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Full Length Astrology Reading

$50 USD
$50 USD

By buying this session, you get access to a full length, one hour astrology reading with me. I will answer any of your questions during this reading. Prepare a list of subjects, that you would like me to address, and your specific birth data, so that our time can be spent productively. Remember, that I am an energy healer and reader, and I am going to offer you the truth, and nothing beyond. Make sure, that you have your precise birth time, date, hour (to the minute) and location prepared. I need this information to give you an accurate astrology reading.

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Kraków, Poland

I have studied astrology and tarot for many years now. Because of that, it was very natural for me to start providing guidance through my writing and spirituality, to share my results of years of astrological research and study. It’s really important to me to be accessible to all people who need my guidance, and make the quality of my work more obvious to wider public.

On Core Spirit since April 2021

Sidereal Astrology
Jade Myrtille
May 21, 2024, 07:00
Full Length Astrology Reading

By buying this session, you get access to a full length, one hour astrology reading with me. I will answer any of your questions during this reading. Prepare a list of subjects, that you would like me to address, and your specific birth data, so that our time can be spent productively. Remember, that I am an energy healer and reader, and I am going to offer you the truth, and nothing beyond. Make sure, that you have your precise birth time, date, hour (to the minute) and location prepared. I need this information to give you an accurate astrology reading.

Natal Astrology
Jade Myrtille
May 21, 2024, 07:00
Astrology and Tarot Mixed Reading - Unique Insight

By buying this session, you get access to the most exclusive, full length, one hour mixed tarot and astrology reading with me. Using both of these skills at the same time allows me to give you the most detailed guidance possible. Prepare a list of subjects, that you would like me to address, so that our time can be spent productively. For the Astrology part, make sure, that you have your precise birth time, date, hour (to the minute) and location prepared. I need this information to give you an accurate astrology reading. Remember, that I am an energy healer and reader, and I am going to offer you the truth, and nothing beyond.

Tarot Reading
Jade Myrtille
May 21, 2024, 07:00
Full Length Tarot Reading

By buying this session, you get access to a full length, one hour tarot reading with me. I will answer any of your questions during this reading. Prepare a list of subjects, that you would like me to address, so that our time can be spent productively. Remember, that I am an energy healer and reader, and I am going to offer you the truth, and nothing beyond.

Jade Myrtille
Differences in Emotional Expression depending on Astrological Sign Modality

The problem with a question of emotional expression and mutual relating, psychologically, is that everyone does it differently. This translates to astrology in such a way, that every sign’s energy has a different capacity to bloom in different situations in different ways, and every person born with an individual natal chart will be a unique mix of those astrological energies. That makes everyone capable of showing compassion in very specific situations, in a specific way that is dependent on the energy they carry within. People with some chart combinations may literally use logic to be kind, because this is how they function themselves, so they project this way of functioning on others.

Everyone has emotions, just a different style of living through and expressing them. Problems start, when two parties have fundamentally different expectations as to what they need as individuals in order to feel understood. As a consequence, they have incompatible ways of functioning and thus can’t relate to each other the way both sides need it to feel cared for.

Air and Earth signs get especially bad reputation in this department, constantly being called too logical and practical and not in touch with their feelings. Among them, Aquarius gets the most hate for being “cold”.The reason why people with strong Aquarian energies can get such a bad reputation in this department is that Aquarius is an energy of a bigger picture vision, groups, and collective efforts and ideals. One may say that Aquarius energies are not sensitive, but trigger them on one of those social topics, and watch them get very emotional about them. They can treat it so personally, much more than someone’s individual “petty problems”. This is someone, who may struggle to care that much about small problems in your personal life, seeing it as having little to no importance or feeling like it’s “selfish”, but may perfectly empathise if your struggle concerns for example an inability to make a change in a group you want to contribute to or society at large.

Usually, people come to others for understanding to fulfill that part inside that everyone has, that makes us want to feel special, unique, loved, seen, appreciated and cared for on an individual level. That may simply not trigger much emotional response from people with strong Aquarius energies, because Aquarius is opposite from Leo - individual focus in the caring process is not their strong suit. This is someone, that might dismiss more “individual” concerns as “small” or “irrelevant”, when there are other bigger causes in the world to “care for”. It can become a problem especially in personal relationships, when a partner is emotionally distressed and in need of encouragement, yet an Aquarius can simply view this as “small or insignificant” and not give their partner the support that is needed. It’s not that they don’t have a heart…but it is just located somewhere else, and to access it, you need to address the right parts of them.

The tragedy of people with strong Aquarian energies in personal planets is that they subject their own emotions to the same harsh standard, that they hold others to. Which means it can take them years to find, validate, recognise, analyse and digest even their own feelings and the process can be accompanied with a lot of self loathing at their own human “smallness”, when there are bigger and “more serious” causes that should be taken care of instead of their own “small, insignificant feelings”. In a way this can make an Aquarius person really emotionally handicapped until they manage to get a grasp of themselves with age…and even then, it will require continuous efforts on their part. Especially Aquarius Moons, I find to be really emotionally challenged in that department, depending on the rest of their chart also.

