<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Level 3 Master Teacher Course Reiki Energy Healing Attunement | Core Spirit

Level 3 Master Teacher Course Reiki Energy Healing Attunement

$280 USD
$280 USD

Level 3 Master Teacher Course Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Energy Healing Attunement

If you would like to become attuned to be able to heal yourself and others and eventually go on to attune others to Reiki, you can do that here. Each level needs to be taken consecutively and it is advised that at least a 6 month gap is taken between levels in order for you to integrate and develop your sensitivity to the energy and get used to working both on yourself and others.

The following attunements are available:

Level 1 Course (allows the student to practice hands on Reiki on themselves and others)
Level 2 Course (allows the student to practice long distance Reiki)
Level 3 Master Teacher Course (currently selected) (allows the student to become a master and attune others)​

During each attunement I will open and expand the main energy channels of the student's body, allowing universal energy (Qi/Chi/Ki) to flow more freely. This can clear blockages in the body and lead to energy changes in the student. Attunements can be catalysts for spiritual self development. They can help you to become more sensitive to energy, more intuitive and more aware of your own energy centres (chakras). Once an attunement has been carried out it is permanent.

Once booked, you will be emailed a manual and some information regarding preparation for your attunement. You will also be asked to provide a photo of the certificates for each level you have already been attuned to if applicable. The attunement itself will be carried out over Zoom.
Please ensure you book a date that is at least 2 weeks away on the booking calendar. This is to give you enough time to read through the manual.

On the day of your session we will carry out meditations, techniques and transmisions to prepare your energy system and balance the energy centres before you receive the attunement. The session will be 2 hours.

Once you have been attuned to Reiki, it is important that in the first few following weeks you give Reiki as much as possible to yourself and others in order to help the energy flow smoothly through the new channels in your body's energy system. Your commitment will strengthen your sensitivity.

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United Kingdom

Shaktipat Giver, Reiki Master, Pellowah Giver helping people to awaken and connect to their own intuition and healing abilities through Kundalini activation and healing attunements.

On Core Spirit since May 2021

Spiritual Healing
Claudine Shehrezad
May 23, 2024, 14:00
Level 1 Reiki Energy Healing Attunement

Level 1 Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Energy Healing Attunement

If you would like to become attuned to be able to heal yourself and others and eventually go on to attune others to Reiki, you can do that here. Each level needs to be taken consecutively and it is advised that at least a 6 month gap is taken between levels in order for you to integrate and develop your sensitivity to the energy and get used to working both on yourself and others.

The following attunements are available:

Level 1 Course (currently selected) (allows the student to practice hands on Reiki on themselves and others)

Level 2 Course (allows the student to practice long distance Reiki)

Level 3 Master Teacher Course (allows the student to become a master and attune others)​

During each attunement I will open and expand the main energy channels of the student's body, allowing universal energy (Qi/Chi/Ki) to flow more freely. This can clear blockages in the body and lead to energy changes in the student. Attunements can be catalysts for spiritual self development. They can help you to become more sensitive to energy, more intuitive and more aware of your own energy centres (chakras). Once an attunement has been carried out it is permanent.

Once booked, you will be emailed a manual and some information regarding preparation for your attunement. You will also be asked to provide a photo of the certificates for each level you have already been attuned to if applicable.

Please ensure you book a date that is at least 2 weeks away on the booking calendar. This is to give you enough time to read through the manual.

On the day of your session we will carry out meditations, techniques and transmisions to prepare your energy system and balance the energy centres before you receive the attunement. The session will be 2 hours.

Once you have been attuned to Reiki, it is important that in the first few following weeks you give Reiki as much as possible to yourself and others in order to help the energy flow smoothly through the new channels in your body's energy system. Your commitment will strengthen your sensitivity.

Claudine Shehrezad
May 23, 2024, 14:00
(1 hour) Kundalini Awakening Transmission (Shaktipat)

These private sessions are suitable for people who already have or intend to have a meditation practice. We will begin the mentoring session with a chat to see where you are with your development/practice, discuss any issues or questions you may have and then I will end this session with a kundalini awakening transmission (Shaktipat).

