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Shamanic Healing Art: Visual Healing Medicine from Your Own Spirit, Higher-Self or the Deep Subconscious

Jan 27, 2021

What if looking at a drawing could activate spiritual healing? I don’t mean just to relax you or lift your spirits up, though that can often be transformative enough.

I mean quite specific healing, such as helping you with your specific shadow work of your choice. In other words: helping you transform your long-standing, but outdated, destructive and obsolete beliefs, attitudes, habits and thoughts.

After all, thoughts are more physical than we often remember to give them credit for. They eventually turn into desires, goals, actions and then our physical reality, don’t they? Oftentimes, not the ones we wish we had manifested into the physical reality in retrospect.

Visually stimulated personal transformation is not new. There is color therapy, light codes and light language, sacred geometry, symbols, sigils, runes and so forth. Whether we choose to consider certain symbols, geometric shapes, sigils and ancient runes as sacred or spiritual in any way, they do have an effect on us subconsciously.

Even a simple circle, square or a triangle have an effect on us. Combine that with color, you amplify that effect. Combine it all in the right ways with other imagery, emotional messages, suggestions and you’ve got quite an influential piece of visual imagery.

Professional advertisers, PR agents, movie producers and such, study this as a part of their university programs for years, so that they can influence our opinions, beliefs and actions through commercials, infomercials, movie scenes and so on. But what if we harness the power of visual imagery for healing, and not for buying more products?

Before I digress, I hope I have made a point of how influential visual imagery can be, even in regular everyday situations without any shamanism, spirituality or magic. Ah, the magic!

As more and more people activate and develop their intuition, third-eye perception, psychic abilities and gifts today, more of what seemed to be magical and supernatural before, reveals itself as natural and logical, only forgotten and then recalled again.

So is the story with me. Since I was a child, I have been experiencing various visions and experiences that would classify as out of the ordinary. When I shared them with people closest to me, I was told that it was imagination and I should forget about it.

However, as I got older and these experiences only grew more frequent, I have finally learned to harness them in the way that I want and understand. I have met a shamanism teacher and started on my own shamanic healing path.

Since I was always a visual person and very much connected to visual symbols and meaningful imagery, it occurred to me to draw and paint the visions I would see during my third-eye meditations and shamanic practices.

I soon realized that when I look at my artworks depicting my spiritual experiences, I would be taken back to that moment when something was revealed to me in the spirit world and I was transformed.

Whenever I would look at the artwork of what I had seen “on the other side of the veil”, I would experience the same transformation, but on newer and ever deeper levels. I would be emotionally moved in different ways, but in the same original direction.

I then experimented doing the same thing, but for another person. I did, what you would call a psychic reading for them, a conversation with their spirit/higher-self/subconscious. Using my practices, I received the visual imagery that would stimulate a particular kind of healing for them, specifically for the issue they were struggling with at that time. I then drew that imagery and gave it to them.

The reaction I got was amazing. They were surprised at how the imagery made sense to them in an unexpected and warm way. They still keep my drawing where they can always see it.

I do not want to reveal their personal struggle and healing here, but let me say that this experience was a confirmation for me that I found a way that I can offer healing for people and for myself as well.

I found that combining the actual drawing processes with shamanic healing practices and energy work intensifies the healing powers of the drawing itself, especially if the person you are drawing for has asked for a specific kind of healing.

Learning about and psychically connecting to ancient symbols, such as runes, has also helped me realize how there is a whole wealth of ancient imagery out there that stimulates us on a deep, subconscious level, returning us to our roots, healing us and bringing us back to ourselves, but healthier, stronger and wiser.

There is a reason why the ancients taught wisdom through stories of animals, natural events, magical transformation and used symbols to activate certain thought processes in us. There is truly a visual language and medicine out there that is worth a thousand words and we do have the capacity to access it and gain healing benefits from it.

These are the images that “speak” without words on a deep inner intuitive/psychic level to each personality and soul individually, whether they have developed their intuitive/psychic abilities in this life or not. General images carry meanings and transform us on a collective level, but we all have a personal visual “language” in our inner worlds, too. This is the healing language I have learned to connect to in my practice.

As I dove deep, long and frequently into third-eye meditations, delving into visual imagery, sacred geometry, ancient symbolism, natural world imagery and more, it has come to me that they have meaning, they influence us on many levels and that they can trigger specific healing in us. It has come to me that there is a kind of “visual medicine” available for all of us to tap into.

I do believe that anybody can tap into this “visual medicine” with practice. It is our natural right and heritage. It is a part of who we are. It is also one of the keys available to us for facilitating healing and self-transformation.

