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Plant Spirit Medicine Card Draw

$10 USD
$10 USD

What messages do the plant spirits have for you today? I will draw a card from the beautiful Druid Plant Oracle deck and give you a reading about which plants are wishing to connect with you and transmit their healing medicine magics for you! I look forward to this magical moment.

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Vancouver, BC, Canada

Hello Star Travelers,. I am Xyla Grey, a plant spirit practitioner, herbalist, aromatic medicine artist, animist, storyteller, shadow worker, tarot reader and practice Slavic folkloric witchcraft. I am here to assist you in your healing journey through experiencing the Magick Of Nature. If you would like more information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! xx Faerie Blessings xx

On Core Spirit since January 2021

Xyla Grey
May 11, 2024, 19:00
Shadow Work Healing

All of us carry shadows inside. When the human Shadow is shunned, it tends to undermine and sabotage our lives, contributing to ddictions, low self-esteem, mental illness, chronic illnesses, and various neuroses.

Before we start our session, I will shamanic journey into the Otherworld and connect with your energies, ancestors, spirit guides, or any other beings that are trying to come through the veils to communicate. I will receive visions, sometimes in the form of past lives, soul loss, karmic cycles, and also archetypes that are coming through of the role(s) you may have taken on in this lifetime (or past lifetimes) which have contributed to the experience of trauma, abuse, addictions, victimization and feelings of disempowerment.

During our session, I will let you know what I saw during my journey and we will discuss what parts are available for healing in the form of habits, false belief structures, and archetypes being brought to the surface. With your permission, I will perform a shamanic healing ritual afterwards for your healing in those aspects.

This is not a one stop fix, but a journey into your own unique story. If you would like follow up sessions, I recommend giving yourself at least 2 weeks or longer to integrate what you have learned and the feelings that might come up. This is meant to be a step in helping you find your lost pieces and may come out as many different ways; from finding a renewed passion for life, finding the strength to let go of co dependant relationships, finally move on and away from toxic people in your life, learning how to implement proper boundaries, kindling a creative urge to express yourself in a new way, a new outlook on life and finding purpose again, finding value in yourself and attracting abundance into your life, and many other ways it may uniquely manifest for you and your special journey in life.

Whichever way it shows up, may you be blessed in all ways to find your true self and heal, living authentically and loving yourself; living with peace, joy and love.

***Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or a mental health provider. The contents of our website are for informational purposes only. This website is not for emergency or crisis help. The content, including our directories, is not intended to provide mental health advice, counselling or treatment. You should always seek the immediate or timely advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider. ***

Tarot Reading
Xyla Grey
May 11, 2024, 19:00
Plant Spirit Medicine Card Draw

What messages do the plant spirits have for you today? I will draw a card from the beautiful Druid Plant Oracle deck and give you a reading about which plants are wishing to connect with you and transmit their healing medicine magics for you! I look forward to this magical moment.

Spirit Guides
Xyla Grey
May 11, 2024, 19:00
Plant Spirit Guide

I am a shamanic plant practitioner working through my family lineage of Slavic traditional witches, a certified herbalist, permaculture designer and work intimately with Plant Spirits. Everyone has a special Plant Spirit that they are attuned to and intuitively work with, whether they are aware of it or not. At times in our lives certain plants will reach out to us, they have knowledge to share, messages from our ancestral lineages, or wish to share their medicines with us. You might feel drawn to a certain tree or plant and then find out that you have a health condition that plant has the power to help heal. The world of plants is intimately connected to the world of humans.

I will shamanic journey to the Otherworld and see which Plant Spirits are around you that are resonating with your energy at this time and wish to come through with their medicine and messages.

Please provide me with a recent photo of yourself and if you have any plants, or trees that you have been attracted to recently, and wish to understand more of what they are trying to communicate, you are encouraged to share that as well. As part of my intuitive reading,included as well is pertinent facts and details of the plants in question; their medicinal values, how to work with them, ecology, folklore and perhaps even past life connections they have to you and your family line.

I will provide you with your main Plant Spirit guide that comes through in my journey as well as any others that may be as well. I will share some rituals, meditations, herbalist teachings or anything else that might help you in connecting and gaining a deeper understanding of your Plant Spirit Guide at this time.

I look forward to facilitating this step into the enchanted realms with you!

