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Nutrition Assessment

English, German
$99 USD
$99 USD

If you're not feeling as healthy, energetic and productive as you'd like to, this Nutritional Assessment may be of interest to you! Even though we all strive to eat better, exercise more and improve our lifestyle, we often don't know where to start and what would work best for us.

This nutritional assessment is a great first stepping stone! By completing an online questionnaire with over 600 questions, you get to take a snapshot of your current health get detailed insights on your unique biochemistry!

Upon completion you will receive a 10-20 page comprehensive report via email complete with diet, lifestyle and supplement suggestions that are specific to you!

The nutritional analysis puts the results into priority sequence, letting you know which items require immediate attention and which are items to keep an eye on. For each category where there is a specific imbalance, the report makes recommendations for improvement with diet and/or supplementation. The report can be printed in an easy-to-read color graph and text format!

If you plan to follow through with lifestyle changes, you can even order a follow-up assessment for half the price in 6 months from now!

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1615 Highland Rd W, Kitchener, ON N2N 3K5, Canada

My practice is a safe place for you to be yourself, to share and to heal at your own pace. My approach recognizes that you are more than the sum of your individual components. Come and find out why most clients see an improvement in their well-being and notice changes in their mental, spiritual and physical health within just a few sessions! I would love to meet you!

On Core Spirit since May 2021

Space clearing
Kerstin Kramer
May 11, 2024, 13:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Home Clearing Session & Entity Removal

When you move into a new home you clean it thoroughly. Did you know that it is also very important to clean the energy in a home? If you have heard of people smudging their homes or placing crystals in various rooms of their house, you will know what I am talking about.

My focus during a remote home clearing is to remove all negative energies and bing in positive energy, love, light and peace. I clean your home by connecting energetically with every room, sensing the energy contained within that space. I will feel emotions, get impressions of what has happened in those rooms over the years and whether or not the room supports you and your life. Every once in a while energies will cross my path during these cleanings, which I will either assist to move into the light (if they are ghosts) or banish (if they are negative entities).

I cleanse your home from a metaphysical point of view in order to increase the energy of our home, so that it can support you and your loved ones! After my session is concluded, I will send you a personalized 1-2 page report, outlining all of my findings and what has been cleared. Once the energy has been improved, it will be easier for all household members to manifest abundance and enjoy a harmonious life!

Kerstin Kramer
May 11, 2024, 13:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Usui Reiki Session

WELCOME! I am an experienced Reiki Master / Teacher & energy healer from Ontario, Canada and among my clients I count people with cancer, fibromyalgia, migraines, joint problems, muscle tensions, arthritis, broken bones (just to name a few) that come from all ethnic backgrounds and age groups.

WHY DO I SELL ON FIVERR? I am a very compassionate and caring person and my main focus in life is to share my gift with people near and far!

Offer: This service is for one distance Tibetan Usui Reiki session to balance your energy and to improve your energy flow. These sessions can be sent to anyone, regardless of where you live. If you require on-going sessions (repeated in weekly intervals), please purchase extra Gigs. I recommend to start with 3 consecutive sessions at first and then to continue care with weekly sessions.

WHAT IS REIKI? Reiki is a type of energy medicine that can be performed either hands on or through distance sessions. By improving the patient's energy flow, Reiki stimulates healing and helps to treat a wide range of health conditions.

IMPORTANT: Reiki is often used to compliment ongoing sessions, but is not meant to replace regular advice from your family doctor.

Past Life Regression
Kerstin Kramer
May 11, 2024, 13:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Past Life Reading

A past life reading is when someone who sees intuitively, reviews your incarnations & provides detailed information about them. Lifetimes reviewed in the readings are often relevant to your current life & help you to make sense of present time experiences, beliefs & challenges. Information from past lives can be used to heal, transform and to help you get clearer about your current life path. Readings can stimulate profound growth and understanding and can have a positive, uplifting impact on your current life!

A past life reading can assist you to:

  • … better understand difficult relationships

  • … recognize your soul mates and soul group.

  • … know your souls purpose for the current life.

  • … gain a new perspective on your challenges.

  • … clear unresolved emotional issues.

  • … shift self-limiting beliefs and stuck concepts.

  • … release old patterns and adjust your energy.

  • … discover why you are attracted to certain places and historical times.

Give it a try! I promise that you will be surprised! In these readings I connect directly with the energy of your past life and can describe vivid memories for you. I look forward to reading for you!

