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Breakthrough Meditation

healing session
$62 USD
$62 USD

With the use of Meditation, descover your limiting beliefs and break through them to live the life you want.
Learn self reflection to develop deep self love and self acceptenace.

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My name is Shauna McHugh, I am the Founder and C.E.O of The Best You You Can Be Coaching & Complementary Therapy.

I help women break through their limiting beliefs and create action plans so that can live the life they want, and heal from their trauma. I do this a range of professional services such as Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Meditation adn EFT/TFT Tapping.

On Core Spirit since May 2021

Shauna Mc Hugh
Defeating Disappointment - Strategies to Overcome Any Obstacle and Succeed

We’ve all been there. We think we’re well on our way towards a specific goal – whether it’s a new career or a new lease on life – when all of a sudden disaster strikes! We have a setback. Perhaps you didn’t capture the heart of your crush, the promotion fell through, or somehow your perfect plan just didn’t work out.

Disappointment is only human. However, knowing how to accept, manage, and strategize beyond disappointment is the real key to success!

Here are some excellent tips to enable you to stay on track, remain motivated, and defeat your disappointments so that you can overcome them and reap your success:

  1. Accept reality. Disappointment is a necessary part of life. In order to experience success, every person must face setbacks or disappointment sometime in their life. The reality of life gives us the polarity of setbacks and successes to better appreciate our wins. Such setbacks also encourage us to strive harder to achieve our goals.

• Overcoming challenges brings us the wisdom to reach even higher goals.

  1. Accept relativity. Facing up to the fact that life will always bring trials to overcome will help you beat disappointment in your current mission. Hindsight will inevitably show you that no setback is as big as you thought it was at the time.

• Realizing that life could have handed you a much larger disappointment helps you put the setback in perspective.

  1. Do not dwell. When you are hit with a challenge to obtaining your goal, it can be very easy to sink into disappointment. If you find yourself having a pity party, pull yourself up with some positive thinking. Above all else, do not dwell on the last snafu in your struggle to succeed. Dwelling on your disappointment will not change the fact that it happened.

• Spending your time feeling sorry for yourself will delay your success as well as permeate your life with unnecessary pessimism and futility.

  1. Create realistic expectations. Like many people today, you may be harboring an unrealistic expectation of yourself. Perhaps you had this inspiring idea to change your life in some grand way. Naturally, you want to achieve your goal now and without anything less than stellar performance! However, realistically, you must recognize that achieving your goals may take some time. You can always adjust your expectations higher and higher as you conquer new goals!

• Having unreal expectations of yourself will only set you up for failure, as you cannot reach impossible heights.

  1. Learn from your mistakes. When a setback occurs, the first thing you’d like to do might be to toss in the towel on the whole enterprise! However, a much wiser person bent on success will acknowledge the disappointment as a learning experience.

• If you examine how and why the unwanted situation occurred, then you may be able to restructure your strategy for even bigger and better things than you had originally planned!

  1. Stay positive. Lastly, you can surely find your success and win your prize by obliterating disappointment with positive thoughts. Know that you will obtain your goal! Pessimistic thoughts can swallow you whole if you let them, forcing you to delay or give up your dreams altogether.

• Following your positive thoughts with decisive, confident and positive action will propel you to new heights.

Even though disappointment may creep into your life when you least expect it, you can take it in stride by following these techniques. Setbacks don’t define your life; it’s how you react to them that will determine your success. When you face disappointment, learn from the situation, deal with it positively, and confidently move forward toward your goal. Success is yours!

Shauna Mc Hugh
7 Methods to Successfully Curb Your Frustration

Regardless of how calm you are most of the time, you might still have those moments when your frustration level seems to go sky high. The challenging aspect of feeling frustrated is the urgency you feel to express those upsetting feelings.

However, you’ve no doubt learned you’ve got to “keep a lid on” your feelings in certain situations because, if you don’t, you only create more difficulties for yourself.

In such exasperating times, try these strategies to handle your frustrations:

  1. Take some deep breaths. Although this strategy sounds like it might not help at all, the fact is that breathing techniques really work. If you use the wellness guru, Andrew Weil’s, “4-7-8” technique for breathing, you’ll discover you can calm yourself down rather quickly. Here’s how it works:

• Breathe in through your nose to the count of 4.

• Then, hold in your breath to the count of 7.

• Finally, breathe out through your mouth to the count of 8. Focus on blowing out all of the air from your lungs in this step.

• If you take four 4-7-8 breaths in a row, your frustration will likely dissipate and you’ll feel better.

  1. Disengage. If you’re in a situation where you can briefly leave the room, excuse yourself to exit. Go to the restroom or for a quick walk in the building or around the parking lot. Physically disengaging from the frustrating event will nearly always help your frustration level to drop.