What Is Kundalini?
Kundalini is a form of the divine feminine energy (shakti) that is located and coiled at the base of the spine, in the muladhara chakra (or root chakra). It stays dormant there until it is awakened through spiritual practice (or sometimes seemingly at random). It then travels up to the brain for a full kundalini awakening (it later descends into the heart and gut). This process can take years, months or weeks. A full kundalini awakening is a life changing experience that in the past seemed to be exclusively for sages or mystics and predominantly in the East, but it is becoming more and more common in the west now for a lot of reasons: There is more information on spiritual practices these days and easier access to this information. There are astrological and energetic changes taking place at the moment, allowing for mass awakening. There are also more people being called to carry out the work of awakening others through healings and transmissions.

What Are The Benefits of Awakening Kundalini?
A full kundalini awakening results in a self realised state. The initiation of Shaktipat activates/arouses the kundalini and sets it on the path to full awakening, although how long this takes will depend on each individual case and how much you have to heal. Even when the kundalini is just activated and not fully awakened, there are still benefits:
-An upgrade to your energy system and nervous system each time Shaktipat is received
-A purifying effect on the body and mind which can lead to an improvement in health
-A more restful mind
-A more profound understanding of reality through experience
-sensitivity to energy
-peace, bliss, joy and oneness with nature.
-knowledge of the self
-Increase in intuition and psychic phenomena
-trauma release
-Many More

How Often Should I Receive The Transmission?
There is no minimum or maximum, however, from my own previous experience and witnessing other people's progress, a session every week or every two weeks is adequate.

Please understand that while results cannot be guaranteed, I have not yet had a recipient of this transmission who has not felt beneficial change, kundalini activation or energy sensations and releases.
By booking this session you are confirming your understanding that this is not a substitute for professional medical help. You agree and acknowledge that I am not providing medical advice, mental health advice, or religious advice in any way and that I am not responsible for any issues that may arise from any underlying mental health problems/illnesses you may have.

Spiritual Healing
Claudine Shehrezad
May 23, 2024, 14:00
Level 3 Master Teacher Course Reiki Energy Healing Attunement

Level 3 Master Teacher Course Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Energy Healing Attunement

If you would like to become attuned to be able to heal yourself and others and eventually go on to attune others to Reiki, you can do that here. Each level needs to be taken consecutively and it is advised that at least a 6 month gap is taken between levels in order for you to integrate and develop your sensitivity to the energy and get used to working both on yourself and others.

The following attunements are available:

Level 1 Course (allows the student to practice hands on Reiki on themselves and others)
Level 2 Course (allows the student to practice long distance Reiki)
Level 3 Master Teacher Course (currently selected) (allows the student to become a master and attune others)​

During each attunement I will open and expand the main energy channels of the student's body, allowing universal energy (Qi/Chi/Ki) to flow more freely. This can clear blockages in the body and lead to energy changes in the student. Attunements can be catalysts for spiritual self development. They can help you to become more sensitive to energy, more intuitive and more aware of your own energy centres (chakras). Once an attunement has been carried out it is permanent.

Once booked, you will be emailed a manual and some information regarding preparation for your attunement. You will also be asked to provide a photo of the certificates for each level you have already been attuned to if applicable. The attunement itself will be carried out over Zoom.
Please ensure you book a date that is at least 2 weeks away on the booking calendar. This is to give you enough time to read through the manual.

On the day of your session we will carry out meditations, techniques and transmisions to prepare your energy system and balance the energy centres before you receive the attunement. The session will be 2 hours.

Once you have been attuned to Reiki, it is important that in the first few following weeks you give Reiki as much as possible to yourself and others in order to help the energy flow smoothly through the new channels in your body's energy system. Your commitment will strengthen your sensitivity.

Spiritual Healing
Claudine Shehrezad
May 23, 2024, 14:00
Level 2 Reiki Energy Healing Attunement

Level 2 Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Energy Healing Attunement

If you would like to become attuned to be able to heal yourself and others and eventually go on to attune others to Reiki, you can do that here. Each level needs to be taken consecutively and it is advised that at least a 6 month gap is taken between levels in order for you to integrate and develop your sensitivity to the energy and get used to working both on yourself and others.

