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How labor pain can vanish with just one touch

Feb 2, 2021
Reading time 7 min.

I’m not sure I would have read an article called “When Lovers Touch Labor Pain Wanes” when I was pregnant with any of my children. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to learn better ways to cope with an upcoming labor. It was that I didn’t want to illuminate what I already knew I lacked. You see, when I was pregnant and gave birth to all three of my children, I was in an unhealthy marriage.

I Didn’t Know What I Was Missing

At the time, I didn’t completely understand how my unhealthy marriage affected my experience of pain in labor. I was not aware that when two deeply connected people touch, their breathing and heart rates synchronize. Also, I didn’t know that lovers could communicate empathy towards each other through touch, and therefore decrease their pain. (SOURCE) I had no idea that when lovers touch, labor pain wanes. I didn’t know what I was missing.

I’m sure I had read about this phenomenon in books like Spiritual Midwifery, but like other things in that book, it seemed so outside of the box for our relationship that I didn’t give it much attention. For example, I couldn’t fathom creating a birth plan that included kissing throughout labor and delivery, which not only could make the experience better 😉 , but also help prevent tearing during birth.

For many reasons that I won’t get into in this post, we were never big on physical touch or being cuddly with each other, etc. There were no back rubs, foot rubs, or other things that are common in healthy relationships, especially when pregnant. During our childbirth class, I remember he tried to rub my back during a relaxation exercise. Whatever he did hurt me enough to make me snap at him. His answer was to become immediately defensive and that put an end to all backrub offers. It was clear we were not in tune with one another.

He Wasn’t My Rock

Sadly, every time I prepared to give birth, this deep-seated feeling of being alone, unsupported, and needing to be self-sufficient hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew he wasn’t “my rock”.

First Labor

However, in his defense, during our first labor he did a wonderful job of staying by my side, holding me up when I threw all my weight on him, pouring warm water on my back, etc. I was actually surprised at how well he did, considering how unsupported I thought I would feel in labor.

Second Labor

During our second labor I invited a crowd. Again, he was there when I needed him and he offered his support where he could. (I even remember him looking up what time the sun would rise because my irrational self wanted to wait until then to push out our baby. I wanted good lighting for our birth photographer. Yes, I’m that ridiculous in labor.) But no, I don’t think his presence or our connection offered me additional pain relief. We just were never that connected.

Third Labor

The third go around, our marriage had taken a turn for the worse. He was not happy about our unplanned pregnancy, or where his life was headed. I wasn’t completely aware of the magnitude of it, but our marriage was unraveling. If I felt unsupported and alone in previous pregnancies, that had nothing on how I felt for our third. I knew that when push came to shove he would be there for the birth, but the support wouldn’t run deep.

(Oddly enough, with my third I had a dysfunctional labor. Despite my water breaking and “doing all the things”, I transferred from home to the hospital for pitocin to get labor going. I’ve never shared this with anybody, but I’ve always wondered if my dysfunctional labor was because of the stress of our dysfunctional marriage. Maybe the oxytocin just wasn’t there. I’ll never really know, but it does make me wonder.)

SIDE NOTE: Studies show that the perception of pain decreases when someone you know supports you compared to a stranger. (SOURCE) That’s another reason why doulas are so great for births! Before labor begins, doulas establish a relationship with their clients. It makes sense that they’re so helpful with pain coping!

When Lovers Touch, Labor Pain Wanes – It’s Remarkable

Enough about me. Let me tell you about the couples that take my childbirth classes. 😉

In general, there are two kinds of couples that take childbirth classes (haha) – ones that have wonderful, loving relationships and are deeply connected to each other, and those that are working towards that goal (or at least I’d like to think that were true). Over a six week class, I get to see a lot of really neat, and encouraging dynamics between couples.

One thing I’ve noticed is that many woman feel very supported by their partners, so much so that their perception of pain decreases when they work together. Let me explain.

Ice, Ice Baby

One of the ways I teach about labor pain and to help parents develop coping skills, is by using the handy-dandy tool of ice cubes. On the first night I have everyone hold ice for one minute, which is the average length of a contraction.

