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Reiki Intense Chakra Balancing for Optimal Wellbeing

healing session
$35 USD
$35 USD

Our wellbeing on all levels is connected to the chakras. When a chakra is not functioning properly or if it is blocked, illness is more likely to occur. A “block” is a place where your energies are confined or unable to flow freely. If the energy cannot flow freely, it can lead to illness and mental disease.

Reiki is one of the best ways to clear out any blockages or imbalance in your Chakra System. If you feel like you are out of balance and low on energy and generally struggling then it could be related to your Chakras. An intense 20 minute Distance Reiki Session focused on clearing and rebalancing your Chakras may just be the thing you need!

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Lincolnshire, UK

I believe you were born with the right to Live, be Happy and be Well. So many of us are suffering with stress and anxiety issues and not sure where to turn. From my own personal experience I have found that cultivating the Mind, Body, Spirit connection along with a more Holistic way of living is the key to living your best life. Please feel free to visit the website for more details.
Sharon x

On Core Spirit since October 2020

Chakra Balancing
Sharon Kennewell
May 7, 2024, 08:00
United Kingdom
Reiki Intense Chakra Balancing for Optimal Wellbeing

Our wellbeing on all levels is connected to the chakras. When a chakra is not functioning properly or if it is blocked, illness is more likely to occur. A “block” is a place where your energies are confined or unable to flow freely. If the energy cannot flow freely, it can lead to illness and mental disease.

Reiki is one of the best ways to clear out any blockages or imbalance in your Chakra System. If you feel like you are out of balance and low on energy and generally struggling then it could be related to your Chakras. An intense 20 minute Distance Reiki Session focused on clearing and rebalancing your Chakras may just be the thing you need!

Distance Healing
Sharon Kennewell
May 7, 2024, 08:00
United Kingdom
Distance Reiki by Reiki Master

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique which balances a disrupted flow of energy within the body promoting a deep sense of calm, relaxation and healing on all levels.Reiki energy is universal and not bound by time or space and as such it is possible to conduct Distance Reiki Sessions which can be just as beneficial as an 'in-person' session.

Reiki has flourished in recent years as its positive effects have been more widely reported. Hundreds of thousands of people now use Reiki worldwide so it is worth investigating this therapy further, especially if you are suffering from stress and anxiety. Reiki can only do good and can never cause harm and is not a religious practice or associated with any particular religion.

There are many benefits of Reiki including:

Accelerates the body's self healing

Promotes harmony and balance

Reducing stress and anxiety

Supports the immune system

Calms the mind

Eases tension

Helps relieve pain

Aids better sleep

Provides deep relaxation

Anyone can benefit from a series of Reiki treatments. One treatment is fine for relaxation purposes but a course of at least four treatments at weekly intervals is recommended to allow re-balancing on a mental, physical and emotional level to take place.

From personal experience I know the life changing benefits that Reiki can have and I would love for you to experience this for yourself. I have a direct lineage to Mikao Usui (the founder of Reiki) and also have undergone all the necessary attunements to enable me to perform and also teach Reiki and Distance Reiki Treatments. Allow the healing power of Reiki to support you and help you find balance in Mind, Body and Spirit.

I would be honoured to perform your distance Reiki Treatment

Love and Reiki Blessings

Sharon K

Reiki and Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher

Holistic Health and Wellness Coach

Sharon Kennewell
Feeling Overwhelmed, Burnt-out and Disconnected? Check in with your Energy Centres

Taking a holistic approach to your health and wellbeing is really vital in today stressful world but do you ever consider your energy health? Feeling burnt out, overwhelmed and disconnected are all common signs of an imbalance in your Chakras (the concentrated energy centres of the body) which play an important role in your daily health and wellbeing.

What do we know about the Chakras?
Chakras were once recognised as essential to life, the earliest mention of the term Chakra is in India and is said to come from the Vedas, one of the holy books of the Hindus, believed to date back over 2,500 years. Most of us have never heard of them today but our wellbeing on all levels is connected to the Chakras.

Each Chakra is a spinning wheel of energy/light and corresponds to a different colour of the rainbow and resonates at a different frequency. They are positioned throughout the body from the base of the spine to the top of the head and there are seven main ones recognised within the traditional Hindu system.

When a Chakra is not functioning properly or if it is blocked, illness or disease is more likely to occur as our energy cannot flow freely. Blocked or unbalanced Chakras can also contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety. The ability of the Chakras to function optimally is what helps keeps us balanced mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. The Chakras help to regulate all the body's processes, from organ function to the immune system and emotions.

What can cause a Chakra to become blocked?
There are many reasons the Chakras can become blocked. Different kinds of stress can affect the Chakras in different ways, causing them to become blocked or unbalanced as the energy becomes stuck. If you experience a traumatic event in your life then the Root Chakra (the Chakra of security and stability) will be impacted and can shut down which then blocks the movement of any energy throughout your body causing the other Chakras to also become blocked. This then impacts your health and wellbeing on all levels.

