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Why is forgiveness so important?

Jun 4, 2022

How to heal through forgiveness

Through forgiveness, you find inner peace! You deserve to be happy! Resentment is like eating poison and expecting the other person to die! As you let go of the resentment you become happier, healthier, and free!

You need to understand that the person who hurt you didn’t do it on purpose. There is a saying “Hurt people hurt people”. Most likely they themselves are still in pain from past wounds and that is why they acted the way they did. They did the best they could. If they, could they would take everything back. They themselves are still on their own healing journey. Forgive them and let go!

Tips for forgiveness:
Pray for the person who hurt you. As you send love and healing energy to the person who hurt you you are also sending love and healing energy to yourself. This will aid your healing journey greatly.

Ask the universe for support. The universe loves and cares greatly about you. The universe is just waiting to help you. As you ask them for help, they have permission to aid on your healing journey. Be kind to yourself and give yourself time to heal!

Forgive yourself
Self-loathing and blaming yourself are just weighing you down. You don't want to be stuck at those low-frequency energies! You did the best you could! You are loved and cared for! You are a divine being! You are amazing! Claim your divine power and let go of the past.
The benefits of forgiveness:

Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy, and compassion for the one who hurt you. Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting or excusing the harm done to you or making up with the person who caused the harm. Forgiveness brings a kind of peace that helps you go on with life.
The benefits of forgiving include inner peace, happiness, and a much more positive outlook on life. Forgiveness also has positive effects on your health. Forgiveness helps to lower the risk of heart attacks, improves cholesterol levels and sleep; and reduces pain, blood pressure, and levels and anxiety, depression, and stress.
You deserve inner peace and happiness!

If you feel stuck, then I would be more than happy to support you. I offer one-on-one coaching sessions where I support you on your healing journey.
Lots of love

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I look forward to working with you and see you blossom!

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The code can also be activated for cars: then the car drives with the protection with the quantum field energy.

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Distance Healing
Ruth Svakataly Daugherty
May 22, 2024, 09:00
Activation of the neurotransmitter free DNA

Some messenger substances distract us in life, they make us remember certain things again and again, e.g. situations from childhood where one had the scent of a fabric softener and felt it with fresh, soft laundry. Then a neurotransmitter is released when this scent is smelled again in other situations and at other times, because that is how we were programmed in our childhood. With that, you can also reactivate and program many things. And there are also negative experiences and things where the messenger substances are released again. For example, if you were abandoned and you hear a certain music again that had connected you, then emotions of sadness, of pain, of hatred, of anger can be released that were related to the situation from before. These low vibrational emotions have often been programmed throughout our lives to keep us low, to distract us. However, we came to earth as pure beings, without this programming. Most messengers have already been programmed in childhood.

For example if we were once in love and got dumped, and then you think back decades on how beautiful that was. But in reality it is again just a distraction or a blinding. This activation supports the independence of the messenger substances. Messenger substances are childhood memories, war, birth experiences and other negative memories. That you can live your life from his freedom, liveliness, truthfulness. You will be free from this messenger energy. Through this code the brain is supported in producing only new messenger substances, which are important for the hormones. This code makes you very calm in your brain. It brings back so much vastness and dignity into your life.

I look forward to working with you and see you blossom!

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If you want, then I can also activate this code for all your medications/supplements so they that they can support your body even more. You will need a pen so that you can write the code on them and then I will activate the code for your medications/supplements.

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