This is a good moment to mention, that we get our planets from our upbringing in a family, where we are karmically placed. If this is how an Aquarius Moon person is behaving, it’s because this is how they were raised and conditioned to behave. They were born with this Moon Sign, because their own parents most probably invalidated their emotions, giving an Aquarius Moon person an impression, that there were other, “bigger” things in the world, that were more important. Something that can be said as a word of praise to Aquarius people…they really do keep the communities they care about “together” emotionally. Their presence can be the social “glue” and bonds between people might dissolve without their presence.

If we looked long and hard enough, we can see different ways that every sign energy connects to something emotionally…even colder planets that rationalise a lot. As someone with Capricorn energy and strong Saturn, despite all the other water energy in my chart and my capacity to talk about emotional matters all day if needed, I also really need to feel like someone has my back on the practical side of life and can be relied on, because otherwise I feel like the other person doesn’t care about me enough to put in even a little bit of effort…if this is lacking I can’t feel like they connect with me because I feel like they are “immature” and don’t understand the emotional security that structure and order can bring me. It’s very ironic because even with all the water energy I have, I had people who have less earth and less Saturn in their chart than I do say. that I “don’t pay enough attention to how they feel”. Truth is, when someone is crying, I will bring them that tissue box at some point and try to offer a solution, even if I listen to them for hours before…while some people don’t want to hear about solutions at all, they just need the feeling of being comforted all day long.

This relates also to the eternal conflict between the energies of Saturn and Moon. The common point between Capricorn and Aquarius is being ruled by Saturn. Saturn and Moon are opposites in such a way, that while Moon rules our comfort zone and most private emotional experiences, Saturn rules duty, and discipline and rigorous work. Essentially, everyone is going to need soothing to have their Moon energy needs met…but sometimes this need clashes with someone else’s Saturn need for order. Saturn is not here to make anyone feel special, in fact it does quite the opposite. Thus we feel like someone is putting the energy of hard work in an area, where we feel like we need to rest, and it creates conflict. It all depends on everyone’s individual needs at the end of the day.

Jade Myrtille
Embracing Your Divine Feminine

Many women lack positive figures in their lives, that would have normally taught them how to express themselves naturally, by giving them appropriate respect and adoration, that they deserve. However, no matter what kind of negative experiences you had growing up, remember that as a woman, you’re a unique creation of mother nature and you deserve to be celebrated for who you are.

If you had negative influences from male figures in your childhood, this is not a testimony for you or your worth, but of how broken these male figures were, not to be able to worship you properly. If female figures did not show you by example, how to love and respect yourself, it was because they suffered too much themselves to be able to do that. It’s a testimony of their pain, not your lack of worth. You are still divine by birthright as the universe’s creation, and you don’t need anyone’s validation for that besides your own.

The broken male figures who may have mistreated you, are simply miserable human beings, whose treatment of you is a reflection of how they treat life and mother earth herself. Their behaviour has nothing to do with your worth, value or beauty, but everything to do with their own relationship with the divine feminine. Don’t allow these setbacks to destroy the consciousness of who you truly are - a miracle.

Remember, that even if some male figures hurt you, don’t hate men in general. The divine aspect expresses itself in both genders. Men are also unique in their own way, every single one of them, and even though you should withdraw your energy from those men, who don’t give you the reverence you deserve, you should have faith, that there are men, who will respect and worship you for who you are. Make space for these men in your community and your personal life.

Being around inspiring women helps. There are plenty of us, that have embraced their own divinity, and being in the company of these women has an empowering energy that is contagious. Revere yourself by choosing the energy, that helps you find your way to your inner goddess.

Respect the divinity in other creations of nature. Not everything and everyone is for you, and that is part of self love, but walk through life with the consciousness, that every other woman is a goddess in her own right, and let other women express themselves the way they want to. It is popular nowadays for women, who are afraid to embrace their own divinity to shame these women, who have fiercely done so. Don’t participate in this cycle. If something triggers you, walk away, meditate on it, and let nature express itself in its own ways, the way it chose to. Focus on shining your own light.

Connecting with yourself on this level may seem extremely difficult, if you have been abused or mistreated, and didn’t have positive experiences with either male or female figures raising you. I didn’t have positive experiences either, yet here I am writing this. We have spiritual teachings available to us for free nowadays, everywhere online that can help us find inside, what our caregivers failed to provide us with.

Studying Vedic astrology and discovering deeper layers of spirituality has taught me the importance of reconnecting with my divine feminine. I normally walk around thinking of myself more as a soul than anything else, but I chose this incarnation in a female body for a reason, and that should be celebrated also. There is a very deep dimension of spirituality coming from revering, and listening to your physical body.

