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Aromatherapy Massage

$50 USD
$50 USD

After a brief consultation to choose the best aromatherapy blend, this relaxing, full-body massage will transport you to a no-worries land, making you feel lighter and totally relaxed. The pressure can be adjusted based on your preference and the blends are tailored for you on the day, I don’t work with pre-blended oils.

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11 Dukes Ln, Brighton BN1 1BG, UK

I am a qualified Aromatherapist and Ayurvedic practitioner, with a natural talent for healing.
I offer a range of treatments, inspired by essential oils, crystal healing, Ayurveda and knowledge of the body’s energetic centers.
I work holistically, taking time to thoroughly discuss your needs and choosing the right collection of ingredients and techniques for the body to respond to.

On Core Spirit since April 2020


It’s a very anxious and uncertain time, in light of what’s happening worldwide with the Corona Virus outbreak.

Building your immunity is the best way to fight the virus, so I would like to share some insight into how important it is to boost your immune system and how Aromatherapy and Ayurvedic remedies could help.

There are many factors that can harm the ability of your body to fight invaders, like poor diet, inadequate sleep, less exercise too much stress and much more.

To support yourself through a good routine:

-Make sure you get good rest

-Have a healthy diet, now more than ever, reducing wheat, dairy and sugar, which are all considered damp forming

-Try not to let fear and anxiety get the best of you

-Remember to follow all sanitary advice*

-Nasya: putting two-three drops of sesame oil in each nostril and sniffing it in will not only lubricate the nasal passage and throat, but also strengthen the inner mucus membrane to keep away foreign bodies, it can be done with medicated oils like Anu oil and Shadabindu oil

-Oil Pulling: swish a tablespoon of oil around in your mouth for 5 min to eliminate toxins and bacteria. Spit it in the bin when you’re done. Don’t swallow the oil - you don’t want to ingest all the toxins you pulled out.

You could also include essential oils and herbal immune boosters to your daily diet and routine which can help strengthen your body to prevent catching viruses.

Aromatherapy approach

Tea Tree as it’s a powerful anti-viral oil.

I recommend carrying a bottle of Tea Tree essential oil everywhere you go. You can hold it under your nose, and use a drop to sanitise your hands if soap and water are not available.

You can burn a blend of Tea Tree, Basil (or Eucalyptus) and Cedarwood virginian in the house because of the powerful anti-viral and antiseptic properties of these essential oils.

Eucalyptus radiata also has a powerful antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-infectious action, which makes it extremely useful for all types of infection.

Inhaling essential oils is the best way to get them circulating in your body via the circulatory system, but also massaging them on your body can help the absorption of the oils to boost the immune system.

You can make your own massage blend of:

20ml vegetable oil of your choice (coconut, almond, grapeseed, jojoba..)

3 drops of Cedarwood virginian

3 drops of Eucalyptus globulus or radiata or Basil/ Tulsi

4 drops of Tea Tree

Alternatively, you can book an Aromatherapy massage with me, when all of this will be over.

Ayurvedic Approach

In Ayurveda, respiratory ailments are born when there is an imbalance of Kapha and Vata.

Vata is the energy that plays a major role in inhaling and exhaling. Respiratory illness accompanied by dehydration, shortness of breath and blockage is because of more vitiated vata.

When Kapha dosha (the energy responsible to bind things) goes out of balance the mucus from the stomach enters the respiratory passage and produces diseases like respiratory infections, asthma, pneumonia and so on.

Eating a tablespoon of Chywanprash daily enhances immunity and it may help prevent the spread of the virus.

Here are are some of the Ayurvedic herbs that are helpful in building the immunity and preventing the infection:

Amalaki or amla (Emblica Officinalis)

Guduchi/glioy (Tinospora Cordifolia)

Neem (Azadirachta Indica)

Kutki (Picrorhiza Kurroa)

Tulsi (basil)


Widely used in both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda , this extraordinary, lung protective, immunity building herb is FIRST CHOICE in prevention and healing of Cd-19.

Also known as “Indian echinacea,” andrographis is a bitter-tasting herb that are thought to have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antioxidant properties.

Andrographis is most widely used to treat cold and flu symptoms and it is also said to act as a natural immune-booster.


Holy basil or tulsi is a traditional Indian herb which has amazing medicinal and therapeutic benefits. Basil contains strong expectorant and antitussive properties, which work from the root to get rid of phlegm, irritants and suppress the cough, thereby treating chronic respiratory problems. Tulsi water also contains several anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties which can take care of cold and related infections.


It is the most important herb that is beneficial for treating different health conditions. Ayurveda praises ashwagandha for its longevity and vitality tonic. Ashwagandha is widely recognised for its benefits, and one such benefit is that it modulates and boosts the immune system. It increases the number of pathogen-fighting agents and reverses the ill effects of anticancer drugs on the immune system.

Please be in touch if you wish to book a Vata/Kapha reducing full body massage with me, when all of this will be over.

Dietary approach

It is important you keep your body supported through good and healthy nutrition, especially now.

In Ayurveda, good digestion or strong digestive fire plays a very important role in fighting diseases. Eat a piece of fresh ginger or drink ginger tea. Mint tea, cinnamon tea, and fennel tea are also good.

Drinking or eating cold foods reduce the digestive fire, which is not great for your overall health. Heavy and fried foods are difficult to digest, so avoid them. Enjoy sweet root vegetables, broths and soups.

Sipping hot tea prepared out of lemon, honey, ginger and water before meals or during the day, is an excellent way to promote stomach fluids and support immunity. Lemon is a rich antioxidant which acts as an anti-inflammatory and helps your respiratory organs to have high immunity.

The Cd-19 virus is essentially following what is called a “ Damp Cold’ etiology in Ayurvedic medicine. Wheat, dairy and sugar are all considered damp forming and should only be eaten in minimal amounts.

Increase your intake of the following:


Garlic with its antiseptic, anti-fungal, and nutritive properties it is used as an immune system booster for thousands of years by Ayurveda. It is a powerful natural antioxidant, which protects the body from bacterial and viral infections, without causing any side-effects. Garlic acts as a natural anti-bacterial agent when its fresh and raw as it contains allicin that kills the viruses and bacteria. It is a good medicine against coughs, colds and chest infections during the winter.


It is an ingredient packed with immune-boosting benefits. Ginger helps support the immune system and prevents nausea and soothes an upset tummy. Ayurveda compliments ginger’s ability to boost your immune system. Ginger is very much effective in keeping your body warm and helps break down the accumulation of toxins in your organs.

Add ginger to a stir-fried dish or boil it to make a cup of ginger tea with some added lemon for a pleasant and a healing hot drink.

*Everyday precautions to be taken

Always wash your hands when you get home or into work at least 20 seconds

Always wash your hands when you get home or into work

Use hand sanitizer gel if soap and water are not available

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze

Put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterward

Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell

Let’s try not to be overwhelmed by fear and anxiety, as that will also contribute to weakening our immune system.

Let’s take power in controlling the rate of infection by keeping healthy and being AWARE, not SCARED.

Wash your hands

Protect your face in public

Keep being kind and compassionate

Ask others: “How can I support you?

Ask yourself: “What do I need to feel safe?”

I hope this helps and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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Marta3y ago

Hello, it takes place in my studio in Brighton. Feel free to book online via my website www.floatingfeather.co.uk

John Persey3y ago

Doea the session take place at your place or is it a studio?

Aromatherapy Massage
May 12, 2024, 08:00
9 Bartholomews, Brighton BN1 1HG, UK
Aromatherapy Massage

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