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Energy Healing

healing session
$111 USD
$111 USD

We are all energetic beings. When energy and emotions are not processed or cleared they build up in our energetic fields and create blockages. Over time these blockages continue to accumulate, which leads to disease and problems in the physical body. Through clearing this stagnant energy, physical aliments and diseases can be treated and cured. I will clear you energy and channel divine healing energy into your vessel for your highest good.

​I am merely the vessel that divine healing energy comes through into this realm. My hands are guided by Spirit to transmit this energy into different areas into your body and energetic field. Clients often comment on feeling warmth or heat when the energy enters their space. During your session I will clear the energy in your aura, channel divine healing energy, and add a layer of energetic protection to your aura.

To accomplish this I use a combination of energy healing techniques learned from the three healers I have studied under. I have spent more than three months studying with traditional Balinese healers, in particular Ibu Jero, whom I apprenticed with.

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San Diego, CA, USA

I am an energy medicine pratitioner, Akashic Records consultant, meditation guide, and mindset & life coach. I transitioned from being an RN into doing energy healing. I want to help you heal the root of your issues to provide long lasting change. I believe we have the power to heal ourselves and can manifest the life of our dreams into our current reality.

On Core Spirit since May 2021

Spiritual Healing
Jenna DiMaggio
May 13, 2024, 15:00
Energy Healing

We are all energetic beings. When energy and emotions are not processed or cleared they build up in our energetic fields and create blockages. Over time these blockages continue to accumulate, which leads to disease and problems in the physical body. Through clearing this stagnant energy, physical aliments and diseases can be treated and cured. I will clear you energy and channel divine healing energy into your vessel for your highest good.

​I am merely the vessel that divine healing energy comes through into this realm. My hands are guided by Spirit to transmit this energy into different areas into your body and energetic field. Clients often comment on feeling warmth or heat when the energy enters their space. During your session I will clear the energy in your aura, channel divine healing energy, and add a layer of energetic protection to your aura.

To accomplish this I use a combination of energy healing techniques learned from the three healers I have studied under. I have spent more than three months studying with traditional Balinese healers, in particular Ibu Jero, whom I apprenticed with.

Breathing Meditation (Pranayama)
Jenna DiMaggio
May 13, 2024, 15:00
Breathwork (Pranayama)

In order to control the mind, we must learn to conrol the breath.

The mind is like a lake. When the water of the lake is calm and clear you are able to see the true reflection of yourself. When there are waves it disortorts the reflection. When the lake is muddy you can't see clearly.

We can use breathwork to clear the mind and our energetic field. Allow us to have greater clarity and peace in our lives.

I will coach you through two different breathwork technqiues to be able to feel calm, centered and clear within.

Guided Meditation
Jenna DiMaggio
May 13, 2024, 15:00
Guided Meditation

In today's society we are always on the go. Leading to increased levels of stress, depression, and anxiety. We all want more peace, yet no one takes time to slow down.

Meditation is a great practice to cultivate a greater sense of peace and stillness in your life. It assists in calming the mind to better deal with life's situations. When you learn to control the mind you can control all aspects of your life.

I will guide you through different meditation techniques to deeper and strengthen your practice. Depeding on your intention for this practice I can also guide you through a customized guided medtiation for healing, guidance, and/or insight.

Distance Healing
Jenna DiMaggio
May 13, 2024, 15:00
Akashic Records Consultation

The Akashic Records are energetic records that hold information about our past, present and future lives. Each soul has its own unique Akashic Records, which serve as powerful resources when we engage with their wisdom.

I connect with your personal Akashic Records and relay information in a gentle and loving way. I am the channel for the Masters to deliver the information requested and needed for your highest and best interest at that moment in time.

You are able to receive information surrounding your purpose and how to release old patterns that no longer serve you. The Akashic Records are a great tool to provide greater clarity, insight and healing into your life.

​The benefits of having an Akashic Records consultation are :

  • Expanding your consciousness
  • Guidance and forward momentum
  • Clarity and insight
  • Alignment with you Inner Being / Soul / Life purpose
  • Healing
  • Releasing anything holding you back

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It has the same power and effectiveness remotely and in person. We live in a multidimensional time space reality where distance doesn’t affect our energetic connections.
Each person is unique in regards to how the energy is currently flowing through their systems. Some people may feel a large shift right after the session. Others may need a few sessions.

Marc Bowden3y ago

Hello. Could you please tell me, how much more effective are these online sessions than face-to-face meetings? How many sessions are necessary to start noticing the results? Thanks.

Distance Healing
Jenna DiMaggio
May 13, 2024, 15:00
Akashic Records Consultation
Guided Meditation
Jenna DiMaggio
May 13, 2024, 15:00
Guided Meditation
Breathing Meditation (Pranayama)
Jenna DiMaggio
May 13, 2024, 15:00
Breathwork (Pranayama)

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Light Body - Total Weight Loss Program


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By registered users: 93
Distance Healing
Theresa Ceruti
May 13, 2024, 04:00
Soul Realignment Akashic Records Reading

How many of you say you don’t know why something keeps happening to you…over and over again….in your life? And you ask, “Why?” Others wonder about past lives…”What did I do to deserve this?” Some feel drawn to things they don’t understand, or are attracted to people or places or jobs….and don’t know why. Do you feel like you are always the outlier, the visitor, the ‘never-quite-fits-in’ one? A Soul Realignment Reading can help answer some of those questions. I go into your Akashic Records and look at your soul’s journey…but more…I look at your divine gifts, too. It uncovers the blocks and restrictions that can stop the “over and over again” feeling, can explain the “never-quite-fit-in” feeling, can give perspective to the attraction to certain people or places, and it can shed light on how to change choices that are not in line with your divine gifts…. and allows abundance to flow into your life. This reading can also reveal attached souls or Earthbound souls that are weighing you down and drawing on your life force energy. They can be cleared and released as part of the reading.

