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Individual Psychotherapy

therapy session
$150 USD
$150 USD

Are you seeking a therapist that sees you as a whole person - mind, body, and spirit, in the context of your lived experience and culture? Do you need someone to meet you where you are, without assumptions? Are you seeking help in your personal growth and healing?

All clinicians and support options are not the same. I am guided by a core philosophy that all human beings have an innate desire for balance, healing, and growth. Your definition of these concepts and your journey to achieve them is unique to you, your child, or your family.

Contact me to discuss scheduling.

Maybe you have specific complaints, stressors, or goals that you would like help navigating; perhaps you feel ready to strive for the next level of personal growth. Holistic Psychotherapy can offer the comprehensive tools and support you need to overcome personal challenges, interpersonal challenges, and to reach a healthier state of being. With the help and support of your therapist, you will be able to utilize your innate strengths to find yourself reaching the goals and understanding you seek in a safe and nonjudgmental space.

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2370 Main St, Tucker, GA 30084, USA

Are you seeking a therapist that sees you as a whole person - mind, body, and spirit? Do you need someone to meet you where you are, without assumptions or judgement? Are you seeking help in your personal growth and healing? I help clients overcome overwhelm, stress, and anxiety and find peace with relationships, boundaries, identity, and self-acceptance. -Stacey (she/her)

On Core Spirit since January 2021

Stacey Wright
Recovering from Religious Trauma & Spiritual Wounds

Many experience religion and spirituality as a help to their mental health, but for others, religion is a source of psychological stress, painful memories, and trauma. What is the path forward for those who have been harmed, rather than healed, by religion? Understanding religious trauma is a start.

Research has focused on the importance of religion in the lives of a majority of Americans and the positive correlation of spirituality & religious involvement with improved mental health. However, personal and professional experience as well as shared stories of diverse individuals reveal that there is not always a positive association between mental health and religion.

Examining religious trauma does not mean rejecting or opposing all religion or spirituality. Instead, it opens a path towards healing for those who have been harmed by their experiences. These individuals are diverse in their past experiences and current feelings about religion and spirituality. Some have walked away from religion altogether while others have a deep desire for spiritual connection, but are wary of traditional approaches.


The terms religious trauma and religious abuse have been used to describe the harmful impact on mental health that can occur as part of an individual’s church or religious experience. Religious Trauma Syndrome, or RTS, refers to psychological damage that is the result of religious experiences, messages, doctrines, and teachings.

Dr. Marlene Winell, a leading researcher on RTS and counseling interventions for healing and growth define religious trauma syndrome as “the condition experienced by people who are struggling with leaving an authoritarian, dogmatic religion and coping with the damage of indoctrination. They may be going through the shattering of a personally meaningful faith and/or breaking away from a controlling community and lifestyle.”

Religion and spirituality are terms that are often used interchangeably, but it is useful in this context to highlight the difference. Religion is a term used to indicate a specific set of doctrines, traditions, and beliefs. In contrast, spirituality refers to a broader understanding of life and the force behind and beyond it; viewing life as greater than the visible and tangible, to include religion as well as transcendence of the physical realm. Spirituality may be part of a person’s religious journey or be experienced outside of a specific religion.


Raising questions about religion or discussing negative experiences within a church can be taboo in parts of society or in families due to cultural ideals and traditions. For individuals who have been harmed in their religious community, finding a safe space to process their experience can be a challenge. Individuals may have limited opportunity or ability to seek support from a mental health professional outside the community.

Spiritual bypassing may also prevent meaningful exploration or growth from questions or doubts that may naturally arise regarding religion and spirituality. The term spiritual bypassing refers to the use of spiritual beliefs or practices to avoid dealing with painful or uncomfortable issues. If one has been taught, for example, that anger is inherently wrong or a sinful emotion, emotional detachment and mistrust of one’s own emotions may arise as negative coping mechanisms. Other side effects may be repression of emotions, lack of boundaries, codependency, spiritual obsession, low self-esteem, a sense of powerlessness, and social isolation.


Researchers have examined religion’s sometimes negative impact on mental health and refer to the negative experiences of ex-members of religious groups as spiritual abuse. The types of spiritual abuse are broken down into six basic themes (Ward, 2011):

- Leadership representing God (powerful symbolic authority)

- Spiritual bullying (manipulative behavior)

- Acceptance via performance (obedience emphasized)

- Spiritual neglect (acts of omission by leadership)

- A manifestation of internal states (dissonance between one’s inner and outer worlds)

- Expanding external/internal tension (bio/psycho/spiritual impact)

The sexual purity movement of conservative Christian churches in the United States has also been examined for the way its messages led to psychological damage in young people. Purity promises, denial of human sexuality, rigid gender role expectations, and heterocentrism were (and in many cases still are) familiar territory within the evangelical church in the South.

Religious trauma is considered a type of betrayal trauma, where a trusted person or entity is the source of the harm. For example, a man rejected by his church after coming out as gay. Or a victim of domestic abuse being counseled by clergy to return to their abusive partner. As noted by Cashwell & Swindle (2018), “trauma may be amplified as the victims were betrayed by the sacred system they thought would comfort them, and where they likely expected protection, acceptance, and positive experiences.”