Tarot Reading
Xyla Grey
May 11, 2024, 19:00
Ancestor Guidance

Our Ancestors and Spirit Guides are always around; guiding us and protecting us. Are you feeling stuck in your life or feeling lost? Or perhaps you just would like some illumination about what the energies are around you at this time? Whatever you need clarification with, let's ask the Ancestors, Spirit Guides and the Nature spirits what they wish you to know at this time. I will be using the Woodland Wadrens oracle deck, the Mystical Shaman deck, and the Starseed oracle to delve into your energies and what messages want to come across the veils at this time. I look forward to connecting with the Ancestors with you!

Tarot Reading
Xyla Grey
May 11, 2024, 19:00
Moon Messages Oracle Reading

The moon influences our lives in many ways, ruling the waters and tides, how seeds, plants and trees grow, our personal emotions and has a part in the timing of our life events. Do you need some clarity on a situation in your life at this time? Would you like to know how to work with the energies around you in a better way? Then my Moon Messages Oracle reading might just be right for you.

I will pull a card from my Moonology oracle deck and use my astro dice for further clarification and if you have an extra yes or no question, my pendulum will answer it.

Let's walk the waves of the moon together and seek deeper understanding of the messages it has in store for us. I am looking forward to a Moon spell with you!

Tarot Reading
Xyla Grey
May 11, 2024, 19:00
One Card Pull Oracle Card Message

Are you looking for a intuitive reading for a question on your mind? I am happy ton pull a card from the beautiful Woodland Wardens Oracle deck for you. This deck is very magical, set in in a rustic-folk style illustrated by Jessica Roux. It draws on mythology, folklore, and literature, featuring an animal-plant pairing accompanied by a distinct and thoughtful message.

Looking forward to sharing your special message with you!

Tarot Reading
Xyla Grey
May 11, 2024, 19:00
Shadow Mini Reading

Are you feeling stuck in life? Are you dealing with the darker aspects of living and wanting to get an idea of what is holding you back and how to move on? A Shadow Mini Reading might be of assistance for you. Suppressed sides of our personalities come out as as the ‘shadow’ or the ‘shadow self’, the parts of ourselves that we think society will disapprove of which are pushed away into our unconscious.
Avoiding the dark side of your personality is likely to cause suffering in the long run. Ultimately, the more we suppress feelings and negative emotions into the subconscious, the greater the power they have over us. Moreover, they can assert themselves in different ways. This could be through mental health issues, chronic illness, anxiety, addiction, and low self-esteem. In this mini oracle reading I will be pulling 2 cards and using astro dice to pinpoint areas where your Spirit Guides would like you to see and work on at this time.
I look forward to deliving into the shadow side with you!

Western Astrology
Xyla Grey
May 11, 2024, 19:00
Personal Astrology Chart And Reading

What do the stars have to say for you? Are you curious to go more in depth into your personal planet placements and learn what that means for your life trajectory? Sometimes we act unconsciously, and struggle with certain issues because we do not have clarity on our true natures and the influences we were born into. I would be happy to provide an analysis about your character, the areas you are weak and or strong in, your hidden powers, and what your soul purpose is.

I need your name, date of birth, time of birth and place of birth.

An insightful and illuminating read, delving into your Western Astrology planetary placements will open up many avenues to learn and explore about yourself. I look forward to working with you!

Spirit Guides
Xyla Grey
May 11, 2024, 19:00
Nature Connection Guide

Do you feel that Nature is trying to communicate with you? Do you have a connection to certain, trees, plants, or animals and wondering what that means for you? The Natural world is full of Otherworldly messengers, from the Elemental Beings, Nature Spirits, Animal Spirits, Fae and others who are constantly in communication with us through the veils between our world and theirs. In this 1 hour session, I intuitively help guide you with the help of your Spirit Guides, to help you understand what the beings of Nature are wishing to communicate with you and how you can create a deeper bond of connection to them. I would also be happy to guide you to rituals, meditations, protections (if need be) and the use of herbs and plant spirit allies that would be of assistance to you.

I look forward to assisting you on your enchanted journey with the Spirits of Nature!

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Tre' Grisby
May 11, 2024, 16:00
Berkeley, CA, USA
Daily Reiki for a Month

Reiki for 5 Minutes of a day for a month

How to order:
Rates are designed to be cheaper for longer periods…
$25 per month (30 days of reiki, $0.84/day)

1. Your name (First and Last Name).
2. Your primary location. Location should include City, State (or region) and Country.