As a woman you are a goddess that deserves to be worshipped. However, you shouldn’t wait for others to do it for you, you should worship yourself first. Never demean yourself for others, regardless of their gender. Always have respect for yourself to surround yourself with only people and energies, that are best for you. Practice self care in any way, that is relevant to you. Celebrate yourself spiritually, physically and emotionally. Your astrology chart will give you pointers, what your unique style is and how to express it best.

Your inner goddess is right there, waiting for you to unleash her.

Jade Myrtille
Spiritual Relationship Advice

In our modern society, people have an idealised version of dating and relationships but are rarely actually willing to create a functioning partnership. We are collectively obsessed with the status of “being with someone” portraying it as the holy grail, the ultimate achievement. Not even achieving actual connection and intimacy, but just constantly having that relationship “slot” fulfilled.

Paradoxically, that reflects horribly on the actual quality of our relationships. Just because you are with “someone”, just anyone, doesn’t mean that relationship is good and adds positive value to your life. Sometimes being in a relationship just means someone is holding your hand while you still keep crying. It doesn’t solve all your problems or make all of your worries go away. There is a big chance, that if you enter into a relationship with a person, who doesn’t respond well to you and you were depressed before, you will still be as depressed being with this person, if not more.

We all have parts of us that are still like children. These parts in us never truly grow up. The problem in adulthood is proper management of this part of us, because now if we keep making more of a mess in our lives, there is no parent figure to clean up after us.

The reality in any relationship is that when you enter into it, you are also entering into a partnership with this person’s inner child, that might be more or less damaged. As you move in together, years pass, the initial attraction passes, you interact on deeper and deeper levels, and these inner child mechanisms come into play. Then, it is truly put to the test, if you can handle being with that person… together with the reactive, conditioned childish side of them.

The other problem also surfaces, when people don’t discuss what truly interests them and don’t have any values or topics in common. Then, as time passes and routine sets in, they wake up to the fact that not only do they have divergent goals in live, but they also have incompatible personalities and they can’t handle each others most vulnerable parts.

The reality of any relationship is that it’s always hard work and it comes with challenges. First, you need to be actually lucky to meet someone, with whom your interests and personalities align enough to create a foundation. That’s why some people say that you meet who you love doing what you love, because it is that common interest and drive that leads you into the same environment. It is a purely chance event, and trying to control it through excessive dating has never brought anyone closer to a good relationship. Then, as a friendship develops and potentially transforms into something deeper, the level of intensity grows and with that you discover the baggage the other person carries with them, you start the never-ending work of being constantly challenged by how two people in close proximity constantly feel triggered on an individual level due to the presence of another person.

Even at a friendship stage, the other party may trigger your instinctive fears or responses, which then makes you lash out or behave in a specific way, which will cause a reaction in the other person too…at every stage of this journey both people are constantly challenged by their own inner problems and external circumstances - mutually handling adversity that always comes in life. This process never quite ends, just as it never ends for you as an individual for as long as you live…but it is also what lets you experience some of the most magical moments in life, if you do your job well.

If I were to give any love advice to everyone it would be:

1. Make sure you have enough in common. It doesn’t have to be 100%, in fact some oppositions are stimulating for growth, but it has to be enough to make things stick. Let’s say goals and achievements are important to you, but your partner is a couch potato, that doesn’t respond well to your motivation. This will be a source of constant frustration to both parties.

2. Stay with someone who is willing to fight for and put in effort into this connection. You also need to be a person who does that yourself. That doesn’t mean just passively staying in a relationship while doing nothing. People running away from problems and difficulties won’t make any relationship work. And problems always appear, because that’s life.

3. Be with someone whose “dark side” you can live with, and show them your “dark side” too. Everyone deserves acceptance and people have different levels of trauma. People also have different levels of tolerance for witnessing and dealing with other people’s trauma. If you have had bad experiences in life, and someone is ok with your emotional outbursts and trauma responses, it’s a very good sign, that this is a person that is compatible with your natural reactions, even if things get difficult.

4. Stay friends who have sex. A sense of humour is one of the few things, that makes this existence bearable on a worse day. Being able to enjoy each others company on the daily is important. Keeping a regular sexual routine is essential, or both parties start looking for fulfillment of it elsewhere. Sure, sometimes it’s about that spark, but over time it’s about making a conscious effort. Be with someone who makes that effort and make it yourself.

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Jade Myrtille3y ago

yes, it can even change your rising sign/ascendant/lagna. especially with divisional charts, these are very precise calculations. get the birth time as accurate as possible to the minute.

Veronica Kee3y ago

Hey! Does a 20-minute time difference have a huge impact on the chart?

Natal Astrology
Jade Myrtille
May 21, 2024, 07:00
Astrology and Tarot Mixed Reading - Unique Insight
Sidereal Astrology
Jade Myrtille
May 21, 2024, 07:00
Full Length Astrology Reading
Tarot Reading
Jade Myrtille
May 21, 2024, 07:00
Full Length Tarot Reading

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Ewart St, Brighton BN2, UK
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