  2. Challenge yourself to say nothing. Probably the toughest suggestion on this list to actually do, saying nothing means you won’t compound any developing difficulty in the room. Although you have a right to your feelings, it’s not always wise to voice them, especially if you’re feeling quite frustrated at the time.

  3. Be proactive. Try to anticipate when you might feel frustrated so you can ponder how you’ll handle it if it happens.

• For example, maybe you’ve got a brother-in-law, Paul, who seems to always push your buttons and get you feeling pretty irritated. And you just happen to be going out to dinner with Paul and your sister this evening.

• Ask yourself, “How can I prepare now to keep my frustration at bay or to handle it if Paul triggers me?” Thinking about it ahead of time will help you tap in to your own strategies to keep a handle on your frustration.

  1. Learn to distinguish between things that really matter and the “small stuff.” Does the situation you’re getting so annoyed about really matter in the grand scheme of things? Save your emotional agitation for something that’s truly important. When you can establish these differences in your mind, you’ll be better able to ignore some of the small stuff.

• Ask yourself, “Will this really make a difference a year from now? 5 years?” If not, you can usually put it in the category of the “small” stuff.

• Another way of using this concept is to “pick your battles.” Save the battles for the big stuff.

  1. Distract yourself. If you get irritated when only 2 or 3 people are present, it’s best to distract yourself with thoughts of things you have to do at home or looking for something in your briefcase or purse. Maybe you notice a lovely painting on the wall in the restaurant where you’re dining.

• You can avoid simple frustrations by either thinking about or doing something to take your mind away from the frustrating topic.

  1. Focus on another person in the room. If you’re in a group of people and someone says or does something that frustrates you, turn to the person next to you and ask how she’s doing. It’s fairly easy to disengage from the person who’s irritating you and talk to someone else whenever others are close by.

You have the power to curb your frustration. You can take deep breaths, disengage, avoid commenting, anticipate developing frustration, and learn to tell the difference between big things and the small stuff. You can also distract yourself or even focus on another person in the room.

These methods work! Try them the next time you’re feeling frustrated. You’ll feel so much better and your frustration will disappear!

Shauna Mc Hugh
12 Ways to Turn Around a Bad Day

Everyone has a bad day now and then. You only have two choices: you can either ride it out, or do something to turn the day around. A time machine isn’t an option, but there are plenty of tactics you can apply to put your day on a more satisfying path. You might have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, but there’s still time to salvage the day and extract some value from it.

Get the most from a day that’s gotten off to a rough start:

  1. Take a shower or bath. A hot tub might be even better. It doesn’t matter if the water is hot or cold. Just the sensation of the water on your skin can change your mood and perspective. It will certainly snap you out of any negative thinking.

  2. Take a nap. A short nap can give you a chance to start your day over with a fresh attitude.

  3. Speak with a friend. You know that friend that can always cheer you up? Give her a call and allow her to work her magic. She’s probably dying to hear from you anyway.

  4. Eliminate something from your schedule. Determine the least significant thing on your schedule and drop it. Once a day gets started on the wrong foot, accomplishing everything on your to-do list can seem hopeless. Give yourself some hope.

  5. Spend time with a pet. You might feel better after watching your fish or hermit crab wander around, but petting a dog or cat might be more effective.

  6. Make yourself laugh. Watch a funny movie. Read a few jokes. Make good use of YouTube.

  7. Listen to music that makes you feel better. You already know which song always makes you smile. Listen to it. In fact, create a playlist of songs that you can listen to at a moment’s notice. Keep them handy. Your cell phone might be the perfect storage location.

  8. Go for a run. Any sort of exercise will do. Lift some weights or play some tennis. Get your blood pumping and your lungs working. As long as you don’t overdo it, you’re bound to have a more positive perspective on your day.

  9. Create a gratitude list. When you’re feeling down, there’s a good chance you’re too focused on the parts of your life you perceive negatively. Put your attention on something positive. Make a list of the good things and remind yourself of how terrific your life is already.

  10. Look at some photographs. Pull out your high school yearbook or check out your friends’ photos on Facebook. Remind yourself of what you and your siblings looked like 30 years ago. Keep a few photos on your phone that always make you smile.

  11. Have some chocolate. Chocolate is an effective way to enhance your mood. Dark chocolate is even good for you! A bad day isn’t an excuse to eat a pound of chocolate, but few small bites might be the solution to your bad day.

  12. Meditate. Meditation has become a popular stress solution. Many large companies are even adding meditation rooms to the workplace. Regular meditation can greatly uplift your mood and strengthen your focus.

Remember that what seems like a bad day might only be a bad minute that has soured your perspective. Bad days can seem to occur at random, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer through it. You can turn your day around. Take a deep breath and make the best of it. You know plenty of tactics to fight back!

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Michelle Collins3y ago

Hello! This is so exciting. How many sessions are needed to start noticing the results? Thx in advance :)

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