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Numerology + Tarot Yearly Forecast

$22 USD
$22 USD

This is combined numerology and tarot reading. I will tell you about the personal year cycle you will go through for a given year of your choice and I will tell you about the specific Tarot card associated with that year. The cost is $22 USD.

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1003 E M L King Blvd, Chattanooga, TN 37403, USA

My name is Clifford Eberhardt. I am a Numerologist, Astrologer, and Tarot reader. I recieved a Bachelor's of Arts in Mathematics and Psychology from Kenyon College in Gambier, OH. I have been studying the spiritual science for about 10 years. I have done many readings for people over that time and have developed a passion for it.

On Core Spirit since December 2021

Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
May 22, 2024, 15:00
Full Life Path Reading with Period Cycle Readings

I will provide you a full life path reading going over all 3 main periods of your life path.

You will learn:

  1. What you life path number is and what it means you were meant to learn and perfect in this life time.
  2. What your 3 periods cycles are and at what point in time you will experiecence each.
  3. Your First Period Cycle and how it relates to fullfilling your life path.
  4. Your Second Period Cycle and how it relates to fullfilling your life path.
  5. Your Third Period Cycle and how it relates to fullfilling your life path.
Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
May 22, 2024, 15:00
5 Core Number Numerology Reading

I will provide you a reading of your 5 core numbers in your numerology chart. The reading will include:

  1. A reading of your life path number which describes your trajectory in life.
  2. A reading of your destiny number which describes your natural talents and gifts in this life
  3. A reading of your personality number which describes your outer persona.
  4. A reading of your heart's desire number which describers your inner drive for meaning.
  5. A reading of your birthday number which describes natrual gifts that peek in your midlife
Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
May 22, 2024, 15:00
Life Path & Destiny Number Reading

I will provide you a reading of your Life Path Number and Destiny Number which are 2 of the most important numbers in your numerology chart.

The Life Path Number is based on your date of birth and tells you about the trajectory of your life in this incarnation.

The Destiny Number is based on your full name given and birth and tells you about your natural skills and abilities in this incarnation.

Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
May 22, 2024, 15:00
Full Year Forecast with Month by Month Breakdown

I will provide you a Full Year Numerology Forecast reading for the given year of your choice with a breakdown forecast of each month.

Other Divinations
Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
May 22, 2024, 15:00
I Ching Reading 1 question

I will cast the I Ching for any one question you have. The cost is $10 USD per question.

The I Ching is an ancient system of Chinese Divination that is very accurate and enlightening.

Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
May 22, 2024, 15:00
Basic Life Path Reading

I will tell you the basics of your life path number which describes your trajectory in life in the study of numerology. What you will learn from this reading is as follows:

  1. The Pros and Cons of your particular life path number
  2. The best type of Careers for your life path number
  3. The most compatible type of peole for your life path number
Tarot Reading
Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
May 22, 2024, 15:00
Numerology + Tarot Yearly Forecast

This is combined numerology and tarot reading. I will tell you about the personal year cycle you will go through for a given year of your choice and I will tell you about the specific Tarot card associated with that year. The cost is $22 USD.

Tarot Reading
Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
May 22, 2024, 15:00
Personal Tarot Card of the Year Reading

I will show you the Tarot card governing a specific year of your choice and give you advice and consuling on the benefits and challenges assoicated with the card governing the given year. All I need to know is your birthday and the given year you wish to learn about.

Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
May 22, 2024, 15:00
Yearly Numerology Forecast

Get a General Personal Year Cycle Reading for the year of your choice. Typically it is the year coming up, 2022 for example, or the current year, 2021 in this case.

Natal Astrology
Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
May 22, 2024, 15:00
Natal Chart Reading

Basic Natal Chart Reading for $45 USD.

You will be given an basic interpretation of your Natal Chart.

Information that will be included is as follows:

  • Interpretation of Your Sun Sign
  • Interpretation of Your Moon Sign
  • Interpretation of Your Rising Sign
  • Interpretation of Your North and South Node
  • Interpretation of Your 12 Houses

Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
Love & Money Numerology Shows You How To Attract Both

Probably one of the most popular phrases often quoted from the Bible is that "the love of money is the root of all evil." So much so that there is a classic song called. "For the Love of Money."

