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Biochemic Tissue salt consultation

$45 USD
$45 USD

Start your journey to health and wellbeing by connecting with me for an online naturopathy consultation TODAY.

The facial diagnosis is based on the idea, that the absence of certain minerals develops certain signs on the face, as for example the colouring of the face or the state and the vigour of the skin. The lack of certain tissue salts results in different health issues. Tissue salts are indicated in loss of mental power, brain fag, paralysis of any part, nervous headaches, neuralgic pains, general disability and exhaustion and sleeplessness from nervous disorders.

Trust me and let me read your face to find a solution for your health problem.

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London N12, UK

Hi! I am here to help. My aim is helping people to maintain their health and improve their quality of life, following a holistic approach to health. So do not hesitate to contact me and book your online consultation.
I am a certificated and registered Naturopath, specialised in Herbal medicine., Homeopathy, Bio-chemic Tissue salts Therapy and Mental Skills Development.

On Core Spirit since April 2020

Herbal Medicine (Herbalism)
Helena Szollosy
May 21, 2024, 16:00

Start your journey to health and wellbeing by connecting with me for an online naturopathy consultation TODAY.
Herbs continue to be the foundation of much of modern medicine.
Herbal medicine supports holistic treatment, with prevention of disease being as important as the treatment of a particular illness such as:
Upset stomachs,
common Cold and Flu,
Menstrual problems,
Sore muscles,
Skin rashes,
Digestive disorders,
Rheumatic and Arthritic Conditions,
Chronic skin problems,
Anxiety and tension related stress,
Bronchitis and other respiratory conditions,
allergies, and so forth.

Helena Szollosy
May 21, 2024, 16:00
Biochemic Tissue salt consultation

Start your journey to health and wellbeing by connecting with me for an online naturopathy consultation TODAY.

The facial diagnosis is based on the idea, that the absence of certain minerals develops certain signs on the face, as for example the colouring of the face or the state and the vigour of the skin. The lack of certain tissue salts results in different health issues. Tissue salts are indicated in loss of mental power, brain fag, paralysis of any part, nervous headaches, neuralgic pains, general disability and exhaustion and sleeplessness from nervous disorders.

Trust me and let me read your face to find a solution for your health problem.

Helena Szollosy
May 21, 2024, 16:00
Homeopathic consultation

Start your journey to health and wellbeing by connecting with me for an online naturopathy consultation TODAY.
Homeopathic Treatment is a healing technique based on the principle of free and uninterrupted energy flow and helps activate the natural healing processes in each patient’s body as well as to restore their physical and emotional well-being. Homeopathy can be used at every age and for a great number of diseases and complaints. Some indications or symptoms for which Homeopathy is effectively applied are:
- Chronic illness, recurring complaints,
- Lack of energy, sleeplessness, stress, burn-out,
- Menopause symptoms, menstruation complaints,
- Headaches,
- Ear infections,
- Skin break-outs,
- Behavioural problems in children,
- Learning problems and insecurity.

Helena Szollosy

Herbs and spices are nutraceutical agents that help to improve memory, concentration, focus and learning while mitigating and protecting against cognitive decline. This time I present garlic and parsley, both highly valued throughout the ages as a culinary spice. They are used widely as a flavouring in cooking, but they have also been used as a medicine throughout ancient and modern history. They improve focus and concentration and enhance memory.

GARLIC (Allium sativa, family of Amaryllidaceae)

Constituents: allicin, citral, geraniol, linalool, phellandrene, s-methyl-1-cysteine sulfoxide

Parts Used: bulb

Main constituents of garlic are allicin, citral, geraniol, linalool, phellandrene, s-methyl-1-cysteine sulfoxide

Garlic and its preparations have been widely recognized as agents for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and other metabolic diseases, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, thrombosis, hypertension, dementia, cancer and diabetes.

Protection afforded by garlic may be extended to its neuroprotective action, helping reduce the risk for cerebrovascular disease and dementia. Experimental evidence has shown that some garlic-derived products have a protective effect against ischemic brain injury. Studies have demonstrated that Aged garlic extract (AGE) can exert neuroprotective effects against neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration.