The mental health impact of leaving a set of beliefs or religious community can mimic post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or complex trauma symptomatology due to a sudden loss of world view and intimate social support. Like other complex trauma, the impact of religious trauma is gradual and occurs over a long period of time. The trauma is two-sided. First, the individual may have suffered in a limiting, controlling, fear-based, patriarchal, abusive system within the religion. Second, the individual struggles to remove themselves from a system that served to answer and/or shelter the individual from a majority of life’s difficult questions within a like-minded community.

Leaving a fundamentalist faith orientation may mean leaving the safety of long-held “answers” to basic human questions around death, responsibility, meaning, and isolation. The individual must find a way to cope outside of the religious structure, sometimes for the first time. Dogmatic religions can espouse a simplified, but damaging, dichotomous view of the world, where labels of good and evil are applied to behaviors, emotions, thoughts, and people. The struggle to walk away from religious beliefs ingrained from childhood can lead to an identity crisis, existential questions, doubts, loss of self-esteem, and confusion.


Time and distance may be needed before the trauma can fully be acknowledged, understood, and processed. A trauma-informed psychotherapist can provide a safe space that allows an individual to heal at a comfortable and non-threatening pace.

Therapy may include discovering false beliefs and exploring inner truths. The lies that originated from religious experience may be neutralized by peeling them away, examining them, considering their origin, and coming up with an alternative, empowering narrative. It is possible to reframe and reclaim spirituality as a positive, empowering, and fulfilling part of life, if so desired. It may also be an equally fitting path for a person to walk away from spirituality and religion. Creation of new narratives can help victims of religious trauma establish a new sense of identity, connection to self, and reintegration of the body, behaviors, emotions, and thoughts.

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Stacey Wright3y ago

Hi Irene, I'm so sorry for your loss. I do a lot of work with complicated grief and loss, so would love to help. With therapy, typically multiple sessions are needed and my grief program is 10-12 sessions. I'd love to share more with you if you'd like to connect for a free 15-min consultation via Zoom or phone. You can email me at stacey@perspectivesholistictherapy.com. Also, are you located in Georgia?

Irene Hudson3y ago

the death of a loved one has devastated me, I have given up and do not know what to do next. I can't find support in my family, because I don't want to tell them about my problems, because I know that they have their own difficulties. Will your session help me to deal with this? Thank you in advance for your answer!

Personality Psychology
Stacey Wright
May 16, 2024, 16:00
Individual Psychotherapy

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My name is Sam.

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Chakra Balancing
Praggati Anand Oswaal
May 16, 2024, 08:00
7 Day Chakra Challenge

READY to bring balance to your body and mind.
READY to ignite your passion and creativity.
READY to boost your self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-love.

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This course includes a 60 min Yoga practice for balancing each Chakra and also 15-20 min meditation to connect with the Chakra at the energy level. All these videos are part of this course and you have access to them for lifetime once you sign up for the course.

Day 1 : Root Chakra
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Day 2 : Sacral Chakra
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Day 4 : Heart Chakra
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Day 5 : Throat Chakra
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Day 6 : Third Eye Chakra
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Day 7 : Crown Chakra
This Chakra and energy is linked to spiritual awareness, presence of true mindfulness and universal unity. When in balance, we are open to knowledge and the wisdom of others and are living our best, most fulfilled, and peaceful life.


  • Video on various meditation postures and breathing techniques
  • Chakra Balancing Manual
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Brian Frederick Eastman, LIIFT UnTherapist
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Find your $ Blockages

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Emotion Code for Anxiety Relief

🌙. Receive a 60 minute Emotion Code session for anxiety relief. This session will feel like you’ve gifted yourself with a bouquet of beautiful 🌺 flowers. You may have a feeling you can’t quite put your finger on that something is getting in the way of your success, your goals, and your dreams.

🌙. I want to help hold a safe space for you to go deep into your truth and your shadow to uncover what it is. This emotional clearing session is like shining a flashlight on your stuck emotions causing negative patterns, self sabotage, or fear of success. As we shine a light we create movement so we can let go of what we don’t want.

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🌙. We will identify exactly what stuck emotions are getting in the way of you feeling calm and relaxed using the Emotion Code framework and clear those. We will also do a short guided exercise/meditation where I will send reiki to both your nervous system and any past events that need healing as well.

🌙. You are precious; treat yourself accordingly. You are worth taking the time to treat yourself to self-care. What can you take off your plate to make room for taking care of yourself and remembering your magic?

🌙. Our bodies are 55% water and we need plenty of pure, filtered water every day so please hydrate well before and during your session.

🌙. I will share what came up, what shifted, and how to do easy self care to keep your energy and emotions flowing and clear.

Feel free to reach out with any questions. Love, Sara

All healing sessions are non refundable.
If you need to change the time of the healing please try to do so at least 24 hours prior.

Legal Disclaimer:

This session does not replace medical care for a medical condition. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical issue. Please see a licensed medical professional or doctor for health concerns.

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