And it is easy to see why someone can be so obsessed with money that they fall in love with it, so to speak, because most people have had some issues with money at some point in their life.

Whether it is the average person struggling to make enough money to pay their rent or mortgage or a business tycoon like the former and now infamous President Donald Trump being in millions of dollars of debt to multiple individuals and corporations. Money troubles are a universal experience in our modern day society.

Perhaps the only thing more ubiquitous than money troubles are love troubles. We often hear that "All you need is Love" and "Money can't buy you true love."

Not too long ago I was in desperate need to borrow some money and fast and almost everyone I asked wasn't in a position to help, but one friend for whom I have done a lot of free numerology and astrology work was willing and able to help me even if it put her in a tighter financial spot because as she said,

"I hate being in places of financial desperation because it makes you remember the world most people participate in is about money and not love. Anyways I love you."

Her words meant so much too mean I can't really properly put it into words, but the numerologist in me couldn't help but keep thinking "Well numerologically speaking Love and Money are kind of the same" as they both reduce to the number 9 which happens to be the number of the Global Humanitarian.

What do I mean by this? Well if you are new to numerology one thing you should know is that letters hold numeric value as well as being the building blocks of spoken languages.

A is the 1st letter so it holds the value of 1, B is the 2nd letter so it holds a value of 2, C is the 3rd letter so it holds a value of 3 and so on and so forth. Z is the 26th letter so for numerologist Z holds a value of 8 because 26 reduced to a single digit is 2+6=8.

Now if we look at the word "Love" and add all the values of the letters together, we see that Love=3+6+4+5=18 and 18 reduces to 9.

Now looking at the word "Money" we see Money=4+6+5+5+7=27 and 27 like 18 reduces to 9.

So we see that both the words "Money" and "Love" reduce to the same number, 9, which as I said is the number of the Global humanitarian and 9 is said to be the most compassionate, dare I say, loving number of all the numbers 1 through 9.

So why is it that the idea of money and love seem to be at such odds in our society when they both vibrate to the same loving number 9?

Well we will have to probe a bit deeper into the numerology to really begin to see the difference.

Now when we add all the letters of a word or name and find the numeric value of the full word we are calculating what is known as the Expression Number or Destiny Number of the word or name.

Now there are 2 other very important numbers that are found in a word or name and those are the personality number which is the numerical value of all the consonants of the word or name and the heart's desire number or soul urge number which is the numerical value of the vowels of the word or name.

So first let's look at the word "Love" again. So the consonants are 'L' and 'v' that have the values of 3 and 4 respectively, and 3+4=7. Now 7 is the number of spiritual knowledge, seeking the truth and understanding the self, the most important knowledge of all.

This means that the vowels have to reduce to 2 because 2 and 7 gives us 9 and we see the vowels are 'o' and 'e' which are 6 and 5 and 6+6=11 and 11 reduces to 2 (note that since 11 is a Master number it doesn't have to be reduced).

And 2 is the number of well...love because 2 is the number of the sacred feminine, the number of relating to others, the number of 2 individuals coming together to form something greater than themselves.

So in a way the word "Love" shows us that to truly get to the heart of what love is and what it means to love someone else, 2, we first have to know and love ourselves, the 7. I personally find this poetic and beautiful, but now what about the word money?

Well we see the consonants are 'm' and 'n' in the case of the word money the letter 'y' behaves like a vowel, and 'm' and 'n' have values of 4 and 5 respectively and 4+5=9 so the personality number of the word 'money' like the full expression number is 9.

This then means the heart's desire number will also be 9. Notice that 'Money' contains the same vowels as the word 'love' 'o' and 'e' except with the additional 'y'. And we saw 'o' and 'e' were 6 and 5 which add to 11 and 'y' has a value of 7 and 6+5+7=18. And again 18 reduces to 9.

Now I find it interesting that the entire word Love sums to 18 and the vowels of the word 'money' sum to 18. It's almost as if Love is at the heart of the word money.

Okay...so this really brings up more questions. The word money has three times the 9s compared to the word love. So does this mean that the word money has more of the energy of the most loving number, 9, than the word love itself?

Well now we need to probe a little bit deeper about the etymology of the words, in particular the word 'money' as well as reveal one of the secrets behind the great 3,6,9 mystery made popular by Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla.