What to expect:
Most people do not have the time or money to schedule a weekly 30-minute reiki session. I offer Reiki by the day. Sign up and go about your life knowing that this reiki master is sending 5 minutes of reiki a day around sunrise or sunset.

Discover renewed calm and balance with a little Reiki every day. Watch as common aches and pains seem to vanish. Everyone needs more reiki for a deeper balance of the Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Please send me your feedback by email or social media.

Benefits of Reiki:
- Relieve pain, fatigue, and depression.
- Reduced stress, and anxiety.
- Increased feelings of relaxation. Aiding in sleep and removing insomnia symptoms.
- Improved mood and emotional well-being. Better appreciation for life, especially our own. Leading to improved quality of life.
- May improve conditions like headache, tension, insomnia, and nausea.

Legal disclaimer:
The Reiki is not a medical device, and not intended for use in diagnosing, healing, or preventing disease.

Reiki sessions can detoxify the body on a physical and spiritual level. Physical effect could be digestive discomfort as the body purges toxins. Spiritual effects could be tears and buried emotions suddenly surfacing.

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Ruth Svakataly Daugherty
May 11, 2024, 09:00
Divine protection: 40 day Blueprint and opening of 12 timelines

During the session, you will receive the blueprint for 40 days and I will open 12 timelines for you.

Blueprint with Oronos® according to Natara®:

  • The blueprint protects you against 3G, 4G, 5G, WIFI, Bluebeam, MK Ultra, mind control, attack from lower frequency beings, and atomatic energies.

  • It speeds up your personal development. Part of your soulbook is opened with the blueprint. It brings divine order into your life.

  • With being reconnected to your blueprint in the quantum field clarity and peace start becoming more and more reality in your life.

  • The blueprint is divine love energy.


A timeline is like an energy portal. When a timeline of the future is opened then old timelines (like suffering, death, war, and destruction) are closed. A timeline is like an energy portal, an opening of a new consciousness. They are also accelerators and amplifiers for your life. The timelines will stay open in your life as long as they are needed. With the opened timelines of the future you can start living a life filled with joy, laughter, happiness and abundance.

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Step Into Your Light - Christina Moore
May 13, 2024, 09:00
Ewart St, Brighton BN2, UK
Light Language Personalised Tracks

Light language is the most ancient language of the cosmos. It is the language of our soul. It is not words as such, but it a series of aural vibrations that affect our energy when we listen to them.
The beauty of light language in healing is that we do not need to understand it in order for it to work. As the vibrations reach us, the sounds are translated into light by the pineal gland, and then gently break down the blockages in the body to bring healing.
As a light language channel I can record a personal track for you to help you on your journey towards health and wholeness. You may have a particular intention that you would like me to work with, or perhaps you put your trust in the universe and just let them decide what you need.

Each track will be emailed to you for you to listen to as often as you feel directed.
Many people say they find listening to light language much easier than meditation as there is no conscious effort required, you just lie back and relax.

If you would like more information please do not hesitate to ask me.

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There is no coincidence that you have travelled so far in your journey to get to this point in which your soul wishes to get supported to facilitate your spiritual development.

Walking a spiritual path without any dogmatic conditions, yet an unknown ocean of higher and more purified energies, where you want to move forward from the ordinary to the extraordinary, might be overwhelming and confusing.

The good news is that You do not have to walk that path alone! My job as a Spiritual Life Coach is to help you walk the path with ease. I am here to support your personal evolution without any judgment or comparisons, as I understand that you are a unique soul.

If you are looking to reach higher levels of consciousness and understanding of your inner world with regards to your purpose and meaning in life, most definitely you have found the right hands and guide to serve you.

Spirituality is nothing else than gaining the awareness of your inner and outer energies, your relationship with yourself, others, and your external world.

As a coach, I assist you with:

  • Finding, your inner truth, re-inventing yourself and building a higher version of yourself.
  • Helping you to create or re-invent your spiritual experience in your own way, and in your own terms.
  • Supporting you while on your own transformational inner journey.

I help you obtaining results on:

  1. Overcoming mental self-judgements.
  2. Gaining self-respect.
  3. Eliminating negative self-talk.
  4. Healing what needs to be healed.
  5. Manifesting what you want to achieve.
  6. Experiencing higher estates of happiness, joy, and inner peace.
  7. Developing and practicing your own daily healthy rituals/habits.
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Andrew Clare
May 11, 2024, 12:00
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Shamanic Space Clearing

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This is a remote healing for any location. You receive a written report.

By registered users: 31