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Emotional release session

healing session
$650 USD
$650 USD

This is for you if you’ve got a single issue that comes around to bite you every time.

Maybe you constantly worry about what people think about you or you never feel good enough because you weren’t given any praise as a child or you felt like a burden to your parents.

You get tongue-tied in meetings or go bright red when someone doesn’t understand you. You find yourself in the same destructive relationship patterns.

No matter what you do, it always stops you from moving forward and you find yourself thinking “here we go again”. You’ve felt stuck for years. You’re embarrassed because someone at your level shouldn’t feel like this. You have to work hard to cover it up and it’s exhausting. You’ve been known to cry in the toilets because you’re so frustrated.

It might be that thing that gives you stomach lurching anxiety or grips you with fear every time you have to do it. You’re not alone and it’s not just you.

There is nothing wrong with you and you didn’t create this problem for yourself. Let me take away the burden of being stuck in an emotional cycle so that you can move beyond the limitations it has created.

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United Kingdom

I help senior leaders to eliminate stress by mastering their energy and emotions to achieve happiness, balance and potential. I use ancient wisdom and powerful transformation with an emotional and practical toolkit.

I also support people who have become disconnected from themselves and are looing to explore their true purpose and potential through awakening their dormant spirituality.

On Core Spirit since March 2021

Louise Hallam
Are we craving a smaller and simpler life?

My friend was diagnosed with breast cancer and made redundant in the early weeks of lockdown. Suddenly everything was put into perspective. Where as I had been worrying about when I would next be able to go on holiday abroad or have a meal out in my favourite restaurant, her world had been turned upsidedown. Not just in one way but in a cruel twist of fate where her health and her security were both compromised at the same time.

I remember another friend telling me on the phone, she didn’t want it to be a text. I actually laughed out loud. During those first few weeks when we were all living in fear and it couldn’t seem to get any worse, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Then nothing felt as important as knowing that everyone immediately close to me was safe and well. That my husband had a steady job that would sustain us through the crisis.

As the weeks have unfolded, we’ve become content with eating what’s in the cupboard or fridge after our one weekly shop. Making holidays out of Aperol Spritz and homemade pizza in the back yard on balmy spring evenings. Being grateful not to have to navigate retail parks and feel the pressure of spending days out at the weekend or buying things that we don’t look at again once we’ve got them home.

Finding joy in watching vegetable seeds grow into small plants, even ones that we can’t identify as they came in nameless packets. Spending time catching up with friends, not just making promises to catch up soon but saying “see you next week, same time!”.

Handwriting letters, exercising outside and practicing yoga in the living room, realising that you don’t need a gym membership and what was the appeal anyway?

We have all found ways to reconnect with nature, enjoy the company of friends without having to spend any money. Knowing that we have a wardrobe of clothes that is more than we need as we spend most of the time in the same outfit. Changing our top when we have an online meeting.

Time to reflect, time to go inwards and think about who we are and what we want. What truly makes us happy and how can we prioritise. What are our values, motivations and what are we wanting to take action on, that we were quietly whispering to ourselves before? Suddenly we want to express ourselves, the very essence of us, the spirit of us and everything we stand for.

We may have become frustrated and restless, but this is more about our awakening to a new way of being, a new consciousness. As someone who has done lots of personal development and spiritual work over the last 18 months, I know that this can be a confusing time for people. We may feel as though we are living between two worlds, we sense and feel a change of direction, but don’t know how to navigate it.

We might try and do things the same way we always have, but they just don’t seem to work. We feel then need to resist the change and this only ends up making us feel exhausted and defeated. We are feeling the pressure of not accepting the new world.

Can we be satisfied with the simpler world that we have tasted? Having friends over, rather than going out? Being happy with the things that we have, not craving more or the latest. Finding new opportunities where we would never have looked before. Growing our own vegetables, shopping locally and putting back into our community. Supporting local independent businesses and exploring places close to us, that we never even realised were there, instead of ticking off new foreign holiday destinations.

I am missing trips out to country parks and the hills of Derbyshire but I’m waiting until it’s likely to be quieter. I realise I may be waiting sometime. For now I’m happy with a glass of fizz and mini cheddars in the back yard.

Updated July 2022

As I reflect on the last two years my journey to a smaller and simpler life continues and the more it does the more I understand. It is a complete decluttering of the mind, body and soul and the physical space that we inhabit. There is no desire to collect more objects and the simpler my day the better.

