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Bereavement Coaching

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Find balance In your life & work with a life coach to bring the balance back and learn to cope with grief.

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I am an award-winning life coach, author and hypnotherapist. For many years, I have been completing different courses to help people going through challenging times.
I have been through loss, a marriage breakup, and complicated times throughout her life, so I can relate to you even though no person’s situation is the same.
I always value being supportive, empathetic, and affordable, and I want everyone to feel safe.

On Core Spirit since May 2021

Maxine K Brown
Navigating the Complex Emotions of Grief- Understanding its Many Triggers

Understanding the Complexity of Grief

Grief is a complex and deeply personal emotion that can be triggered by a variety of experiences and circumstances. Whether you have recently lost a loved one, experienced a significant life change, or are navigating through a difficult time, understanding and navigating the emotions of grief can be overwhelming. With the support of a professional life coach, such as an MKB life coach, and the resources and community of a private club, you can find the help and support you need to embrace this new way of living. In this blog, we will explore the many triggers of grief and how to navigate through them with time, support, and the belief that it will get better.

The Importance of Identifying Triggers

Identifying grief triggers is essential in understanding and navigating this complex emotion. By recognising what specific experiences or circumstances evoke feelings of grief, we can better prepare ourselves for those moments and develop effective coping strategies.

Triggers can vary significantly from person to person. It could be a specific time of year, a particular song or smell, or even something as simple as a familiar place. These triggers can transport us back to the memories and emotions associated with our loss, intensifying our grief.

We can anticipate when these difficult emotions might arise by identifying our triggers. This allows us to implement self-care strategies before, during, and after encountering triggers. It may involve seeking support from loved ones or professionals, engaging in activities that bring comfort, or simply giving ourselves permission to experience and process our emotions.

The following section will explore common grief triggers and discuss practical ways to navigate them. Identifying and understanding these triggers can be crucial to healing and rebuilding our lives after loss. Stay tuned for our next blog instalment.

Common Triggers in the Grief Process

To effectively navigate through the complex emotions of grief, we must familiarise ourselves with the common triggers that often arise during the grieving process. While triggers can be highly individualised, specific experiences and circumstances are universally challenging for grieving people.

One common trigger is anniversaries or special occasions. Birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries of the loss can be tough as they serve as reminders of the absence of our loved ones. These milestones often evoke a resurgence of grief and bring forth intense emotions.

Another trigger many people encounter is reminders of their loved ones in everyday life. It could be a familiar scent, a cherished possession, or even coming across someone who resembles the one we have lost. These encounters can stir up sadness and longing, making the grief incredibly raw.

The shift in routine and familiar surroundings can also act as a trigger for many.
Moving houses, changing jobs, or even simple changes in daily routine can disrupt the sense of familiarity and safety that grieving individuals often seek. These changes can intensify feelings of loss and further complicate the grieving process.

In the upcoming section, we will explore practical ways to navigate these common triggers and provide strategies for coping. By understanding these triggers and preparing ourselves, we can work towards finding solace and healing amidst the complex emotions of grief. Stay tuned for the next blog instalment.

Managing and Coping with Emotional Triggers

Navigating the complex emotions of grief can be overwhelming, especially when faced with various triggers that can intensify the pain. However, some strategies can help alleviate the emotional distress and aid healing.

One effective way to manage triggers is to create a support system. Surround yourself with compassionate, understanding individuals who can provide a safe space to express your emotions. Whether it's friends, family, or a therapist, having a support network can offer comfort and guidance during difficult times.

Additionally, practising self-care is vital in coping with emotional triggers. Engage in activities that soothe your mind and body, such as exercise, journaling, or listening to calming music. Taking care of yourself physically and mentally will help lessen the impact of triggers and promote overall well-being.

It is also essential to establish healthy boundaries. Protecting yourself from situations or people that may trigger unwanted emotions is crucial. Communicate your needs clearly and assertively, and don't hesitate to step away from situations that may be too overwhelming.

The following section will explore specific coping mechanisms to navigate each trigger. By understanding and implementing these strategies, you can find strength and resilience as you navigate the complex emotions of grief. Stay tuned for the next instalment.

Seeking Professional Help and Support
Seeking professional help and support is a crucial step in navigating the complex emotions of grief and understanding its many triggers. While having a support system of friends and family is beneficial, sometimes it may be necessary to seek guidance from a trained professional.

A grief counsellor or therapist can provide a safe and non-judgmental space for you to express your emotions and work through the grieving process. They have the expertise to help you identify and understand your triggers and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

In addition, support groups or grief therapy sessions can be instrumental in connecting with others who are also experiencing grief. Sharing your experiences and hearing from others can provide validation and a sense of community, knowing you're not alone.

Remember, seeking professional help doesn't mean you're weak or incapable of managing your emotions alone. It's a courageous step towards healing, allowing you to gain new perspectives and develop effective strategies for navigating grief's triggers.

These resources can make a significant difference in your healing journey. The following section will explore additional strategies for understanding and managing grief triggers. Keep reading to learn more.

The Power of Self-Care in Grief Navigating
Taking care of yourself is essential when navigating the complex emotions of grief. Self-care practices can help you manage and understand your grief triggers more effectively. Prioritising your physical, emotional, and mental well-being is essential during this challenging time.