Researchers has discovered that carbohydrate derivative of garlic known as FruArg offers the brain protection against aging and may prevent age-related neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Onion, scallion, chive, leek, and shallot which are closely related to garlic also possess the beneficial pharmacological properties of garlic.

PARSLEY (Petroselinum crispum, family Apiaceae)

Parts Used: roots, leaves, seeds

Parsley is a source of flavonoids and antioxidants, especially luteolin, apigenin,[11] folate, vitamin K, vitamin C, and vitamin A.

Parsley contains flavonoid called apigenin, which strengthens the connection between nerve cells and promotes communication between nerve cells. This, in turn, can help prevent depression and, according to some research, even reduces the risk of developing Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Consuming garlic and parsley regularly, not only will make us able to do our job perfectly, but we will still have our strength and energy for our favourite hobbies. Not only do they have a good effect on our memory, but they can also help us overcome our anxiety.

Use them with confidence and enjoy!

by Helena Szollosy, Naturopath, Phyto-therapist

Helena Szollosy

Several herbs and spices which look promising with respect to brain health based on the existing research are black pepper, cinnamon, garlic, ginger, lemon balm, nutmeg, parsley, peppermint, rosemary, saffron, sage, tea leaves, turmeric, thyme and the list continues.

Black pepper has been introduced last time. This time lets have a look on how cinnamon and ginger may help improve brain function .

CINNAMON (Cinnamomum zeylanicum, family Lauraceae)

Parts Used: Dried bark, Essential oil

Main constituents in cinnamon are volatile oil, eugenol, tannins, resin, mucilage, trace coumarin and complex sugars

One study has shown that cinnamon can increase cognitive functioning, even just through smell alone, and it is being considered as a possible treatment to enhance cognition in the elderly and people with symptoms of dementia.

Ingredients in cinnamon, mainly epicatechin and cinnamaldehyde, play an important role in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease, prevent abnormal swelling of brain cells (this phenomenon has been linked to complications following brain injuries and stroke), and neurological problems associated with aging. they can also provide protection against In addition to having an extremely good effect on our brain, cinnamon essential oil soothes and reduces anxiety.

GINGER (Zingiber officinale, family of Zingiberaceae)

Main constituents of ginger are volatile oil, (mainly zingiberone and bisabolene), oleoresin (containing the pungent principles gingerols, shogaols and zingerone), fats, protein, starch, vitamins a and b, minerals and amino acids.

Ginger boasts innumerable benefits to health. It is great for digestion, fighting inflammation, and arthritis. The antioxidant effects of ginger root are thought to safeguard the neurons (nerve cells) of the brain against the oxidative stress that is common in many neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Disease.

According to Arabian folklore, ginger has been claimed to improve memory. The studies showed that ginger rhizomes extract could enhance memory and protect against brain damage. Ginger extract enhances both attention and cognitive processing capabilities of healthy, middle-aged women, with no side effects reported.

Cinnamon and ginger are delicious in sweet treats and if we consume them regularly, not only will we be able to do our job perfectly, but we will still have our strength and energy for our favourite hobbies. Not only do they have a good effect on our memory, but they can also help us overcome our anxiety.

Use them with confidence and enjoy!

by Helena Szollosy, Naturopath, Phyto-therapist

Helena Szollosy

Springtime is a tired time. Everyone slows down a bit. We feel like it is getting harder to get out of bed, and we cannot always get the most out of ourselves at work either.

Brain fog can be a symptom of a nutrient deficiency, sleep disorder, bacterial overgrowth from overconsumption of sugar, depression, or even a thyroid condition. Other common brain fog causes include eating too much and too often, inactivity, not getting enough sleep, chronic stress, and a poor diet. Brain fog involves feelings of confusion and disorientation. Brain fog can make a person feel as if the processes of thinking, understanding, and remembering are not working as they should.

Whether you are looking to improve focus and concentration, enhance memory or protect your brain from decline, herbal medicine has a lot to offer. These are herbs or nutraceutical agents that help to improve memory, concentration, focus and learning while mitigating and protecting against cognitive decline.

