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Transform Loneliness into Joy

healing session
English, Italian
$90 USD
$90 USD

Available also in Italian and French
For people trying to fill a void. Stop feeling bad and learn to recognize your own success, in order to become calmer and more peaceful.

If you do not know how to recognize all your own worth and you are not recognizing your accomplishments enough, despite the effort, your feel insufficient.


To stop exhausting yourself and learn to recognize and accept ALL of your emotions, even the most vulnerable, without judging yourself, to create situations of lightness and gratitude.

If you feel very tired when you do not know how to listen, understand and express your real needs and therefore also to see and accept your own limits. If for fear of missing out on opportunities, you finds yourself in difficult situations, possibly in a short time for fear of wasting time, in which your sooner or later feel exhausted.


If you want o stop believing that you have to do everything on your own and keep everything under control. If you want to learn to cultivate confidence in good people and in life, to feel a calm and happy person.

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Heraklion, Greece

Every person is different with unique path and life purpose.
Former researcher and scientist, my goal is to accompany to transform fear and blockages into consciousness and freedom.

With approaches of ThetaHealing® and NLP, together, we co-create healing and reveal your connection to your higher self and to the Everything.
Ph.D. Bioengineer, ThetaHealer, NLP Master Practitioner

On Core Spirit since January 2021

Theta Healing
Anna Ramazzotti
May 22, 2024, 06:00
Transform Loneliness into Joy

Available also in Italian and French
For people trying to fill a void. Stop feeling bad and learn to recognize your own success, in order to become calmer and more peaceful.

If you do not know how to recognize all your own worth and you are not recognizing your accomplishments enough, despite the effort, your feel insufficient.


To stop exhausting yourself and learn to recognize and accept ALL of your emotions, even the most vulnerable, without judging yourself, to create situations of lightness and gratitude.

If you feel very tired when you do not know how to listen, understand and express your real needs and therefore also to see and accept your own limits. If for fear of missing out on opportunities, you finds yourself in difficult situations, possibly in a short time for fear of wasting time, in which your sooner or later feel exhausted.


If you want o stop believing that you have to do everything on your own and keep everything under control. If you want to learn to cultivate confidence in good people and in life, to feel a calm and happy person.

Theta Healing
Anna Ramazzotti
May 22, 2024, 06:00
Find your Way when Lost at SmartWork

Available also in English and French
For mothers and fathers, who are multitasking in spite of them, who work extra hours with no boundaries between work and personal life.
Smartwork burnout that has also involved high school and university students for many months.
To explore your specific, unique and wonderful way to cope with the current situation of telework stress and facilitate the changes that are best suited to your well-being, balance with family and relationships and respect for your life.
Focusing on feeling good in every moment of your life, living without worrying in every moment, finding the feeling of confidence

Anna Ramazzotti
Knowing what you see, saying what you think. Not so simple.

Knowing what you see, saying what you think.


Simple and obvious isn’t it ?!

Yet numerous experiments have shown that individuals submit to what the group dictates … at the expense of common sense!


Under the effect of the cognitive conflict given by the numerical importance of the majority, the unanimity of the majority, the social support or consensus of the majority.


We are interested in the unconscious origin of the mechanisms that generate conformity

✅ Anxiety; sense of fear of disapproval from others

✅ sense of being in the wrong with respect to the group.

✅ adjustment to avoid being excluded from the group, despite the knowledge that the group is wrong.


And we intend to accompany towards a greater, up to the complete freedom of thought and actions.


Do you recognize yourself? Do you think you are immune to it?

Let’s see together the experiment of the American psychologist Solomon Asch, published in 1951, which studies the power of conformity on the decisions of an individual within a group.


Each participant was invited to take a seat in a room to participate, had been informed, in a visual perception experience.


In the room there were already seven other accomplices of the experimenter. The participant was positioned so that he was the last to answer the questions posed.


Participants were presented with two images: a first with a single line and a second with 3 lines. They had to indicate which of the 3 lines had the same length as the first. The correct answers were easy and obvious to give.


At the beginning of the experiment, the accomplices gave the correct answer and the participants also gave the correct answer more than 99% of the time.


After a while, the accomplices sometimes unanimously gave the wrong answer. In these cases, the rate of incorrect responses from participants was 33%.

Hence, without coercion, reward or punishment, people have a tendency to “conform” to the majority while personally having a different opinion, which has been called the “Asch effect”. “

For those who refuse to believe it, this experience has been repeated many times, even by the famous Milgram, and with different variations in order to determine the influence of factors such as the number of accomplices, number of naive participants, difficulty or ambiguity of the task, men vs women, personalities, participants belonging to individualistic vs collectivist societies.

Anna Ramazzotti
Crisis •  Is it real?



Sharing with you a text that I really like on the subject of the Crisis, I take the opportunity to feed the famous two birds with one fruit (I am against animal violence).