Now when we talk about the word money we can see it can be broken into mon-ey or mono-eye. The mono-eye refers to the pineal gland or the seat of the soul in the brain that connects the masculine and feminine hemispheres of the brain.

And probing deeper we find that the word money comes from the latin word Moneta which is the surname of the Roman Goddess Juno who was goddess of memory and the mind. Now this is important because this is where we get into the secret of 3, 6, and 9.

So Nikola Tesla has a famous quote that is as follows.

"If only you knew the magnificence of 3, 6, and 9 you would have a key to the Universe."

Now normally when people discuss this cryptic quotation they go into a concept known as vortex math and the potential it may have to lead us to free energy.

While I don't doubt this possibility I believe there is a more esoteric and spiritual meaning about what we are and by extension what all life is as mind, body, soul system or in this case I should say soul, body, mind system.

This is because 3 represents the soul, think of the trinity consciousness of masculine and feminine coming together to create higher consciousness to procreate the divine spark at the heart of all life.

6 represents the body because 6 represents mastery of the physical world. It is 3 twofold and 2 represents physical form while 1 represents spirit. So the double of 3, the soul, gives us the soul incarnated in material form.

And last but not least 9 represents the mind. And the mind is the part of the soul that connects the soul to the body. Now you might ask "How is 9 a part of 3?" Well 9 is just 3+3+3. 9 is just 3 threefold. Thus the 9, the mind, is part of the 3, the soul.

So now looking back at the word money and how its Latin root comes from the name of the Roman Goddess of the mind, it makes perfect sense that the word 'money' is dominated by the number 9, the number of the mind.

And here is where a great money law of attraction secret lies!

If you have ever heard certain types of wealthy people talk about money, you will hear a provasive idea that comes from the law of attraction.

If you walk around worrying about not having enough money. You will find yourself walking around not having enough money.

But if you walk around thinking and feeling that money is abundant, you will find that you have lots of money and are able to give it away freely.

Kind of like how the 9 does best and makes the most finanical gain when the 9 doesn't think about getting a reward in turn at all. Again the trick to money magic is all in the mind!

Now don't get me wrong. Realization of a technique and execution of a technique can be worlds apart and what successful execution of the technique will look different to different people based on personal circumstance.

As someone who is dominated with the number 9. I still can't help but worry about having enough money. EVEN THOUGH I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT THERE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH MONEY FOR EVERYONE TO LIVE THRIVING LIVES!!!! And maybe that is part of my issue with attracting money.

But I willl still explain what I mean abot there being more than enough money for everybody shortly.

So money as we know it at its heart is purely mental whereas love is an action and a way of living so it needs other numbers besides 9 to fully describe and represent it.

So maybe humanity's issue isn't so much money, but the fact that humanity has forgotten how to love properly because if one wishes to have a technical discussion of how much so called money is in circulation there are over a quadrillion (1000 trillion) dollars worth of so called money in circulation.

This is enough money to buy everything that ever has been, or ever will be made. Yet we live in a society where millions struggle to have enough so-called money to survive.

So the issue clearly is not a lack of money but a lack of love. And what did we learn about love from the numerology of the word? To truly love others you first must love yourself.

In fact, one is impossible without the other. If you don't love yourself, then you can't truly love others and if you don't love others you don't truly love yourself.

The Bible tells us that "The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil" but I think if we just switch the position of love and money we find something far more hopeful.

"The Money of Love is the heart of God." meaning the mental energy exchange of giving and receiving love is the essence of God. Because the Bible also tells us that God is love.

1 John 4:7-8
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

I personally prefer these verses in Spanish

1 Juan 4:7-8

Amados, amémonos unos a otros; porque el amor es de Dios. Todo aquel que ama, es nacido de Dios, y conoce a Dios.

El que no ama, no ha conocido a Dios; porque Dios es amor.

If the word God isn't your cup of tea you can say the Universe, the All, or Source.

But I hope this article gave you some unique insights into the differences and connections of love and money.

And one last thing. To throw in a bit of astrology, do you know what planet rules love and money?

If you guess Venus you definitely know your astrology.

Now what number do you think the word Venus vibrates to? If you guessed 9 then you just moved to the head of this numerology class.


Until next time peace and much love.

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