One way to practice self-care is by engaging in regular exercise. Physical activity releases endorphins and helps reduce stress and anxiety. It can also provide a much-needed distraction from overwhelming emotions and triggers. Find an activity you enjoy, whether walking, dancing, or yoga, and make it a part of your routine.

Another crucial aspect of self-care is paying attention to your emotional and mental health. Permit yourself to feel your emotions without judgment and allow yourself moments of respite. Take breaks from grieving, engage in activities that bring you joy, and spend time with loved ones who lift your

Additionally, prioritise getting enough restful sleep and maintaining a healthy diet. Grief can affect your physical well-being, and caring for your body can support your emotional healing. Ensure you're getting adequate rest and nourishing your body with nutritious meals.

By incorporating self-care practices into your life, you're respecting and honouring your grief and actively working towards healing. The following section explores the importance of setting boundaries and practising self-compassion during the grief journey. Stay tuned for more valuable insights.

Navigating the Complex Emotions of Grief with Compassion and Awareness
In conclusion, understanding the many triggers of grief and caring for yourself during this difficult time is crucial for healing and managing your emotions. By practising self-care, you are giving yourself the tools to navigate the complex feelings of grief with compassion and awareness.

Setting boundaries is an essential aspect of self-care during the grief journey.
It's important to recognise and respect your limits physically and emotionally. Allow yourself to say no to activities or people that may be triggering or overwhelming. By setting boundaries, you prioritise your well-being and protect yourself from further emotional distress.

Another valuable aspect of navigating grief is practising self-compassion. It's natural to experience a wide range of emotions during this time, and being kind and understanding towards yourself is essential. Permit yourself to grieve in your own way and at your own pace. Remember that healing takes time, and it's okay to be gentle with yourself as you navigate the ups and downs of the grief journey.

With compassion and awareness, you can navigate the complex emotions of grief and find healing. Remember to be patient with yourself, lean on your support system, and seek professional help if needed. Grief is a unique and individual experience, but with self-care and self-compassion, you can embrace your journey and find strength amid sorrow.

MKB Life Coach – Maxine K Brown

Maxine K Brown
Why Journal

Have you ever felt completely stuck? Not sure who to turn to, who to discuss things with, basically alone?

Journaling will help you. Write down precisely what you are thinking and how you are feeling. Remember, it doesn’t need to make complete sense to anyone but you. You can bullet-point the information if you prefer. If you do it this way, after you have bulleted everything, go back through and elaborate on everything until you feel you’ve exhausted it.
After you’ve gone through this, then take one section at a time and read through it. Look at it as if you were talking to a close friend and giving them advice.
Write down how to tackle each area in the third person. Going this will help you be objective and see things differently.

If you are struggling because of an individual, then a good task is to write down how they make you feel. Be completely honest. Sign it off as if you were sending it to the individual. Once you have completed this, you need to burn or cut it up. By doing this, you are ridding the hurt or annoyance from your mind; you have moved the pain from your sub-conscience, and you will now move forward.

Journaling can be completed anytime and doesn’t have to be done daily. It shouldn’t become a chore. It’s a tool to help you dig deep down into your subconscious about your feelings and enable you to learn to find solutions for your worries.

It’s worth it to keep going back to your bullet points weekly to see how much has changed and to check in with yourself to ensure that you continue moving forward.

The final task each time should be to end your journaling on any positive. The letter writing positive is burning or cutting up. The positive of the other part of journaling should be how you will feel when your points have been cleared. E.g. joyful, happy, relaxed at peace.

Happy journaling

Maxine K Brown
Grief is like a private club that no one wants to join.

At one stage or another, everybody has to join this club. It's not one that people enjoy at all, and every single person stays in the club for different lengths of time, depending on how they deal with the types of grief that they encounter.

Grief takes on lots of genres. Grief is when you have a significant upheaval in your life, and your emotions are everywhere. Grief isn't just when you lose a person through death. It comes in many forms; people mainly understand grief when they lose a loved one or a close relative. Even an animal they've had for many years has become part of family life; however, grief can also be if you've lost your job or even left the job you've had for a long time. It can be when you fallout with a close friend or even when you move house.

Each individual copes with grief in their way. You can't mirror someone else's grief to your own. Some people learn to live with it very quickly and alter their lives depending on what they're grieving; others can take many years. Grief is like a rollercoaster, so some days you feel on top of the world, and within a couple of days or a day, you can feel very low again and very sad and confused.

The main thing to do is to take your time, deal with every situation, and don't be rushed into thinking you should have stopped grieving. It might not be the right time for you at this present moment.

The one essential thing is that you get the support to learn how to cope with the grief and make the alterations within your lifestyle to live a full and meaningful life. There will always be days when you remember your life before the grief, but you will get there with time and support.

Some practices that may help you before you are ready to seek outside help are ensuring you take time out and try meditation. Youtube has some excellent meditation channels. Journaling can help.

Write down each day how you are feeling. Look for positives, not just negatives. Aim to end positively; this will set you up for the day. Finally, never feel guilty if you have a dip on your rollercoaster; eventually, you will be able to leave the club of which no one wants to be a member.

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READY to bring balance to your body and mind.
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  6. Experiencing higher estates of happiness, joy, and inner peace.
  7. Developing and practicing your own daily healthy rituals/habits.
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