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Oracle Cards Reading
Elaine Snyder
May 13, 2024, 13:00
Oracle Card Reading

Receive guidance about current life circumstances through an Oracle card reading. Using a three-card spread to reveal an intuitive reading of your energy, ask a question and gain insight about what is happening in your past, present, and future. Learn whether or not your actions are in alignment with a desired outcome, what challenges are holding you back, who or what may be helping you along the way, and how to progress. This is an introduction to my card reading, and is perfect for discovering whether or not we are a good fit for continued work together.

By registered users: 24
Light therapy
Step Into Your Light - Christina Moore
May 13, 2024, 09:00
Ewart St, Brighton BN2, UK
Light Language Personalised Tracks

Light language is the most ancient language of the cosmos. It is the language of our soul. It is not words as such, but it a series of aural vibrations that affect our energy when we listen to them.
The beauty of light language in healing is that we do not need to understand it in order for it to work. As the vibrations reach us, the sounds are translated into light by the pineal gland, and then gently break down the blockages in the body to bring healing.
As a light language channel I can record a personal track for you to help you on your journey towards health and wholeness. You may have a particular intention that you would like me to work with, or perhaps you put your trust in the universe and just let them decide what you need.

Each track will be emailed to you for you to listen to as often as you feel directed.
Many people say they find listening to light language much easier than meditation as there is no conscious effort required, you just lie back and relax.

If you would like more information please do not hesitate to ask me.

By registered users: 27
Tre' Grisby
May 12, 2024, 16:00
Berkeley, CA, USA
Daily Reiki for a Month

Reiki for 5 Minutes of a day for a month

How to order:
Rates are designed to be cheaper for longer periods…
$25 per month (30 days of reiki, $0.84/day)

1. Your name (First and Last Name).
2. Your primary location. Location should include City, State (or region) and Country.

What to expect:
Most people do not have the time or money to schedule a weekly 30-minute reiki session. I offer Reiki by the day. Sign up and go about your life knowing that this reiki master is sending 5 minutes of reiki a day around sunrise or sunset.

Discover renewed calm and balance with a little Reiki every day. Watch as common aches and pains seem to vanish. Everyone needs more reiki for a deeper balance of the Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Please send me your feedback by email or social media.

Benefits of Reiki:
- Relieve pain, fatigue, and depression.
- Reduced stress, and anxiety.
- Increased feelings of relaxation. Aiding in sleep and removing insomnia symptoms.
- Improved mood and emotional well-being. Better appreciation for life, especially our own. Leading to improved quality of life.
- May improve conditions like headache, tension, insomnia, and nausea.

Legal disclaimer:
The Reiki is not a medical device, and not intended for use in diagnosing, healing, or preventing disease.

Reiki sessions can detoxify the body on a physical and spiritual level. Physical effect could be digestive discomfort as the body purges toxins. Spiritual effects could be tears and buried emotions suddenly surfacing.

By registered users: 38
Distance Healing
Joanna Rose Tierney
May 12, 2024, 08:00
Distant Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing is done distantly or face to face.

In a shamanic i do a list of healings in one session. For me it is like looking at each piece of the puzzle to make sure all the piece are in line and ready to go back into place to make the person whole again. i do a video chat with the person and i get them to tell me what is happening and why they feel they need healing.then i get them to send me a pictue and i work on them for about a week

In a shamanic healing in do:

Ancestral Healing
Crystal Healing
Curse, Hicks and Spells Removal
Life Contracts
Possession and Entity Removal
Inner Child Healing
Past Life Healing
Chakra Clearing and Balancing
Karma Clearing
Soul Retrieval,

Love and Light

Joanna Rose Tierney

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Career Coaching
Astral Core
May 12, 2024, 14:00
Vocational Analysis


An introduction to the most reliable astrological process ever devised that is specifically curated for identifying one’s vocation. Have you ever asked yourself, "what is my calling in life?" Does the prospect of job vagaries make glum? Are you finally where you aimed to be professionally, but now questioning everything, including the path you chose to take?

Target audience

Candidates often are undergoing their first or second Saturn Return, or perhaps are in college.


Save time and anguish by zeroing in on a direction that is most fitting and suitable for your natural aptitudes and interests. Done well clients realize the potential of a Vocational Analysis when the work life aligns with life's goals, and ultimately leads to fulfilment (The Midheaven). Alignment seems to be the key, to discover and attend to whatever the spirit finds agreeable, natural, and for the most part, generates well-being.


15 minutes: this is not a full session, but only one small sidebar to a comprehensive consultation.

Other comments

The Midheaven Extension Process is remarkably reliable, but no process is foolproof. Many non-astrological variables are at play to either affirm or deny individual life direction. Still, with over an 80% success rate most people find incredible value in this service.

By registered users: 83
Kayla Stan
May 12, 2024, 15:00
Numerology Profile: The Five Major Numbers

Have you ever noticed the patterns around you and wanted to understand the desires, strengths, and path your soul came into this life?

You are not alone and I can help you learn about your unique soul blueprint. Numerology is the study of your translating your name and birthday into numbers which can tell you information about your desires, strengths, personality, life path and more. Throughout this consultation I will calculate your number profile and work with you to understand current blocks and opportunities you can pursue that will align with your soul.

In this profile you will get the three major personality profile numbers, your life path, the energy for this year, and a couple extra numbers that you should definitely know as you go through life.

By registered users: 79