I only need to be able to breath, to feel, to express the very essence of myself. Move my body, go outside and be grateful and appreciative of everything that I have right now. I am enough and I have everything that I need.

After another shock announcement of the death of an ex-colleague (the second this year), it once again puts it all in perspective. Decide what you want to be, do, have and believe. Then go live it. It’s all waiting for you.

Louise Hallam
There are no rules, you have not been here before

The line has been drawn and there is no going back. Between the old world and the new world that you must now navigate is only a small step, once you know the rules.

Ahh, but there you have it! There are no rules, for you have not been here before. There is nothing to tell you what to do. How to behave. No signs to follow. But wait, you have seen the signs. For here you are following a new path. A new way of being, seeing, creating and developing. For some time you have known that you were born different, to make a difference. To standout, not fit in. What are you waiting for? A bigger nudge? A bigger push? Into the unknown we ALL go.

No matter that you decide to do things differently. No matter that you decide radical change is the answer. No matter that your priorities have changed. You want to embrace your wellbeing and then champion others to do the same.

To spend time in nature, in water, in play. In silence and retreat. To speak only when you have something of importance, of significance to say. To slow down, to stop, to be still and to listen. Listen to the wind through the trees, the trickle of the stream as it winds its way down to the river and into the sea.

Here there are new ideas created, new plans emerge, a renewed energy. A sense of belonging, of purpose, of people over profit, of taking care of the planet.

An encyclopedic knowledge is held in nature as she now invites you to take part. Take part in the joy, the dance in the rain, the throwing of leaves into the air. The dangling of your feet into the river. You think you are no longer a child, but everyone needs to play. It got so serious that you have forgotten how.

Suddenly you are free, free from routine, free from four walls. You are on holiday? No, you are forging a new relationship with your purpose, with you team, business, community, friends, parents and loved ones. An escape from the doom and gloom, a distraction. A new wander of the wonders of Mother Earth and all that she provides.

A new perspective, a new challenge. To stay grounded, to feel earth daily, to step into her arms daily. To give back to her daily.

To surrender your deepest fears, desires and stress, so that you float back down to a reality, which is now serene, peaceful and balanced. Now you are so much more productive and you are achieving more. You spread a blanket of success, without stress, over everyone.

You have stripped away the complexity of the modern world where structure became order, which became chaos, which now collapses into dust.

Freedom is what people crave, freedom from societal constraints, from material possessions, from the right way to do things, which always seems to turn out wrong. A simpler way of being creates space for dreams, for purpose, for stability that comes from knowing that you have everything you need. Right here, right now.

What is the order of your life and leadership showing you, telling you?

Where have you lost your spark, your passion, your ability to sense, with all of your senses?

Where is there no colour, no light, no laughter, no joy?

Deconstruct the order, in order to create a peaceful existence where the heart will reveal what the head has tried to hide.

You are tired, you are exhausted, you need to change and bring about change for others. Rest, recuperate, recharge and then uplift others with your new vision. A new platform of wellbeing, which is multidimensional is now available to you. Emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.

Start to breathe it, start to believe it and you will see it and be it.

All channeled messages from my guides are published without alteration and are delivered as messages that you have been requested to hear. Their directness is intentional. Be aware of transformation, insight and direct action taken as a result!

Louise Hallam
Take the Plunge

Be ready for the rapid change.

When you can hear the voice of yourself wanting to take an action, but you choose a different path. It diminishes the self, keeps you safe and small.

When you feel your intuition kick in, listen with all your body. mind and soul.

For you are being asked to choose the path of knowing. Trust, faith and belief that whatever you do, everything will unfold exactly as it needs to.

Even when you cannot see the future, you see clearly the action and the next step. The next step up the mountain and this step shows others the way.

This is a time of unprecedented change and you must learn to adapt. You must not be afraid when things change as they will change rapidly now.

You must embrace the change, go with the change and take others with you.

For a time you may stand alone, wondering if you have done the right thing. There are those that will be not understand you, may talk behind your back and try and gain opposition against you.

Guess what, those who have stood alone in history. knew what they were doing. They were guided, they were supported and they created the biggest change. And they were remembered for standing up when no-one else wanted to. They knew the way, they had been show the way and nothing was going to stand in their way.

At the moment it could be them and us. You want a different way of doing things, you can SEE what needs to change and others will raise an army to keep things the same. It is humans and humans, only some will SEE differently. That’s ok, keep your stance and wave your flag until you think it’s too much.

