<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Feeling Overwhelmed, Burnt-out and Disconnected? Check in with your Energy Centres | Core Spirit

Feeling Overwhelmed, Burnt-out and Disconnected? Check in with your Energy Centres

Nov 11, 2021

Taking a holistic approach to your health and wellbeing is really vital in today stressful world but do you ever consider your energy health? Feeling burnt out, overwhelmed and disconnected are all common signs of an imbalance in your Chakras (the concentrated energy centres of the body) which play an important role in your daily health and wellbeing.

What do we know about the Chakras?
Chakras were once recognised as essential to life, the earliest mention of the term Chakra is in India and is said to come from the Vedas, one of the holy books of the Hindus, believed to date back over 2,500 years. Most of us have never heard of them today but our wellbeing on all levels is connected to the Chakras.

Each Chakra is a spinning wheel of energy/light and corresponds to a different colour of the rainbow and resonates at a different frequency. They are positioned throughout the body from the base of the spine to the top of the head and there are seven main ones recognised within the traditional Hindu system.

When a Chakra is not functioning properly or if it is blocked, illness or disease is more likely to occur as our energy cannot flow freely. Blocked or unbalanced Chakras can also contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety. The ability of the Chakras to function optimally is what helps keeps us balanced mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. The Chakras help to regulate all the body's processes, from organ function to the immune system and emotions.

What can cause a Chakra to become blocked?
There are many reasons the Chakras can become blocked. Different kinds of stress can affect the Chakras in different ways, causing them to become blocked or unbalanced as the energy becomes stuck. If you experience a traumatic event in your life then the Root Chakra (the Chakra of security and stability) will be impacted and can shut down which then blocks the movement of any energy throughout your body causing the other Chakras to also become blocked. This then impacts your health and wellbeing on all levels.

A relationship breakup can impact your Heart Chakra causing energy to become stuck there, failing a job interview could impact your Solar Plexus Chakra which is the Chakra of your confidence and self-esteem. As all the Chakras are interconnected, they are rarely affected in isolation. If one Chakra is blocked it will impact all the others as energy is not flowing freely.

How do we bring Chakras back into balance?
There are various ways you can bring balance to the Chakras and maintain their health yourself such as through visualisation and meditation, also by using certain essential oils, crystals, sound frequencies and even the foods you eat. Clearing out clutter in your life, physically and emotionally, can be hugely beneficial as it helps to strengthen the flow of your energy. Forgiveness and compassion also greatly enhances our energetic health. Yoga and also Reiki can help to strengthen the body’s energetic flow to bring back balance and promote wellbeing on all levels, creating harmony within as well as bringing feelings of peace and serenity.

In warmth

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Sharon Kennewell
May 17, 2024, 08:00
United Kingdom
Distance Reiki by Reiki Master

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Sharon K

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