Spirit Guides
Kerstin Kramer
May 11, 2024, 13:00
Spirit Guide Reading

Since I was little I've had people confiding in me with things that they've never talked about with anyone else. During my years as a practitioner clients keep saying to me "You are the only one who sees the real me and who understand me!". People feel safe in sharing with me, as they feel that I come from a place of complete non-judgement, love and understanding. When people connect with me I raise my vibration, connect with their Spirit Guides and soul essence/higher self. In that space I see them in all their glory and I can sense what is holding them back from living a fulfilled life. We all have stumbling blocks in life, but they can all certainly be overcome with patience and love!

If you've been feeling stuck in your life and don't know how to move forward, this service is for you! We will connect via phone to talk about your most burning questions! I will share what I see and feel; some of it may be unexpected, some of it will feel true to you. I will be honest and forthcoming, but always deliver what I have to share from a place of profound compassion and love. Let's see how we can help you move forward together! It won't be as hard as you imagine it to be - I promise!

Spiritual Healing
Kerstin Kramer
May 11, 2024, 13:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Quantum Healing Session

Every feeling, every emotion and every thought creates a change in our body chemistry at the subatomic level. And it is these quantum changes that create our state of health.

Quantum healing explains why everybody has the ability to change the condition of his or her physical body regardless of age, health status or body type.

With my Quantum healing sessions I can get all the way down to the root cause of your dis-ease and bring your body, mind, spirit back to balance! During the session I will check in with all aspects of your body, your mental health and spiritual root causes. You will receive approx. 3-4 pages of my notes back in writing, detailing exactly what imbalances I found and what was cleared at the end of each session.

You will be surprised how much my findings will resonate with you and how light you will feel after just one session! Give it a whirl!

Nutritional Therapy
Kerstin Kramer
May 11, 2024, 13:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Nutrition Assessment

If you're not feeling as healthy, energetic and productive as you'd like to, this Nutritional Assessment may be of interest to you! Even though we all strive to eat better, exercise more and improve our lifestyle, we often don't know where to start and what would work best for us.

This nutritional assessment is a great first stepping stone! By completing an online questionnaire with over 600 questions, you get to take a snapshot of your current health get detailed insights on your unique biochemistry!

Upon completion you will receive a 10-20 page comprehensive report via email complete with diet, lifestyle and supplement suggestions that are specific to you!

The nutritional analysis puts the results into priority sequence, letting you know which items require immediate attention and which are items to keep an eye on. For each category where there is a specific imbalance, the report makes recommendations for improvement with diet and/or supplementation. The report can be printed in an easy-to-read color graph and text format!

If you plan to follow through with lifestyle changes, you can even order a follow-up assessment for half the price in 6 months from now!

Emotional Stress Release
Kerstin Kramer
May 11, 2024, 13:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Emotional Clearing Session

I offer remote balancing & clearing sessions that utilize advanced methods of long-distance energy work, which allow me to tune into exactly the issues that need healing in your body and your body's energy.

In these sessions I am working with your energy field, so there is no need to meet me in person for a session. I work remotely with your Higher Self and Divine Inner Self, in order to swiftly balance and clear out energetic blockages. This facilitates a shift of your energy into a state of greater peace and freedom and divine alignment.

Most people experience a noticeable shift after their very first session, although I recommended starting with two sessions with two to four weeks in between. Afterwards clients book monthly sessions, and a few even book weekly sessions for maintenance.

I will take notes during the session, which will give you an overview over which blockages were cleared. Any additional insights that are provided to me during the session will be added as well. I will deliver in a Word document upon completion of your session!

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Shamanic Healing
Olga Aydınoğlu
May 13, 2024, 06:00
Writer's Block Shamanic Healing Session

Before the Session

I do my pre-meditation to find out the main reasons for your writer's block. (This happens psychically, where I generally just need your name, but a picture can help, too.)

It may be as simple as a deep rooted belief that once you write from your heart and really put your honest thoughts and fantacies out there, you will be harshly judged, not understood, criticised, unappreciated, ridiculed, laughed at, so on and so forth. It may have its origin in a trauma you have experienced in this life time or more than one lifetime. It could be a karmic cycle you're going through and maybe it's not the first life, where you struggle to be your true self and to express yourself freely.

