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Yoga Therapy for Relationships

therapy session
$190 USD
$190 USD

Your closest relationships can develop new levels of understanding, acceptance and support. Mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, husbands, wives, friends can all explore sharing, listening, boundaries and connections through shared yoga practice, reflection and dialogue. In a structured practice, partners find their own ways of being more present to the relationship.

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323 E Main St, Smithtown, NY 11787, USA

With a background in Yoga, meditation and lifestyle coaching, Sarah, C-IAYT, E-RYT500, is a certified Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapist and Group Facilitator. She offers a variety of experiences, from private sessions to international retreats and training. Sarah is passionate about empowering individuals with the skills and confidence to choose a life they love.

On Core Spirit since April 2022

Yoga Therapy
Sarah Greco, C-IAYT, ERYT500
May 13, 2024, 11:00
Yoga Therapy for Relationships

Your closest relationships can develop new levels of understanding, acceptance and support. Mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, husbands, wives, friends can all explore sharing, listening, boundaries and connections through shared yoga practice, reflection and dialogue. In a structured practice, partners find their own ways of being more present to the relationship.

Yoga Therapy
Sarah Greco, C-IAYT, ERYT500
May 13, 2024, 11:00
Individualized Yoga Therapy Session

Your Yoga Therapy session is always highly individualized and responsive to your unique condition. You will be coached in a practice of Embodied Presence - that is, you will be coached to become more internally attuned to your body in its direct experience. You begin to sense your body on a whole new level and this awareness and sensitivity informs the flow of your yoga practice.

This practice of being mindfully aware in direct experience has therapeutic benefits from decreasing stress to empowering personal growth to recovering from trauma, depression, illness and therefor appeals to a wide variety of people

....performers, athletes, professionals, moms, dads, students, worriers, survivors, the heart broken.....

Everyone with a Body.

Bodies with unique needs/considerations welcome!

No matter what's missing or not working, your yoga practice will be designed to fit what you can do and to support what is working! Your body may have unique needs, it's YOUR body and you can practice embodied presence, awareness and acceptance. Yoga movements and postures can be modified to fit your body. And you can learn from your experience those techniques that support stress reduction, well-being, pain relief and fitness.

Sarah Greco, C-IAYT, ERYT500
What is yoga therapy, Why does it transform lives and How can you benefit?

What is Yoga Therapy?

Yoga, that expansive, beautiful, and sometimes mysterious practice hailing from centuries of sacred tradition in its source culture of India, changes lives. Yoga is a spiritual practice of moving beyond the noise of thought and into the depth of knowing. There's a timeless, wordless experience where connections to love, acceptance, insight and wisdom manifest and by accessing that experience, any being holds the potential to free themselves from the suffering that binds them. With the intention of facilitating that experience and alleviating suffering by the use and application of yogic practices and lifestyle, yoga therapy provides clients with the therapeutic space and relationship necessary for deep self awareness and transformational change.

Yoga therapy is different from yoga classes
People attend yoga classes to practice the techniques of Asana(posture), Pranayama(Breathwork) and Concentration and Meditation (Dharana & Dhyana), and these techniques do much to impact fitness, mood, and overall wellness.Yoga classes are led by instructors, typically registered with Yoga Alliance after completing 200 and 300 hour traning programs, offer a wide range of styles and environments, which is great for inviting people to try Yoga and continue with community and regular practice.

When a person is coping with injury or illness, and it could be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, they may want and need an individualized and personal practice. This is when it is wise to engage with a yoga therapist. The International Association of Yoga Therapists certies trained yoga therapists (C-IAYT) who are required to have 1000+ training hours and practicum experience. With a professional code of ethics and scope of practice in place, C-IAYT offers clients a dependable standard of professional service

Why does Yoga Therapy transform lives?

A yoga therapist guides the client's practice following a thorough intake. Yoga therapists consider all aspects of the client: the physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual and take a client-centered approach to choices made in yoga therapy sessions. Clients learn to practice and sustain skills like mindfulness and breathwork, which are helpful in alleviating the pain and suffering of almost any condition. Clients are supported in the process and state of* awareness* and in being with the obstacles that get in the way. Clients discover the wisdom and insight that transforms the conditions of their experience and are empowered by it.

Yoga therapists also trained to understand the limitations of yoga techniques and practices, and this means that yoga therapy is a compliment to medical and mental health treatments and never a replacement.

How can you benefit?

Feel, sense and connect with your body as a source of experience and knowledge. Experientally learn how the mind, breath and body can come together, work together to ease your pain and free you from your suffering. Find and work with a yoga therapist (online and in-person) to develop a personalized practice that fits the true definition of selfcare. Even when you know yourself and the layers of your experience, working with a qualified yoga therapist can support you with experiences that open your life to new and different ways of being.

Yoga does change lives. With yoga therapy, you consciously navigate those changes.

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Joanna Rose Tierney

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