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Palm Consultation Regarding Relationship Concers

$10 USD
$10 USD

In this service, people who are facing issues in their married life or any other relationship issues they have to send the picture of their palm clicked in natural light with every angle along with fingers, frontside, backside and sides of your palm . Also write down your questions point wise so that it will be easy for me to understand the concern.

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Instagram : @Palms7ories

General description of persons nature , character and behaviour

Detailed description of palm in context with the concern

Future predictions regarding the problem or concern

Some remedies will be suggested

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Hello Everyone, I am here to help and guide you with my knowledge of Palm Reading and Hand writing Analysis. Feel free to consult for relationship issues, career selection, business selection, match making by palm analysis, cure negativity and so on.

On Core Spirit since June 2020

Radha Yadav

In Indian palmistry, the thumb is called the soul of a person’s hand, it symbolises the will and mental state of the person. The thumb is the only part of the palm by which the entire character, nature and personality of a person can be understood. Also, it is found in the hands of each person separately, that is why your thumb impression is taken in important documents and in many government functions because it does not match any person in the world. You can guess from the fact that how ancient and clear the palmistry is.

To know more about the thumb, it is necessary to understand it in different parts, so we will consider the thumb in the following order:

1. Thumb Angle

2. Thumb Position

3. Thumb Length

4. Softness and hardness of the thumb

5. Thumb Texture (Size - Type)

6. Length of both ends

Angle of thumb:

1. If it is less than 90 degrees -

adjustable nature

Changes according to occasion

liberal nature


low ego


Family Obedience

2. If the angle is 90 degrees -

balanced nature

man of his words



strong will power



3. If the angle is more than 90 degrees, then -


free thoughts

dominate others

ruling nature

rule breaker

Position of the Thumb:

The thumb on the palm is found in two positions. Height is considered to be in the position when it is more proximal to the first finger and lowering of the thumb means that it is more established towards the origin of the palm (Venus).

● If the thumb is low then the person is very generous in spending and the person has good leadership ability and if the thumb is high then the person does not have good ability to manage and such person has been seen as a miser.

Thumb length: The thumb reaching half of the third knuckle of the index finger has been considered normal size. The second type of thumb is one that reaches lower than normal in the index finger and is called the small thumb. The third category is the big thumb, which is larger than normal.

1. A normal-sized thumb is the hallmark of the developing brain. Such a person remains balanced and has an understanding of good and bad.

2. The small thumb is the introduction of the less developed brain than normal and such a person indulges in basic tendencies. He is not able to rise above hunger, thirst, work, anger etc. and remains entangled in life.

3. A longer thumb than normal creates a desire for power in a person, such a person is influential and highly critical.

Thumb tenderness and hardness:

1. A rigid and no backward thumb makes a person stubborn, strong-willed, stingy, not to express his feelings. Such people work according to their own principles and do not have the temperament to adapt to any new circumstances or the nature of adapting to any person.

2. In contrast, the flexible and backward thumb makes the person expensive, accommodating, according to the circumstances and expresses his feelings.

Note: A more rigid and more flexible thumb is not considered auspicious. To a extent it is considered good because nothing gives very good results.

Thumb Type:

1. Thumb in the thumb - stubborn, idealistic, promising

2. Sword and thumb - tolerant, intelligent, good decision power

3. Thumb in the bow - open minded, new thinking, independent

4. Thumb bow and thumb - Polite, very generous, weak-willed

5. Lotus-like petals - hotheaded, revengeful, extremely stubborn, cynical, obsessed with killing someone

Thumb Feast:

Long: General intelligence and will, high thoughts.

Too long: Excess of anger, aggression, intense will, excess of ambition.

Small: Lack of willpower and ambition, nature to reduce the use of innate intelligence.

Too small: Weak will and little use of discretion or intelligence.

Second : Reveals logic, intelligence, thinking and conscience.

If on another

If they are taller than the first festival, then these qualities will be more than ordinary and much longer. If the second festival is less thick or thin than the one above and below and it appears when you see the thumb, then it shows the person to be very tactful and diplomat-like.

