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Family Coaching

coaching session
$100 USD
$100 USD

Family coaching is a growing trend and specialised service which enables families to over come their challenges.

This service is done via Zoom and is done 1 to 2 hours at a time.

You will learn how to communicate with each other.
You will understand how to feel less frustrated.
You will feel able to build a harmonious home life again.

You will be able to understand anger and how to control it.
Parent without feeling you are in a. war zone.

So if you want a personalised session for you and your family surrounding these matters get in touch with me now. I have an outstanding results with those I have worked for over 26 years.

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Lincolnshire, UK

Im a Positive Relationships and Family Coach, offering support specifically in communication, Anger management and understanding emotions.

Im a Key note speaker and a have a wealth of enthusiasm and knowledge to share.

Having been in the social care sector for over 26 years, I am highly skilled in the areas that I coach/Mentor in.

Id love to hear from you x

On Core Spirit since January 2021

Life Coaching
Anna Scott
May 25, 2024, 07:00
Coaching – Discovery Call

This call will highlight in just 30 minutes where you need areas of support in your life to stop you feeling overwhelmed.

Relationship Coaching
Anna Scott
May 25, 2024, 07:00
Wishes and Feelings with Children - allow them to express themselves

I offer sessions for children aged 5-16, whereby they can fully express themselves through direct work. We are able to establish what is bothering them, what their fears are, what prevents them from being confidant, have self worth and self belief.

My 26 years of experience has enabled hundreds of children over come fears, express their inner feelings and explore their thoughts.

Which in turn enables them to become more confident, find their inner voice, strength, and in turn bringing them closer to their loved ones.

Positive Psychology
Anna Scott
May 25, 2024, 07:00
Anger Management 12 week program

This is a group course lasting 6 weeks 2 hours a week plus home work for men and women between the ages of 30-50.

If you are always angry and not sure why this course is for you.

This course will enable you to identify what anger is.

What your triggers are.

How to cope with your triggers.

Learn some coping strategies that are easy to apply and quick to implement and more

So if you want a less angry life and to enable your loved ones to not feel scared of you any more.

This course is for you. It will be completed via zoom on a weekly basis - it can be individual or with others to build a support group for you (your choice upon booking)

Career Coaching
Anna Scott
May 25, 2024, 07:00
Communication Skills reconnect with those you care about

Do you want to understand some basic important communication skills?

Want to be able to reconnect with your partner/children/family or friends?:Understand what effective communication is:What Empathic Awarenesses Skills are and how to utilise the listening skills
:Listening blocks you may have
:Empathic Speaking skill
:How to express your emotions
:How to recognise your base line of communication and improve it.
:Go away with some tasks that will help you improve your communication skills and relationships

If so join me on the 25.01.21 at 16:00 GBT for a 1.5 hour zoom call - followed by a 30 mins Q & A’s with me.

I am doing this at a massive discount for all who sign up before the 17.01.21

If you sign up between 18.01.21 it will be increased to $190

Career Coaching
Anna Scott
May 25, 2024, 07:00
Family Coaching

Family coaching is a growing trend and specialised service which enables families to over come their challenges.

This service is done via Zoom and is done 1 to 2 hours at a time.

You will learn how to communicate with each other.
You will understand how to feel less frustrated.
You will feel able to build a harmonious home life again.

You will be able to understand anger and how to control it.
Parent without feeling you are in a. war zone.

So if you want a personalised session for you and your family surrounding these matters get in touch with me now. I have an outstanding results with those I have worked for over 26 years.

Anna Scott
The Art of Communication

The Art of Communication:

Since I can remember I have always been able to communicate with those who struggle to express themselves.

I was one of nine children and often struggled to have my voice heard, expressing myself was hard. But to help others express themselves I found so easy, and easy to loose myself in their challenges rather than focusing on mine.

So communication is used within everything we do, this maybe verbal or non verbal. The power of true communication is observation, tapping into ones energy, and allowing safe space and validation that they’re feelings are valued and real for them.

In my 41 years here on earth the greatest thing I have learnt is never dismiss someones believes and feelings. Because when you can understand and connect with them from their point of view, no matter what you will be able to help them be heard.