A relationship breakup can impact your Heart Chakra causing energy to become stuck there, failing a job interview could impact your Solar Plexus Chakra which is the Chakra of your confidence and self-esteem. As all the Chakras are interconnected, they are rarely affected in isolation. If one Chakra is blocked it will impact all the others as energy is not flowing freely.

How do we bring Chakras back into balance?
There are various ways you can bring balance to the Chakras and maintain their health yourself such as through visualisation and meditation, also by using certain essential oils, crystals, sound frequencies and even the foods you eat. Clearing out clutter in your life, physically and emotionally, can be hugely beneficial as it helps to strengthen the flow of your energy. Forgiveness and compassion also greatly enhances our energetic health. Yoga and also Reiki can help to strengthen the body’s energetic flow to bring back balance and promote wellbeing on all levels, creating harmony within as well as bringing feelings of peace and serenity.

In warmth

Sharon Kennewell
Restore Emotional Balance and Find Calm with this Ancient Healing Art

The ancient practice of Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment which uses aromatic essential oils to improve the health of the mind, body and spirit and has been used by different civilisations throughout the world for centuries. Our ancient ancestors intuitively knew how to use the aromatic plants around them but is something that most of us have long since forgotten or tend to ignore as we look to modern medicine for all our help. Essential oils can have a profound effect on the deepest levels of the body and mind and enhance positive mental and emotional states and increase our ability to stay healthy.

There are many benefits of incorporating essential oils into your life from boosting concentration, promoting sleep and uplifting mood to reducing stress and anxiety and so much more.

Aromatherapy has seen a resurgence lately as more of us are looking towards more natural ways of healing. Our sense of smell can have a massive effect on our emotional wellbeing. Aromatherapy works by stimulating the smell receptors of the nose directly linked to the limbic system of the brain and when we smell a particular scent it can affect our physiology.

As more of us are experiencing stress and anxiety in our life aromatherapy can help restore emotional balance and calm our fayed nerves whilst also enhancing our overall feeling of well-being. You can use them in a diffuser, mixed into bath and massage products, or apply some to pulse points of the skin (when mixed with a carrier oil). Although stress and anxiety have become a normal part of life for many of us at least now we have a powerful tool to help us cope and restore calm.

I often use aromatherapy for myself and also as an accompaniment to Reiki therapy to enhance the overall benefit of the treatment in providing emotional balance, with positive results. Below are some I would recommend:

10 Essential oils to promote calm and restore emotional balance

Bergamot - When diffused Bergamot has powerful mood stabilizing effects as well as being invigorating. It has an uplifting and clarifying citrus scent and discourages feelings of sadness and helps combat feelings of anxiety .

Lavender – Well known for aiding relaxation and sleep it is ideal for calming those night time worries. It also reduces feelings of anger, agitation and insecurity.

Palo Santo – Has a distinctive uplifting and balancing fragrance. It has settling, grounding and calming properties and great for maintaining emotional balance.

Roman Chamomile - Highly regarded by ancient Egyptians for its healing properties, it enhances wellness and supports calm and relaxation.

Frankincense - Frankincense can lift your mood, boost the oxygen supply to your brain and stimulate the limbic system, helping to bring your emotions back into check.

Rose Geranium - A fragrant mix of rose and citrus, Rose Geranium helps to reduce feelings of stress and worry and brings feelings of calm and positivity, uplifts mood and promotes feelings of well-being.

Ylang Ylang - With its sweet, rich, floral scent it is though that Ylang Ylang can help reduce negative emotions, alleviate anxiety and uplift mood. Its relaxing effect make it is especially good to use before bed.

Jasmine - This essential oil has been used for centuries to help reduce anxiety symptoms. Studies have shown that Jasmine can stimulate your brain to improve your mood and energy levels and it can also calm your nervous system. Inhaling jasmine oil can promote a sense of well-being

Clary Sage - Promotes a feeling of calm and can help reduce tension.

Neroli - Particularly good for a sudden anxiety attack or when you need quick relief. Neroli has relaxing qualities and is also thought to lift the spirits.

If you are interested in exploring the use of essential oils for your own health and well-being then please be aware of how to use them safely.

In warmth

Sharon K

Reiki and Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher

Holistic Health and Wellness Coach

Lincs Holistic Wellness

Sharon Kennewell
13 of the Best Healing Crystals for Anxiety and Stress Relief - Quick Guide

Crystals for Anxiety and Stress Relief

Stress and anxiety have become more common than the common cold so if you are suffering then you are not alone, although I am sure that doesn’t make you feel any better! If you are looking for alternative ways to support your wellbeing and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety then there are many options available to you; from yoga and meditation to practicing mindfulness and using essential oils, to name a few. The use of healing crystals goes back to ancient times and is another alternative which may be beneficial for you.

