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5D Readiness Session

coaching session
$100 USD
$100 USD

Are you feeling pulled by various sides? Do you feel torn within? Do you switch minds regularly? Have you done the work to release beliefs, patternings, programming and pain but still get caught up in illusions? Maybe you have experienced 5D but are challenged in getting back to it?
Then this session is for you. We will explore the polarities and oneness. We will look to see what is needed to be united within. We will uncover the tools needed to be ready for 5D.

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Ottawa, ON, Canada

I am a multidimensional intuitive and healer and subtle realm explorer. I access deep ancient wisdom in exploring the Elemental and Cosmic realms. My skills as an Elemental Realm Specialist, Cosmic Anchor and Source Channel allow me to help my clients clear blocks, heal and close timelines and connect to nature. l also help clients see the truth, deconstruct the old and align to Earth’s 5D matrix.

On Core Spirit since August 2021

Anne Lafrance
What Gaia & the Nature Beings Need Right Now

Humans are not the only consciousness on this planet. Apart from the world that we can see with the trees, rocks, animals, etc., there are many unseen worlds filled with beings existing on this planet. They call Earth home just as we do. They each have their purpose as we have ours. However, unlike us, they are very aware of their purpose. We are each co-creator of this planet, and as we move into the 5th dimension, we will co-create together.
We can begin our collaborative work now. We do not have to wait until the Golden Era is settled into place. We all know that Gaia is the consciousness of the planet. She is the being who supports us unconditionally and who has made the decision to move up the ascension ladder, bringing us all along with her. The Nature Spirits and the Elementals are each a group of beings that work with Gaia to provide us the resources we need to survive on this planet. They are beings who live in the unseen worlds beyond our physical eyes, but they are very close to us. Some can see them, and many feel them. They often pop into our reality to get our attention. They let us know that we are loved as Gaia loves us all and that it is time to remember that love within us. There are many beings in the unseen worlds who work with Gaia for the greater good, but it is the Nature Beings and the Elementals who are closest to our physical reality. They are the ones that many are aware of and some even connect with.
They give us so much and now they are asking for us to give back. They are asking us to take responsibility for who we are, what we feel, think, and do. It is not just a matter of picking up our litter and recycling our trash. It is about our whole being, all of our bodies. Each layer affects us in so many ways, but they also affect the unseen worlds. We are connected to Gaia’s bodies, so the state of our bodies affects everything in Gaia’s bodies. The ones who are the most affected are those closest to our reality, the Nature Spirits and the Elementals.
When we walk about this planet, with our unchecked bodies, our thoughts and feelings get dumped in nature. Part of what they do is to help us transmute these. That is why we feel so wonderful when we are in nature. However, it is meant to be in collaboration, assisting us while we take full responsibility for our baggage. Using them to dump our garbage to make us feel better is selfish.
With the current restrictions everyone is spending more time outdoors, more and more garbage is being dumped on the trails and pathways, filling nature up with toxins that are overwhelming them. Don’t get me wrong, it is wonderful that more people are spending time outdoors, but we need to be fully aware and conscious of what we carry and to manage it responsibility. The more of us who do this, the easier it is on them and the more that they can handle what comes from those who are not yet awake.
Apart from taking responsibility for our baggage, we can choose love. We can choose to be love. We can choose to send love.

Anne Lafrance
5D Secret in the Yin Yang Symbol

As humans we tend to hold on tightly to our beliefs and ideas. We hold on so tight that when someone shows up to offer a different opinion, we take the defensive stand. Some get really rattled and angry and some even to the point of violence. Why do we do this? Hate, division, separation, comes from a lack of understanding where the other side is coming from. We feel insecure and it triggers our fear responses.

No matter where we stand in our beliefs, no matter what we think, there is another side. There are 2 sides to everything. Why? We live in a world of polarity.
For each side one stands in, one can find all the supporting evidence needed to justify being there. The more deeply we believe in something the more we find to support our belief. Our resonance proves us even more right by drawing in more data to validate our beliefs. This is how the universe works.

But this is the thing, when we stand on one side, we can’t see the other side. When we hold onto beliefs and ideas so tightly, our field of vision diminishes.
However, if we take a walk to the middle, we can see both sides and we can discover balance.

So what is the secret in the Yin/Yang Symbol?

Black and white are the polarities
• We live in a world governed by polarities. There is polarity throughout all dimensions in the universe. The only place without polarity is the void, the place of all creation.
• Sometimes we walk in the black and sometimes we walk in the white

Circles of opposite colour
• Within each side we can find truth in the other
• We can stand so firmly in our own side and feel safe in our circle but there is a whole sea of opposite truth around us

Wavy line in the middle
• Point of balance
• Can see both sides
• Flow with the dance of life, navigating both sides, uniting them
• In life it is normal to take steps forward then back then forward then back, it is the dance of life

Whole circle
• Unity consciousness, together we are stronger than apart
• Despite the polarities, there is no right or wrong, good or bad, etc. there is oneness

Regardless of where we find ourselves at any given moment, whether it is way over on the one side or way over on the other, or somewhere in the mist of it all, or in that balance zone, the key is to be in the heart. When we are in the heart space, we know our truth and we can accept all truths. That is what matters. We are the only ones who really know what is right for us in any given moment of our journey.

Sending you all lots of love and light

Anne Lafrance

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May 23, 2024, 08:00
7 Day Chakra Challenge

READY to bring balance to your body and mind.
READY to ignite your passion and creativity.
READY to boost your self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-love.

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Day 2 : Sacral Chakra
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Day 4 : Heart Chakra
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Day 5 : Throat Chakra
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Day 6 : Third Eye Chakra
This Chakra and energy governs our intuition, thoughts, and imagination, resulting in our ability to self-reflect and have a vision. When this energy is balanced, we have clarity of mind and great focus. We’re able to accept and live our truth. We are not easily distracted.

Day 7 : Crown Chakra
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  • Chakra Balancing Manual
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