It is widely known that GINKGO BILOBA has been used for thousands of years to improve cognitive function or GOTU KOLA (Centella asiatica) which has a long history of use in Ayurveda and is considered to be a rejuvenating tonic for vitality and memory. Also, RHODIOLA ROSEA is believed to be especially helpful in improving mind and body performance during times of stress or when feeling burned out. Not to mention GINSENG (Panax ginseng), the adaptogenic herb, known to help your mind and body cope with stress and to boost all around mental function.

HOWEVER, this time I would like to introduce spices which we use in the kitchen and that stimulate brain function. Several herbs and spices which look promising with respect to brain health based on the existing research are black pepper, cinnamon, garlic, ginger, lemon balm, nutmeg, parsley, peppermint, rosemary, saffron, sage, tea leaves, turmeric, thyme and the list continues.

Here is for first black pepper that may help improve brain function and you can begin adding it to your diet today:

BLACK PEPPER (Piper nigrum, family Piperaceae)

Parts Used: dried peppercorns

Black pepper contains moderate amounts of vitamin K, iron and manganese with trace amounts of other essential nutrients, protein, volatile essential oil containing the alkaloid piperine and dietary fibre.

Black pepper is regarded as “King of spices” but can also be considered as part of the kingdom of medicinal agents. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anticonvulsant, and neuroprotective effects.

Black pepper may have health benefits, particularly in enhancing digestive tract function.

There is suggestive evidence that black pepper piperine may have nervous system benefits

and may have quite a few brain-boosting effects. Studies have shown that piperine, the primary component in black pepper, can help improve brain function and also lower depression symptoms.

Use it with confidence and enjoy!

by Helena Szollosy, Naturopath, Phyto-therapist

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Hi April,
Certainly. We first look into the causes of your condition and then find the solution that serves you the best.

April Chase3y ago

Every day begins with dizziness, nervous headaches, and I think that all this is against the background of insomnia from nervous disorders. Will your classes help me get rid of this? Thank you in advance for your answer!

Helena Szollosy
May 21, 2024, 16:00
Biochemic Tissue salt consultation
Herbal Medicine (Herbalism)
Helena Szollosy
May 21, 2024, 16:00
Helena Szollosy
May 21, 2024, 16:00
Homeopathic consultation

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This is the simplest way to a good life! your mind is like an electronic switching station. converting the potential energy into kinetic energy. Look at your current results you will know wherever you are stuck.

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Chakra Balancing
Praggati Anand Oswaal
May 18, 2024, 08:00
7 Day Chakra Challenge

READY to bring balance to your body and mind.
READY to ignite your passion and creativity.
READY to boost your self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-love.

Life is busier than ever, and we can get more done than ever before! But our need for productivity can lead to burnout.

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Here’s what’s possible when you learn to balance your chakras…

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  • Connect to your purpose and live with a deep sense of fulfillment.
  • Ignite your creativity and motivation.

What if I told you everything you needed to live your best life was already within you?

Each chakra can be correlated to everything from physical pain and discomfort in the body, to our relationships with others, emotional wellbeing, and our sense of purpose. Balancing our chakras ensures that our energy is flowing smoothly, and brings a sense of calm and peace into our lives.

This course includes a 60 min Yoga practice for balancing each Chakra and also 15-20 min meditation to connect with the Chakra at the energy level. All these videos are part of this course and you have access to them for lifetime once you sign up for the course.

Day 1 : Root Chakra
When the Root Chakra energy is vibrant and flowing well, we have a great connection to the earth and feel reassured.We are not struggling to feel safe and secure. We just are! This Chakra and energy governs our survival and stability, controlling fight or flight responses.

Day 2 : Sacral Chakra
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Day 3 : Solar Plexus Chakra
This Chakra and energy is all about your personal power and how much of your life you take accountability for. When this energy is vibrant and flowing well, we are confidently decisive but still able to enjoy the spirit of spontaneity. We have a strong sense of purpose combined with healthy self-esteem. When it is out of balance, you may feel out of touch with the fire within you.

Day 4 : Heart Chakra
This Chakra energy plays a significant role in attaining overall energetic balance. It relates to our ability to give and receive love. It circulates our emotional energy and governs our empathy, ability to forgive, compassion, divine love, and how we process grief. Without your heart Chakra being open, love cannot and will not prevail.