Once you allow someone to be heard, watch them blossom, watch their negative approaches transform into uplifted high energy of positivity.

Children have this ability from new born, it is only the environment and others imposed teachings do they loose the ability to effectively communicate as they grow. To feel confidant in what they say, who they are and what they want to be!

When was the last time you sat with someone and actively listened to them, with no interruption, or no opinion imposed upon them?

Start with the little things, observe, nod of the head when they speak, eye contact, smiles, mirror their posture, enable them to feel safe, make quality time to sit together if thats 5 mins a day or 1 hour. It’s the quality of time rather than the quantity.

Make little gestures of connection through a touch on the shoulder or a little “that’s amazing” Enable others to give, in a world of 5x more praise than criticism you will see a child and or adult blossom into who they truly want to be.

Give the gift of your ears and time rather than shouting or dismissing.

Be great to connect with you to share so much more detail.

Anna Scott
"Behind The Mask"

Suicide v’s My children

I sat like a puppet on a string I looked up at the rope

The smell of fresh washing in the air and the sun shining through the window so brightly I should have been joyful, but instead I could smell the filth, death calling me, the shame

Im a exhausted like a puppet from all the shows , emotionless, empty with no direction, alone at home what do I do?

Behind the mask

Suicide V’s my children.

Solider on with my armour that is failing to protect me, pay the bills, run the kids to and fro, be robotic towards my family or go peacefully.

Did you know ?

There are two methods of Hanging the long rope which breaks the neck and brings death in 4 minutes. The time in which you could nip to the toilet and make a cup of tea.

Or theres the short rope where the hang man struggles to breath 10 to 30 mins. In this time you could have walked your dog and put the kettle on.

But I questioned myself……. Do I deserve to go fast or slow…. I ask my self.

Thoughts racing no one cares, Ping ping in that moment im annoyed someone interrupting again Ping Ping, Ping Ping, I fell back to reality my phone lights up a text

Saved my life, an angel, a man I had never met became my hero, without him even knowing it. Exhausted I rose from the moment and stepped out of the river of tears and the broken armour. The smell of death in the distance for now, and the sun beaming through the window with the washing taking my breath away.

Instead I spoke to a white coat, so many questions so many why’s, when, who how, what if’s? The white coat questioned my reasoning, my being, my purpose. I never fully told the truth frozen with fear.

I became one of my clients too scared to speak, too scared in case I was judged, to scared to show the pain, the hurt, the torment, the anger the confusion the weakeness, the reality of my being

Almost 2 years pass as though I been at black pool towers the never ending adrenaline, the roller coaster of emotions, self sabotage, v’s self-development.

Prior to this I was a strong independent women, raising two amazing girls alone, whilst working full time as a Advanced child protection social worker for 15 years.

Every day I was fighting for children and families rights, ensuring their needs were met.

What I failed to see was my own needs, my mental health was deteriorating.

Can you relate to this? Have you been so busy with life, that you failed to see yourself struggling?

So much for a caring profession I was being bullied by my manager, everyone saw it besides the managers themselves. It made me realise that they only saw what they wanted to see.

It made me question, my position, my purpose my existence, the message I was giving to my children.

I went of long term sick, struggled financially, No one contacted from work, no one cared, I lost my closest friends, they said mental health issues are selfish. Mental health isn’t selfish, it is a way of our bodies trying to say STOP, Listen, Heal and reflect upon what is happening around you.

A strong independent woman who had saved hundreds of children’s lives and helped families remain together. I was at the brink of throwing mine away.

Hopelessness, fear, numb, financially broken and no one to help me.

So I started to concentrate on new ventures in my life looking at NLP, CBT methods of behaviour patterns and how I could improve me and with a view of going on to still help others but in a different way.

I decided to become a coach. A Positive Relationships and Family Coach, enabling people to reconnect and overcome fears they have.

My newfound career taking off within the pandemic, who would have thought. Interviewed for a new book being published next year, I even had my own radio show I was excited to be developing my new ambitions.