There is no limit to what we can find when we dive within.

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Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 13, 2024, 06:00
Self-Expression Shamanic Healing

What is blocking you from being able to freely express yourself?

I consult your guides, my guides, your soul, and I ask for guidance and messages and the most relevant and pressing block you are experiencing, that is preventing you from freely expressing yourself.

Perhaps, it is a past life trauma, karma, a limiting belief, agreement, contract, guilt, shame, blame, fear, a false self-perception, habit, learned behaviour, so on and so forth.

We will discuss the most pressing block to your self-expressing during our session, followed by shamanic healing of what we discuss.

The aim is help you freely express yourself and experience joy, bliss and love in your life.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

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Olga Aydınoğlu
May 13, 2024, 06:00
Anxiety Shamanic Healing Session

Shamanic healing of issues, that present themselves for healing at this time, which are causing, or are part of what's causing your anxiety. It may be a karmic trauma, a karmic repeating cycle, current life trauma, false beliefs, boundary issues, unhealthy self perception, fears, guilt, shame, blame, or the numerous possible issues that would present themselves in my pre-meditation on your anxiety causes.

Important: A one hour session will not heal all of your anxiety, but it is going to be one significant step taken, to help you make more steps on your own in a more self-aware state or with healers of your choice. The one hour session will focus on what will present itself at the time, and most relevant for healing, to help you heal more. I do a pre-meditation before each session, to find out what the soul world has to say about your particular issue at this time, so please book your session at least a few days in advance. Thank you.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician/mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

By registered users: 38
Shamanic Healing
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Romantic Relationship Shamanic Healing

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I will then do shamanic energy healing to heal and release the issues I discuss with you. The aim is to help you experience healthier romantic relationships in your life.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or mental health provider. My services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

By registered users: 30
Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 13, 2024, 06:00
Addictions: Shamanic Healing Session

Before the Session

I do my pre-meditation to find out the main reasons for your addiction. I may find it in your current life or in a past life, or perhaps I will see a karmic cycle, which keeps repeating itself, where you end up dealing with addictions and substance abuse throughout many incarnations.

The reason may be a particular trauma that took place in this or other lifetimes. I may find that a similar kind of trauma keeps repeating itself, hence triggering you to start substance abuse, leading to an addiction in multiple lifetimes.

Reading Part of the Session

In this part, I will let you know what I saw in my visions when I pre-meditated on your addiction / substance abuse / behavior / alcoholism issue.

Healing Part of the Session

We will discuss the reading part of the session and find what traumas / reasons / habits / beliefs / etc. are available for healing. With your permission, I will perform shamanic healing for those particular reasons for your addiction.

Every time you have a shamanic healing session, you will heal one set of reasons or origin points for your addiction. Normally, there are layers of these reasons, traumas, beliefs, and so on. Healing one layer can reveal and make ready another set of traumas, reasons and beliefs to be healed subsequently.

For this reason, a number of such healing sessions would be the best option for a serious approach to healing addictions. It's even better, when they are spaced at least one week apart, to allow the previous healing to be integrated and for you to see what changes come about from every healing session and what new issues present themselves for healing.

However, having only one session is also useful. It's one healing session more than nothing. It can help kickstart your healing and make it more accessible in the future. It can help you regain hope, confidence and belief that you really can become free of your addicition.

Unfortunately, this is not a one-time magical fix. I do not want to encourage false hopes of a one-time immadiate clearing of the problem. This is a fundamental approach to healing an addiction. Addictions are different and healing approaches and the needed length of time is different as well. Some may take faster to heal, some slower.

Another positive side of this kind of fundamental healing, is that when you take this approach, it will not just show itself in an addiction ending, but it will also show itself in all aspects of your life, how you view yourself, how you express yourself, your authentic life choices and a general quality of life.

It can help you find a new passion in life or rekindle an old one. It can take the form of starting to do something in your life with such a passion, that an addiction may not look attractive or necessary from then on. It can take the form of changing your social circle, which kept you in your addiction and find a new set of people, who value you for you you are, share your interests and help you enjoy yourself being sober.

Whichever form your healing may take, it is meant to help you become your true, authentic self, freely expressing yourself, loving yourself and living your life with joy, pleasure and love.

  • Please book your session a few days in advance because I need some time to meditate on your particular situation and understand for myself, what action steps can be taken for healing.

  • Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or a mental health provider. My services and content are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or a mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical and/or mental health advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.

By registered users: 35