Below is a selection of some of the more common ones you can try. Although not a cure, certain crystals can help you feel more grounded and have a calming vibration and are a useful addition to your wellbeing toolkit. When you are feeling stressed and anxious try holding one of these crystals in your hand for a few minutes. If you combine this with taking slow, deep belly breaths for 7-10 counts it can be a powerful tool. Even if you are not a believer in the healing power of crystals just the act of holding one can help re-focus your mind away from worrying and anxious thoughts and make you feel calmer. You can also wear any of these in jewellery or just keep close by you.


Amethyst has many benefits which also include relieving stress and anxiety. It is deeply cleansing and healing, helps you release negativity and helps to clear and settle a worried mind. It is a very calming crystal which brings balance and peace.

Angel Aura

Simply holding this crystal will help to raise your vibration and is good for when you feel anxious, overwhelmed or emotionally unbalanced. It is an effective aura cleanser and will help you find inner peace and serenity. It relaxes your mind and body with its soothing energy and can help to ease panic attacks.

Black Tourmalin e

This is a grounding and protective crystal that repels and transmutes negative energy and is good for when you feel overwhelmed and can help you gain emotional balance and stability. It helps to ease tension and anxiety and promote a feeling of peace and relaxation before bed to aid sleep.

Blue Calcite

This has a gentle soothing vibration and helps calm your frayed nerves and reduce feeling of anxiety and emotional stress.

Blue Lace Agate

This is one of the better known crystals for stress and anxiety relief. Its soothing gentle vibration brings peace of mind and helps you relax during times of stress. Also helps you overcome communication difficulties. Holding this crystals helps to calm your nerves and reduce feelings of anxiety.


Citrine, sometimes known as the ‘sunshine’ crystal, can help balance your emotions, boost your mood, help you feel more motivated, optimistic and less anxious. It brings positive energy into your aura and absorbs negative energy helping you release worry and tension from your body and mind.


This crystal has powerful relaxation properties and helps you tap into your inner peace and calm. It cleanses and stabilises your aura and can absorb and neutralise negative energy and stress.


Lepidolite helps stabilise mood and is very effective for anxiety as it naturally contains lithium (often used in anti-anxiety medication). Use this crystal for balance during times of stress and chaos or when you feel emotionally overwhelmed. It can also aid sleep.


This is sometimes known as “the rescue crystal”, it supports you when you start to feel stressed and anxious and helps you feel calmer and more secure. It grounds your energy and helps you release anything that no-longer serves you.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz has a loving and supportive energy and helps when you are feeling stressed, anxious and under pressure. It provides comfort and healing with it’s high vibrational frequency.


This ancient crystal has incredible healing and protection qualities and is very powerful for relieving emotional stress and anxiety and also insomnia. It helps to calm your mind and balance your emotions and brings feelings of peace and tranquility. It can also relieve muscle aches and tension often caused by stress and anxiety.

Smokey Quartz

To the ancient Druids this stone was sacred. It keeps you grounded and absorbs negative energies stored in your energy field and transmutes it to the earth allowing you to let go of anything making you anxious. It creates a sense of balance and is a calming and comforting stone good for mental strain.


Helps to clear and calm your mind and allows more rational thinking and is good for anxiety issues. It is sometimes called the stone of peace. It can help prevent you from becoming over emotional and helps reduce tension, anxiety and fear.

In warmth

Sharon K

Holistic Health and Wellness Coach

Reiki and Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher

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Sign up and I will send you the details.

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Before the Session

I do my pre-meditation to find out the main reasons for your writer's block. (This happens psychically, where I generally just need your name, but a picture can help, too.)

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In this part, I will let you know what I saw in my visions when I pre-meditated on your writer's block.

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We will discuss the reading part of the session and wil find what traumas / reasons / habits / beliefs / etc. are available for healing. We may find the specific events, decisions or promises you made in the past that need to be revisited and changes made. With your permission, I will perform shamanic healing for those particular birth places of the limiting beliefs, fears and hurts that lie at the heart of why you are experiencing your writer's block.

This kind of healing is not only good for critical instances, where help is needed. If you are not experiencing writer's block at this time, this kind of healing can reveal issues you would benefit from healing and clearing to become even better at what you do, do release any fears, judgements, beliefs, limitation that may be hindering your writing at this time.

The goal of this healing session is to get you to feel safe and comfortable being your true authentic self, making your authentic decisions and taking bold steps in the persuit of freely and openly expressing your true self in a unique way, and doing it with pleasure, joy and peace.

Please write your questions, concerns and anything else you would like to know about this session in the comments below.

  • Please book your session a few days in advance because I need some time to meditate on your particular situation and understand for myself, what action steps can be taken for healing.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or a mental health provider. My services and content are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or a mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical and/or mental health advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.

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