Perhaps, it could be a belief that no matter how hard you try, you can never create a really good piece of writing. Perhaps, it's an issue of completing something. Perhaps, concerns over money and writing what sells (and not what is close to heart) that's the problem.

The above are just examples. I would need to meditate to see what your unique situation is.

Reading Part of the Session

In this part, I will let you know what I saw in my visions when I pre-meditated on your writer's block.

Healing Part of the Session

We will discuss the reading part of the session and wil find what traumas / reasons / habits / beliefs / etc. are available for healing. We may find the specific events, decisions or promises you made in the past that need to be revisited and changes made. With your permission, I will perform shamanic healing for those particular birth places of the limiting beliefs, fears and hurts that lie at the heart of why you are experiencing your writer's block.

This kind of healing is not only good for critical instances, where help is needed. If you are not experiencing writer's block at this time, this kind of healing can reveal issues you would benefit from healing and clearing to become even better at what you do, do release any fears, judgements, beliefs, limitation that may be hindering your writing at this time.

The goal of this healing session is to get you to feel safe and comfortable being your true authentic self, making your authentic decisions and taking bold steps in the persuit of freely and openly expressing your true self in a unique way, and doing it with pleasure, joy and peace.

Please write your questions, concerns and anything else you would like to know about this session in the comments below.

  • Please book your session a few days in advance because I need some time to meditate on your particular situation and understand for myself, what action steps can be taken for healing.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or a mental health provider. My services and content are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or a mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical and/or mental health advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.

By registered users: 33
Vegan Diet
Yoga Sadhna Kender®
May 11, 2024, 03:30
Personalized Natural Diet Plan

According to Naturopathy, Any disease flourish into our Mind or body due to our Wrong Eating habits for a long period and thus can be easily cured by developing some Healthy Eating Habits with kinda change in lifestyle.

Lifestyle Disease Reversal Diet

By registered users: 11
Emotional Stress Release
Chloe Mepham
May 13, 2024, 09:00
Mindset Meeting

Work towards improving emotional intelligence and stress management with a Certified Life Coach.

Learn to take back control of your emotions to achieve your potential. Don't let your emotions control you.

Achieve beyond your expectations!

By registered users: 29
Joanna Rose Tierney
May 11, 2024, 08:00

Geopathic Stress
Geopathic stress is the distortion of Geo-electromagnetic energies in the earth’s field of underground water courses, mineral deposits; faults and underground cavities. These distorted or negative energies may radiate through your house or work place, affecting the health of the occupants in different ways. The problem arises when people spend long periods of time working or sleeping in these lines or zones of ‘Geopathic stress’ (GS). The healing of land and houses is essential for good health and wellbeing

Symptoms of Geopathic stress

While Geopathic stress does not cause illnesses directly, it may weaken the immune system which in turn weakens the body, making it slower to heal and more susceptible to illnesses such as cancer.

Sleeping in a Geopathic zone is particularly stressful. If you sleep on a spiral, where two Leylines of the negative energy cross, for example, two underground rivers, not alone may it affect your sleep patterns by causing broken or restless sleep or nightmares, you may wake up in the morning feeling more tired than when you went to bed. This is because the adrenal gland works overtime to compensate for the distorted earth radiation. The brain also cannot relax into a deep sleep to repair and regenerate the body due to the high content of adrenaline in the blood. Over time, the fact that you sleep in this energy overnight, may lead to energy imbalance or long term illness.

Any of the following are believed to result from exposure to Geopathic stress:

Behavioral problems, e.g. Aggression, hyperactivity
Emotional instability
Sleeping disorders and restlessness
Cancer, M.E. And M.S.
Aches and pains, e.g. Headaches
Back problems
Infertility and cot deaths
Asthma and allergies
Stress and nervousness
Lack of concentration or memory loss
Exhaustion, fatigue or loss of strength
Absenteeism at work due to sickness
Not responding to medical treatment

Physical indicators of Geopathic stress

Animals that gravitate to lines or zones of GS include: cats, owls, slugs, snails, insects such as ants, bacteria, viruses, wasps and bees. Most mammals avoid areas of Geopathic stress. Horses and cows stabled over GS may become sick or prone to injuries. In Ireland in the days of old, people used to put cattle into the fields to see where they would sleep knowing that they would not sleep in areas of negative energy. This is then where the buildings were placed, in the good old days before planning permission!

Areas of non-productive fruit trees, gaps in hedges, twisted growth, patches in lawns and trees where lightening has struck can indicate areas of GS.