Day 5 : Throat Chakra
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Day 6 : Third Eye Chakra
This Chakra and energy governs our intuition, thoughts, and imagination, resulting in our ability to self-reflect and have a vision. When this energy is balanced, we have clarity of mind and great focus. We’re able to accept and live our truth. We are not easily distracted.

Day 7 : Crown Chakra
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  • Video on various meditation postures and breathing techniques
  • Chakra Balancing Manual
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Wellness Coaching: Introductory Session

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I can absolutely help you get to where you want to be!

Together, we will explore your vision of what better health and wellness look like to you and by capitalizing on your unique strengths, values and experiences we will create attainable goals and implement proven strategies to help you achieve them.

I am looking forward to meeting with you!

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Target audience

Candidates often are undergoing their first or second Saturn Return, or perhaps are in college.


Save time and anguish by zeroing in on a direction that is most fitting and suitable for your natural aptitudes and interests. Done well clients realize the potential of a Vocational Analysis when the work life aligns with life's goals, and ultimately leads to fulfilment (The Midheaven). Alignment seems to be the key, to discover and attend to whatever the spirit finds agreeable, natural, and for the most part, generates well-being.


15 minutes: this is not a full session, but only one small sidebar to a comprehensive consultation.

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The Midheaven Extension Process is remarkably reliable, but no process is foolproof. Many non-astrological variables are at play to either affirm or deny individual life direction. Still, with over an 80% success rate most people find incredible value in this service.

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Step Into Your Light - Christina Moore
May 20, 2024, 09:00
Ewart St, Brighton BN2, UK
Light Language Personalised Tracks

Light language is the most ancient language of the cosmos. It is the language of our soul. It is not words as such, but it a series of aural vibrations that affect our energy when we listen to them.
The beauty of light language in healing is that we do not need to understand it in order for it to work. As the vibrations reach us, the sounds are translated into light by the pineal gland, and then gently break down the blockages in the body to bring healing.
As a light language channel I can record a personal track for you to help you on your journey towards health and wholeness. You may have a particular intention that you would like me to work with, or perhaps you put your trust in the universe and just let them decide what you need.

Each track will be emailed to you for you to listen to as often as you feel directed.
Many people say they find listening to light language much easier than meditation as there is no conscious effort required, you just lie back and relax.

If you would like more information please do not hesitate to ask me.

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Iyengar yoga
Praggati Anand Oswaal
May 18, 2024, 08:00
5-Day Yoga Challenge

Are you looking to kickstart daily Iyengar Yoga practice that will leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and energized? Join me for this 5-Day Yoga Challenge. Each day for five days I will send a brand new Yoga practice(30 minutes duration) directly to your inbox.

This challenge is designed for all levels, from the Yoga newbies to the seasoned Yogis looking to re-inspire their practice. Get ready for long holds in classic Yoga postures that will help you reset and release tension from head to toe.

We all are getting a big serving of stress, anxiety and uncertainty every day. A regular practice of Yoga prepares you to handle the stresses of life with ease. You learn how to release stress so it does not accumulate and create dis-ease.

This is your golden opportunity to setup a consistent daily practice. Do not miss out! Best part of all, it is just $10.

Day 1: Tech Neck/Shoulders and Wrists stretching
Overview: Start things out nice and easy, get your blood flowing, play around with simple poses to relieve tension and tightness in the neck, shoulders and wrists.
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 2: Hamstrings stretching
Overview: Work into some traditional poses and loosen up hamstrings to help prevent back pain, knee pain, and foot pain and rediscover freedom in movement.
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 3: Core strengthening
Overview: Turn up the heat and build strength in the core which is really the center of all movements. A strong core provides better balance and better posture.
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 4: Heart opening
Overview: Stretch and strengthen the spine to help keep the back strong and mobile. These backbending/chest opening poses affect not just the physical structure of the chest where the heart resides, but the energetic and emotional capacity (love, compassion, acceptance, gratitude).
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 5: Hip opening
Overview: Release tight hips for better posture and to reverse the effects of constant sitting and facilitate the movement of stagnant energy throughout the body.
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Sign up and I will send you the details.

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Functional medicine
Christine Foutch
May 20, 2024, 19:00
Anxiety - At Home Privacy Therapy - Holistic Health Consultations

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Consultations For Anxiety
Educational Anxiety Interventions
Written Educational Guide

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