Third festival: If the thumb is small and this festival is long, then such a person suffers loss due to loss of control over his sensuality and senses. This festival is especially a symbol of the person’s sexual.

Radha Yadav
Introduction to Palmistry ( Basic study of Palm Lines and Mounts )

Every small and big event related to our life is hidden in our hand lines. From the correct study of these lines, it can be understood that how much will a person progress in life? How many successes or failures will one achieve? How will the health of the person or his married life be?

According to palmistry astrology, some important lines are mentioned, based on the position of these lines, a person’s life can be predicted. These lines are as follows-

Life line: The life line surrounds the Venus region (the part below the thumb). This line starts from the index finger and middle of the thumb and goes to the brain. On the basis of this line, the age and accident etc. of a person are considered.

Brain line: This line stays in the horizontal position of the palm. The brain line begins near the starting point of the lifeline. Starting here, the brain line moves to the other side of the palm. The intellectual capacity of the person is considered by this line.

Heart line: This line runs parallel to the brain line. The beginning of the heart line starts from the bottom of the Mercury field (the part under the shortest finger) on the palm and goes towards the Juipter region (the part below the index finger is called Guru Parvat). From this line, a person’s intellectual capacity, ethics and ideas are considered.

Sun Line: This line usually resides in the center of the palm. Above the Sun Line Manibandh (the horizontal lines below the end of the palm are called Bracelette Lines or Manibandh) The ring leads to the Mount of Sun below the finger. However, this line is not in everyone’s hands. This line shows how much respect and money the person will receive.

Fortune Line: It lives in the middle of the palm and starts from the brain or around it and goes to the Saturn region (the middle finger is the part below the middle finger.). The person’s luck is considered by this line.

Health line: It starts from Mercury field (the area under the shortest finger is called Mercury mountain.) And moves towards Venus mountain (the area under the thumb is called Venus mountain). From this line the health related things of the person are considered.

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Radha Yadav3y ago

Yes, it is true. Your palm lines are the projection of your mind ( conscious , sub- conscious mind ). Your palm tells everything about you , reveals your real personality and upcoming events of your life and its not a magic, it is pure science.

Anna Ginger3y ago

Do you look along the lines of the hands? it’s really interesting. Is it really true?))

Radha Yadav
Palm Consultation Regarding Relationship Concers

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Symptoms of Geopathic stress

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Any of the following are believed to result from exposure to Geopathic stress:

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Cancer, M.E. And M.S.
Aches and pains, e.g. Headaches
Back problems
Infertility and cot deaths
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Stress and nervousness
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Exhaustion, fatigue or loss of strength
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Not responding to medical treatment

Physical indicators of Geopathic stress

Animals that gravitate to lines or zones of GS include: cats, owls, slugs, snails, insects such as ants, bacteria, viruses, wasps and bees. Most mammals avoid areas of Geopathic stress. Horses and cows stabled over GS may become sick or prone to injuries. In Ireland in the days of old, people used to put cattle into the fields to see where they would sleep knowing that they would not sleep in areas of negative energy. This is then where the buildings were placed, in the good old days before planning permission!

Areas of non-productive fruit trees, gaps in hedges, twisted growth, patches in lawns and trees where lightening has struck can indicate areas of GS.

Animals and very young children can feel instinctively if a place is healthy or not i.e. If there are lines or zones of Geopathic stress within it. If children are oriented differently from when they were tucked in, or don’t want to sleep in their beds it is wise to check for lines of the GS.

Can the level of Geopathic stress be measured?

Through the art of dowsing, Dr. Gustav Freiherr von Pohl, the ‘Grand Old Man’ of GS, developed a scale to analyze the strengths and effects of the contaminated leylines

The scale runs from 1 to 16 with the following effects:

Up to 4: No effect.
5 – 6: Obesity, swelling of joints, headaches, sleeping problems, anxiety.
7 – 8: Mental disorders, addictions, suicides, depression.
9 plus: Cancer, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and many other disorders.
In both Germany and Austria it is the law to have your house checked for Geopathic stress before you move in.

Love and Light
Joanna Rose Tierney

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