Animals and very young children can feel instinctively if a place is healthy or not i.e. If there are lines or zones of Geopathic stress within it. If children are oriented differently from when they were tucked in, or don’t want to sleep in their beds it is wise to check for lines of the GS.

Can the level of Geopathic stress be measured?

Through the art of dowsing, Dr. Gustav Freiherr von Pohl, the ‘Grand Old Man’ of GS, developed a scale to analyze the strengths and effects of the contaminated leylines

The scale runs from 1 to 16 with the following effects:

Up to 4: No effect.
5 – 6: Obesity, swelling of joints, headaches, sleeping problems, anxiety.
7 – 8: Mental disorders, addictions, suicides, depression.
9 plus: Cancer, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and many other disorders.
In both Germany and Austria it is the law to have your house checked for Geopathic stress before you move in.

Love and Light
Joanna Rose Tierney

By registered users: 20
Spiritual Healing
Johann Strerath
May 11, 2024, 13:00
Spiritual Life Coaching

There is no coincidence that you have travelled so far in your journey to get to this point in which your soul wishes to get supported to facilitate your spiritual development.

Walking a spiritual path without any dogmatic conditions, yet an unknown ocean of higher and more purified energies, where you want to move forward from the ordinary to the extraordinary, might be overwhelming and confusing.

The good news is that You do not have to walk that path alone! My job as a Spiritual Life Coach is to help you walk the path with ease. I am here to support your personal evolution without any judgment or comparisons, as I understand that you are a unique soul.

If you are looking to reach higher levels of consciousness and understanding of your inner world with regards to your purpose and meaning in life, most definitely you have found the right hands and guide to serve you.

Spirituality is nothing else than gaining the awareness of your inner and outer energies, your relationship with yourself, others, and your external world.

As a coach, I assist you with:

  • Finding, your inner truth, re-inventing yourself and building a higher version of yourself.
  • Helping you to create or re-invent your spiritual experience in your own way, and in your own terms.
  • Supporting you while on your own transformational inner journey.

I help you obtaining results on:

  1. Overcoming mental self-judgements.
  2. Gaining self-respect.
  3. Eliminating negative self-talk.
  4. Healing what needs to be healed.
  5. Manifesting what you want to achieve.
  6. Experiencing higher estates of happiness, joy, and inner peace.
  7. Developing and practicing your own daily healthy rituals/habits.
By registered users: 69
Career Coaching
Metodo Sam
May 13, 2024, 12:00
Life Coaching Session


My name is Sam.

I am an *Argentinean Psychotherapist *with 10 years of experience working with clients from all over the world. I love helping other people and I can´t wait to get to know you so that we can start working with what you feel is preventing you from living a rich and meaningful life!

*We will work with:

  • Understanding and learning how to recognize and regulate your emotions.
  • Nurturing your relationships. With yourself and with others.
  • Developing personal growth.
  • Finding the perfect** work life balance.**
  • Getting you where you want to be in life.
  • Helping you get unstuck from dysfunctional patterns and building new and healthier ones.
  • Increasing psychological flexibility.
  • Dealing with vital crisis.
  • Learning how to be in the present, with awareness and gratitude.

I have a degree in Psychology from Universidad de Belgrano in Buenos Aires. Have post graduated studies in: Child and Development Psychology, Masters in Psychoanalysis / ACT Therapy and I'm a Mindfulness Coach and Facilitator. Also, I love Yoga and Meditation. I believe in the power of a Holistic approach!

By registered users: 24
Life Coaching
Alyssa Kelliher
May 11, 2024, 04:00
Coaching Consultation

This service is meant as an opportunity for first time clients who are interested in coaching and want to learn more. Coaching helps get you from where you are to where you want to be. In our session we will create systems to implement changes you wish to make in your life while prioritizing overall health and wellness. We will identify and work through any blocks preventing you from reaching your goals. You will be provided with tools to work through life's ebbs and flows. Find out if coaching is a good fit for you with this introductory session.

By registered users: 12
Chakra Balancing
Joanna Rose Tierney
May 11, 2024, 08:00
Chakra Clearing & Healing

15 Chakras Clearing and Healing is done on-line

I will work with you either on a video call

I work with the beings of light, angels, your ancestors and the universal light energies.
Clearing, realinging and charging each charka individually.

Love and Light

Joanna Rose Tierney

By registered users: 21