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It Doesn't Matter How it Looks, It Matters How it Feels

Feb 20, 2022
Reading time less than 1 minute

It doesn’t matter how it looks; it matters how it feels.

Spend your energy on it feeling good instead of looking good. That shift changes everything. Are you satisfied with your actions? Are you fulfilling your purpose? Do you know what your purpose is? Do you wake up most mornings looking forward to the day ahead? Are you working towards your goals? Do you feel like you’re making progress in your life? Can you sit alone with yourself and feel peace? If your answer to any of these questions is no, coaching is a great place to start.

This ideology can be applied to any facet of life. The feeling you get when you walk into your home is more important than how it looks to others. How your relationships feel are more important than how they look. How you feel in your work is more important than how it looks to others.

The vibes don’t lie, you only have to learn to trust them. Trust your inner voice and go where love flows. Put your energy into the things and the people that leave you feeling good. The more you do that, the more aligned your life will be. The more aligned your life is with who you are and what you value, the happier you will be.

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