<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> The Benefits of Gratitude — How to Generate Results with Two Simple Words | Core Spirit

The Benefits of Gratitude — How to Generate Results with Two Simple Words

Sep 9, 2021
Reading time 3 min.

Being Grateful means, by Oxford's definition, a readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness; having or showing the desire or reason to thank someone for giving pleasure or comfort. Being Grateful means you know you are indebted to someone for some action undertaken by them that benefited you in some manner and consciously acknowledging that appreciation. Gratitude can take unnumbered shapes and forms, from tickets to the hottest show in town to a brand new Porsche (theoretically speaking, of course), but often gratitude comes in gentler doses; a simple inclination of the head, a tearful, wordless hug, a handshake and poignant look into another's eyes. Yet however it comes, it is one of the most important things we can ever do.

Expressing gratitude rewards; it builds bridges, it alleviates tensions, it sets a higher standard, but it also opens the doors and windows to blessings untold. It sets aside our baser, more selfish tendencies and allows us to be, if only for a few moments, the people we all wish we could be far more frequently. It makes princes out of paupers and, conversely, paupers out of princes; it is a leveler of scores and a righter of wrongs and no matter how it is expressed, if it is genuine, it is always significant.

Imagine, for a moment, that you are a laborer working at some menial job; cleaning bathrooms perhaps, collecting garbage, mopping floors somewhere. Every day you come in on time, do your job conscientiously and without complaint; you leave only when your task is done completely and correctly, but no one ever says a word to you. If you didn't do this job, the resulting mess would be atrocious, yet people pass by you all the while you work, stepping to the far side of the hall or moving to the other side of the room rather than approaching you and no one, not even your boss, tells you that you are doing a good job.

Then one day, out of the blue, a complete stranger comes up to you and says Thank You. They tell you they truly appreciate your willingness to do a job that not many others would do and they even go so far as to shake your hand, although you are grimy and they are pressed and polished. It only takes a moment, then they go on their way, but their simple act changes everything. You hold your head higher, walk with a lighter step; you go home, tell those close to you what happened, share how good it made you feel and, regardless of the fact that no one, not even your boss, has ever told you how important you are, you value yourself much more highly.

When you go back to work, you feel so good, so essential, you begin taking on extra responsibilities without being asked; you work a few extra minutes each day tidying up or polishing something that has been neglected for months. You talk to people more willingly; you share a smile more easily; you begin noticing the things that others do, which go unspoken, and you take time to extend a token of appreciation to them. A small note of thanks for cleaning the windows so well or a bottle of water for the man cutting the grass outside in the summer heat, and as a result of all of this, you feel even better about yourself.

Not too long after this change occurs, your boss stops by unannounced to speak with you. He tells you that he has noticed what a great job you've been doing lately, how hard you have been working and how well you treat your coworkers and the company's clientele. He explains that a new position has recently been created by management, one for which he feels you would be perfect, and asks if you would be interested in a promotion and a raise. Then he stands back and watches you smile.

And all because someone thanked you.

Yes, Gratitude is a miracle worker, and if we remember to be thankful for our blessings, big or small, trite or unique, miraculous or mundane, our appreciation invariably opens the floodgates and allows Heaven to send down Showers of Blessings beyond imagining.


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Cynthia A. Morgan
May 13, 2024, 14:00
Tap Into Peace - Anytime, Anywhere

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The purpose of the Mindfulness consultation is to discuss how mindfulness will fit into your current lifestyle, to create a structured mindfulness plan, and provide you with resources to help facilitate your ongoing meditation practice. Each session will provide a space to have a personalized ‘check-in’ to explore the obstacles and to answer any questions you may have that may keep you from successfully integrating this new habit.

Detailed Description: Learning to be mindful/ to meditate is a journey of discovery that incorporates deliberate change in a gentle, safe environment. Mindfulness is not about blanking out or trying to get rid of all of our thoughts and it is not a cure-all answer. Mindfulness and meditation is about giving ourselves time to pause and learning what generates calmness within us and how to tap into that calmness during stressful situations. Mindful Meditation, like any other exercise, takes commitment and practice, but has been shown to generate a more healthful state of wellbeing through alleviating the symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression, fear, and loss of direction (and many others!)

Areas of Expertise: Mindfulness, Meditation, Breathwork, Stress Reduction

What to Expect: **This will be a conversational service with me where you can get advice, customized for your situation and unique circumstances. Together, we will learn what triggers serentiy in you and I will provide daily meditative guides/prompts to make the most of even a few moments.

Session Deliverables: To develop a meditation and mindfulness plan customized to your needs as well as resources to help you maintain your mindfulness practice.

Come to the table with: An open mind, willing spirit, and positive attitude. Lay aside the “I already knew that” mindset and negative thinking. Be ready to change.

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