When you look around, you will realise that your followers have started to gather and you are not alone anymore.
All channeled messages from my guides are published without alteration and are delivered as messages that you have been requested to hear. Their directness is intentional. Be aware of transformation, insight and direct action taken as a result!

Louise Hallam
Why it's time to be feminine in leadership

Women are starting to reclaim leadership as their rightful place as they rise to the top.

For hundreds of years women have been using masculine energies to lead as this is the expectation of most organisations. It is also part of their expectation to find the masculine energy traits in a leader. Logical thinking and assertive, which can be controlling, and a striving urgency to get things done in a hurry, without much thought for feelings or emotions.

In many Native American tribes, the role of the women has often been seen as equal or even superior to that of men. Women were often included in tribal decisions and leadership and often viewed as spiritual authorities. (1)

This was celebrated in the 2018 midterms when (1) Deb Haaland and Sharice Davids won their respective elections and became the first Native American women to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives. They both went on to retain their seats in the 2020 elections. (2)

What are masculine and feminine energies?

Everyone has masculine and feminine energies, yet they tend to be used more proportionally to gender. As women have always had to strive harder to reach more senior leadership positions then a tendency to lead in a masculine energy to be able to get ahead is inevitable, but can be difficult and exhausting to maintain.

What does this mean for women leaders?

Being able to use more feminine energy whilst leading has the advantage of creating a more nurturing and receptive environment basing decisions on intuition and unity, which tends to be able to build more trust and loyalty. It requires working from the heart, rather than the head as humans have been conditioned to do.

Everyone needs a balance of both in different situations and it’s about being able to identify what works best in each given circumstance.

The world is literally changing

As the universe entered the Age of Aquarius (3) on December 21at 2020 many leaders will have felt they lost their sense of direction, not knowing which way to turn and feeling disconnected from themselves.

This evolution was a call to return to a more human way of living, to identify with the authentic self and soul purpose. To focus on our inner wealth, to find love, joy and wisdom rather than focusing on the external and material possessions.

Feeling this shift meant the pull for many to lead differently, but not yet seeing the way forward clearly. Feeling paused, in reflection and slowed down to take stock and plan the next steps.

Faced with not knowing who they are and recognising that they have lost or changed their identity as a leader can be stressful and overwhelming. Yet, what could be more liberating than taking the opportunity to rediscover what brings happiness or sadness, what’s important and questioning whether what they are doing is their true purpose?

What does this mean for women in leadership?

Leaders are being asked to see themselves, take their place, see differently and create a new vision for a business world that has begun to feel wrong and out of place. Leaders will now need to understand how people thrive, not just for mental health, but for true potential.

To see the true essence of themselves, to connect to themselves and others and see the potential of each individual. They are being asked to spend time building community, trust and loyalty, connect to love and compassion and build a flow, which creates unity.

The rules of the game have changed and leaders now have the ability to break down the barriers of government, education, business and economy. Who expects things to be the same anyway? Lead how you were born to lead and others will follow.


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/nov/04/native-american-women-elected-congress-record-number (1) https://www.representwomen.org/the_history_of_indigenous_women_s_leadership_1 (2)


If you have enjoyed this post you can read Lessons 1-10 of Conscious Leadership.

If you enjoy this resource you’ll love 10 ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome.

You can also view Lessons 1-20 of Conscious Leadership on Youtube.

Practitioner Reviews

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Emma Stone3y ago

Thank you for your reply!

Louise Hallam3y ago

Hi Emma, this is to release an emotional pattern that has created limitations for you. I have updated the description accordingly.

Emma Stone3y ago

Hello! Is it possible to learn to express my emotions properly and control them in 60 minutes?

Emotional Stress Release
Louise Hallam
May 28, 2024, 14:00
Emotional release session
Louise Hallam3y ago

Hi Lina, if we can identify a single issue that is creating an emotional pattern then the impact will be permanent. If you are needing a change in the way you manage emotions that takes more time.

Lina3y ago

Hello. how accurate is this practice? how long does it last?

Louise Hallam3y ago

Hi Phoebe, the session that offer here is for a one off session about an emotional issue that you are aware of affecting you. The habit of suppressing your emotions takes a longer time and more in depth work.

Phoebe Savir3y ago

As a teenager, I had to suppress my emotions many times, and now I can not get rid of this bad habit. Can you help me?

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