The following attunements are available:

Level 1 Course (allows the student to practice hands on Reiki on themselves and others)
Level 2 Course (currently selected) (allows the student to practice long distance Reiki)
Level 3 Master Teacher Course (allows the student to become a master and attune others)​

During each attunement I will open and expand the main energy channels of the student's body, allowing universal energy (Qi/Chi/Ki) to flow more freely. This can clear blockages in the body and lead to energy changes in the student. Attunements can be catalysts for spiritual self development. They can help you to become more sensitive to energy, more intuitive and more aware of your own energy centres (chakras). Once an attunement has been carried out it is permanent.

Once booked, you will be emailed a manual and some information regarding preparation for your attunement. You will also be asked to provide a photo of the certificates for each level you have already been attuned to if applicable. The attunement itself will be carried out over Zoom.
Please ensure you book a date that is at least 2 weeks away on the booking calendar. This is to give you enough time to read through the manual.

On the day of your session we will carry out meditations, techniques and transmisions to prepare your energy system and balance the energy centres before you receive the attunement. The session will be 2 hours.

Once you have been attuned to Reiki, it is important that in the first few following weeks you give Reiki as much as possible to yourself and others in order to help the energy flow smoothly through the new channels in your body's energy system. Your commitment will strengthen your sensitivity.

Spiritual Healing
Claudine Shehrezad
May 23, 2024, 14:00
United Kingdom
Pellowah Energy Healing Transmission

What Is Pellowah?
Pellowah is an energy healing technique. The word Pellowah means “Radical Shift in Consciousness” – its primary reason for being channelled at this time is for awakening the consciousness of humanity. It is a direct transmission of pure source energy and it is intelligent. Unlike my own energy healing transmission, Pellowah does not work through me. Pellowah comes directly from source to the person receiving the healing. A practitioner receives the attunements that enables them to initiate the Pellowah energy and hold the healing space for the person receiving it. I do not give any diagnosis or interpretation.
Pellowah is a “hands off” healing technique and does not involve touch. If done in person, a client will lie down fully clothed in a position that is comfortable for them, close their eyes, relax and receive the energy somewhere quiet. An eye mask and ear plugs are advised to avoid distractions.
I am directed by the Pellowah energy to move in whatever manner is required. Often hand, arm and body movements are used during the session. As the person receiving, you may experience huge shifts immediately following a session, or the effects may be subtle, yet profound, unfolding over a period of time.
Pellowah unblocks and realigns all the meridians within the body, giving a feeling of well-being and connection, which allows for a Radical Shift in Consciousness. You may experience new expanded perception and a more objective understanding and outlook on life. In addition, Pellowah can have the following results:

· Increases your personal capacity for positive change
· Empowers you to take charge of your life
· Generates new and expanded perspectives
· Attain a new lightness and sense of well being that increases over time
· Create a stronger connection to Source/The Divine
· Remove blocks, enabling clearer guidance
· Increased intuition
· Realign the body meridians
· Calming of emotions
· Greater feeling of Inner peace and clarity of mind
· Increase inner strength and confidence
· Overcome fear, self doubt, anxiety and depression

Pellowah is a call for you to open deeper to who you are through spiritual growth and conscious expansion.
Whilst Pellowah can be done in person or long distance, at the moment I am only able to offer distant transmissions. I will message you beforehand to confirm I am about to begin. I advise you wear some form of eye mask and ear plugs if possible so you have no outer distractions; music and incense/ sage or scented candles are advised against. I will ask you to set your alarm for an hour and I will message you after to confirm the session is over. Sessions can last between 45 mins to an hour and often you are able to perceive when the energy cuts out.
By booking this session you are confirming your understanding that this is not a substitute for professional medical help. You agree and acknowledge that I am not providing medical advice, mental health advice, or religious advice in any way and that I am not responsible for any issues that may arise from any underlying mental health problems/illnesses you may have.

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