mental health issues of anxiety and depression in her adult life. However Amritha’s perseverance along with the support from her family and spiritual masters enabled her to come back to life and pursue her passion in Sanskrit and Music through teaching. While teaching children and adults, Amritha noticed her mind expand with compassion which made her deeply reflect on her purpose in life.
After many months of deep inquiry and reflection along with the support from her coaches, she embarked on the journey to become a Life Coach.

Amritha’s long term vision is to empower women in order to create healthier communities and a peaceful world .

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