I regained self confidence, self esteem, my medication was working, I felt stable.

Midnight I’m sat alone, Rope V’s Children

I burnt the rope……………

Love is greater in person that six foot under. Pinoccio was alive, breathing fresh air and full of billions of moliculces ready to conquer the world.

Remember my hero, well the phone call came, the call I was dreading, he has stage 3 cancer, chemo starts next week, im the only person besides his brother he has told. I felt my world had crashed around me, my hero who saved my life, but now I cannot save his.

His life in the fate of the universe. I thought why, why is life so cruel, so many amazing people become so ill and taken too soon, yet those that seem to abuse, continue their life as though they rule.

I wobbled in the moment wished I had taken my own life, to loose another person I cared for and who had cared for me, who had made me feel safe, secure and worthy. The thought of him not being there anymore, petrifies me. I reached for my mask

But he told me I’m his beautiful butterfly and my wings have grown, I’m to show the world who I truly am and believe that all will be ok.

But it still left me wondering…

Rope V’s my hero……………. Is Mental Health selfish? Ping ping ping ping, interrupts me thought again, back to reality, my heart sinks the results are in my heros day of reckoning

The white coats have saved my hero they have performed the magic selfishly I needed, my hero has a chance. One day I might actually meet him in person, to thank him to say I love you to hold him. My hero, my angel, my friend

Key facts

• Suicide is a significant public health and social inequality issue, with more than 6,000 people across the UK and Republic of Ireland taking their own lives each year. Tens of thousands more attempt suicide. Suicides are preventable with timely, evidence-based interventions.

• More than 1 in 20 people make a suicide attempt at some point in their lives. That means there is at least one or more of you watching today has made an attempt on your live.

• more likely among men than women, and in particular men in their 40s and 50s.

• Some people considering suicide may hint at or even disclose to friends they intend to take their own lives. Other people who are feeling suicidal might not mention it at all or give any indication of their intention.

• Only a third of people who die by suicide have been in contact with specialist mental health services in the year before their death.

So If you are somebody in this room who is struggling to manage your emotions, feeling overwhelmed with relationships, work or just life in general, I can help you.

Do you want to regain self confidence, self worth, learn to understand your emotions, how they feel and finally communicate them in a way which is healthy.

I do this through one to one coaching or through a powerful 12 week programs.

Please take control now of you and contact me because your life is so much more valuable than you realise you are loved you are worth it.

“The Behind the mask” - By Anna Scott

Practitioner Reviews

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Anna Scott3y ago

Hey , the sessions are mixed so with parents alone, and child alone and parents together wiht child

Anna Scott3y ago

Hi Anna, depends on the situation, Initially I prefer to meet individually with all members involved in the challenge identified, then I like to bring you together to be able to work through the challenges

Anna Scott3y ago

Hi April, Teenage years are never easy, so many changes and with the pandemic it has been even harder for many young adults to connect with their parents. 1) What would your Ideal relationship look like with your parents 2) what could you do and what could they do that would start to help towards that goal? 3) do you take even five mins a day to communicate with each other, asking how are you? and actively listen to what each other has to say? - im happy to support email me annascottcoaching@gmail.com

Positive Psychology
Anna Scott
May 25, 2024, 07:00
Anger Management 12 week program
Relationship Coaching
Anna Scott
May 25, 2024, 07:00
Wishes and Feelings with Children - allow them to express themselves
Career Coaching
Anna Scott
May 25, 2024, 07:00
Family Coaching
Anna Ginger3y ago

Should the whole family be present at the session, or is it just me? Thanks

April Chase3y ago

I sometimes miss the support from my parents… we have never had a close relationship, we rarely go out together, we rarely talk, and we know almost nothing about each other. It makes me depressed… is it still possible to change something if I am already 18?I’m not going through the best period of my teenage life, can you help me find contact with my parents?…thank you in advance!

Career Coaching
Anna Scott
May 25, 2024, 07:00
Communication Skills reconnect with those you care about
Life Coaching
Anna Scott
May 25, 2024, 07:00
Coaching – Discovery Call

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Love and Light

Joanna Rose Tierney

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