An ancient Chinese Taoist legend tells the story of a farmer who lived in a very poor village. The villagers found him lucky because he owned a horse.

One day the horse ran away. The people of the village came to see the farmer and saw the disaster. But the farmer only said “maybe”.

A few days later, the horse returned accompanied by two wild horses. The villagers then came to visit the farmer to celebrate this fortune. He just said “maybe”. His son then took it into his head to tame the horses and it was while he was riding one that he fell and broke his leg. The villagers came to express their condolences for this difficulty. The farmer only said “maybe”.

Then the soldiers came to occupy the village and organise a forced conscription. His son was not caught because of his broken leg. When the villagers came to visit to rejoice at how lucky he had been, the farmer simply said “maybe”.


Pigeon One:

The meaning of an event depends on the context and one’s attitude. It is a question of perception.

I agree and like it very much; places each event in a broader context and in an energy of harmony. 🏵️

What do you think about it?


The text was in a blog article that continues indicating that the Chinese ideogram for CRISIS is made up of 2 parts, one meaning danger and the other meaning opportunity.

Before proposing it again, however, I went to check different sources and sources of sources; well, in Chinese the ideogram used to express CRISIS is not at all composed of danger + opportunity but of

Danger + “incipient moment, crucial point; when something starts or changes”!


It is quite another thing and it is even richer and more beautiful. It is an invitation to embrace and welcome the complexity and change without judgment, the very nature of reality in constant evolution. ✨


Pigeon Two:

I’m not saying that we must always do a titanic job of deepening all the topics in the world, but doubting is our responsibility to set ourselves free.


Of course, the solutions made are attractive, simple and usable, but at the expense of the beauty of complexity, the nuances of truth and our freedom.


In the absence of time and desire, the verification can be postponed until later, but you cannot give up asking questions;

at least leave the question open and free.


Like pigeons;

because in the end I took them but then I leave them free !!! ☺️💕



To deepen (a lot), check the works of Victor H. Mair, professor of Chinese language and literature at the University of Pennsylvania, with the contribution of Denis Mair and Zhang Liqing.

Anna Ramazzotti
ThetaHealing® what is that?



What is that?

It is an important natural and innate healing method.

However, while we are all capable of it by nature, it has been defined in a structured way and with this name only since 1995.


During a state of deep meditation the dominant vibration wave of the brain is called Theta.

In this energetic state, stress and anxiety are reduced, deep relaxation is produced, mental clarity, creativity and intuition are enhanced, pain is minimized and euphoria increases.


We feel naturally and deeply connected to the rest of the universe and to the existence that goes beyond ourselves.


With the precise intention and explicit consent of the person it is possible to evoke and integrate a change by releasing blocks and fears.


Does it sound like magic? 🪄

This magic works at the cellular level on the principles of two exciting fields of science:

🧞 Quantum physics, which tells us that we are not beings made up of tiny fragments of matter, but rather MATRIXES of energy with the potential to change instantly;

🧚 Epigenetics (which literally means “above the role of genes”) which indicates that it is NOT our genes that are the primary factors in determining our health but the environment.


I am a certified ThetaHealer® and since I have known him I have witnessed wonderful changes that many years would not have solved ✨


And you? What do you magically want to heal and change?

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Dear John I welcome your doubts. It is said that the universe, which includes all of us and all of our reality, is made of inexhaustible energy continuously accessible to everyone. It might be interesting for you to explore together what your own beliefs are on this subject, so as to adapt them to make your life freer of doubts and fears. Many other things may be interesting and useful. : ) In short: definitely yes, it works for you <3

John Persey3y ago

Hello! I am over 50… Will this session work for me? Or am I a little too old? I mean I am not as energetic as young people, so can I be sure that everything will work for me?

Hello Sherry, thank you for your question.
From any session you can expect for sure some positive change; this could solve entirely your problem or partially depending on the issue you experience;
I could not tell you in advance, without knowing your specific need.
The approach is very powerful and straight forward, though very benevolent and respectful, with the purpose to make changes in the as much sharp, precise and efficient way as possible.
In the state Theta (you remain conscious! your brain and all you will simply be more relaxed and connected with more intuition, creativity, spirituality) we work together on the sub-atomic energy of some specific subconscious beliefs of yours; those beliefs which are at the origin of the programs that govern the feelings and behaviours which create issues in your life actually.
I hope this helps and already make you feel confident and aware of your infinite, divine and innate capacity to change and heal for your best.
With Love

Theta Healing
Anna Ramazzotti
May 22, 2024, 06:00
Transform Loneliness into Joy
Theta Healing
Anna Ramazzotti
May 22, 2024, 06:00
Find your Way when Lost at SmartWork
Sherry Turnbull3y ago

Hello! Could you please tell me, what results can I expect? How many sessions do I need to see the results?

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