No, labor does not feel like holding an ice cube, but it is the most ethical way I can inflict pain on someone. It hurts! This short term pain allows parents to explore their response to pain and to start learning new coping skills.

After holding the ice, I explain breath awareness, a simple yet powerful way to cope through the pain of labor. Once we’ve mastered it, we hold ice for another minute, but this time using breath awareness. Many parents find this pain coping practice so much better than just holding ice and doing nothing!

Once we’ve mastered breath awareness on our own, each person turns toward their partner to learn how to help each other through an “ice contraction” with breath awareness. What parents discover next is really fun to watch unfold.

Only If You like Each Other

Through our “ice contractions” parents discover that simply being present with their partner when they’re in pain, especially when combined with empathetic physical touch, lowers their perception of pain considerably.

What’s the catch? Well, this only works if you like each other. 😉

One fear fathers have about labor and delivery is to be in the room and not know how to help their partner when she’s in pain. Dads don’t want to feel helpless while someone they love suffers. However, after completing the above exercise, these same fathers are thrilled to find out they already know how to help.

Fathers don’t need to be this magical doula support person, they just need to be there for their woman. She needs his attention, touch, empathy, and encouragement. It’s not rocket science, and it’s extremely powerful!

“He’s My Rock”

Towards the end of my six week childbirth classes I sometimes have parents prepare a “birth bundle”. A birth bundle is a small collection of things that represent themselves, their partner, and baby. Everything is wrapped up in a bundle and presented to the group on the last night of class. It’s one of the more meaningful things we do in class.

Over the years I’ve noticed a common theme when mamas share the object that represents their partner. More often than not, the phrase “my rock” is used to describe him, and sometimes literal rocks are in the bundle.

During my last pregnancy I tried this exercise myself, but I was unable to complete it. I knew he wasn’t my rock. I, oh so much, wanted him to be. And knowing that I should have been able to rely on him to be my rock, but couldn’t, made me feel even more unsupported and alone.

I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be in a healthy relationship embodying mutual reciprocity. Now that I’m no longer married, have done a lot of internal work, and am currently in a new, healthy relationship, I think I’m starting to get it. And it’s amazing.

I’ve also wondered what it would be like to go through the pregnancy/childbirth process in a healthy relationship. It *almost* makes me want to have another. But sorry folks, that ship has sailed. I’ll leave it to you all to make that happen! 😉

When Lovers Touch, Labor Pain Wanes – It’s Remarkable

For those who become pregnant within a healthy relationship, be encouraged. When two people who are deeply connected touch empathetically, their breathing and heart rates synchronize, and pain decreases. (SOURCE) This phenomenon stays true, even in labor.

Yes, labor will still be painful. But when your partner can help decrease pain, even a little, by simply being present in body and soul, that my friend, is amazing.

CLOSING THOUGHTS: For those who are alone or in unhealthy relationships, I see you. And I understand perhaps just a little of where you’re at. I’m so sorry. You are so, so worthy of love. Please reach out to a safe person to formulate a plan to get the support you need. You and your baby are worth it. Also, check out the book The Emotionally Destructive Marriage. I wish I would have read it years ago.

Here are two bible verses I hold dear, especially considering everything I’ve been through. Perhaps they’ll be an encouragement to you, too?

“Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives. Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery! Replace the evil years with good. Let us see your miracles again; let our children see your glory at work. And may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful!“ Psalm 90:14–17

“Yet I am confident that I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.“ Psalm 27:12–14

For more bible verses for your motherhood journey, hop on over here:

1. Bible Verses for Pregnancy

2. Bible Verses for Birth

3. Bible Verses for New Moms

Check out my NEWEST eBook: A Simple Guide to the Hard Parts of Labor! What’s inside? —->> ALL of my best information about getting through the hard parts of labor. Want a copy? Simply click the image above, follow the prompts, and it will be delivered to you today!Mother Rising is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. This post contains affiliate links.

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